Ain’t This Weather Grand? 3/4/19.


Brought to you bywaderight2-50

Stop by and see them at the Houston Fishing Show  March 6 – 10th.


What happens when a lesbian, an oncologist, and fisherman meet in a bar?

I have always maintained that I have “fishdar”.  What is that?  A variation from the gay comedians who claim they can spot another gay person do to their “gaydar”.  The same happens to us fishermen, we can often spot each a mile away.  Which leads me to the following.  What happens when a lesbian, an oncologist, and fisherman meet in a bar?  Of course the conversation gets around to fishing!

We spent the weekend in San Antonio, staying at the Havana, a really cool 1914 remodeled hotel.  The bar is awesome.  Down in the basement, it is lit only with red candles all around, one of those places if you are ever in town and want to have an adult beverage I highly recommend it.  But to my point –

The lesbian was there with her significant other, and there were 4 other people there, who had obviously been having a good time.  So of course we are all chatting.  We found out he was a physician.  He, his wife, and another couple flew to San Antonio for a long weekend to escape the ridiculously cold weather of Green Bay.  The lesbian and girlfriend were from San Antonio.  Once Green Bay came up of course as a life long Bear fan I had to needled them.  No longer running feud than Bears/Packers.  And then what happened?  The conversation turned to fishing.

Before it was over it was a marling fishing, sturgeon stabbing, walleye catching good time.  All of us who fish speak that common language.  A love of fishing crosses all orientations, economic station,  and geographic locations.  We all had one thing in common if nothing else, a love of fishing.  And we all have a story.  You just never know.

*******************Fresh or salt it has a place in your arsenal. 


I got this comment from Rick following my bay exploits of last week.

Great report. I really look forward to your salt water adventures and like the way you share your exact techniques with all your readers of the blog. A guy like me only gets to go 3-4 times a year, so when I do get to go I’m a lot better prepared, thanks to you. So leave them overgrown green mud minnows alone and keep busting those trout and reds. Besides, you know a 17 inch trout tastes better than any bass that ever hit the grease. Keep up the great job you’re doing.

First I will agree, fresh trout definitely taste better than a “green mud minnow”, but we eat them both.  I do admit my trout fishing skills are not my strong suit but I have my moments.  Last trip was a perfect example.  It took me 4 wades to finally sink in, (I have been known to flog a dead horse as they say, which you know if you read this stuff.) they had deserted those shallow clear banks.  So it was only logical, go small, go deep, go light.  I think the fall rate on the 1/32 jig head and little plastic is so slow, it does take patience, they just can not stand it.  And when it is like that they just suck it in, really reminds me of all the crappie fishing I did while guiding.  Watching that tiny jig sinking so slow then seeing the line jump!  Gotcha!  And to your comment about being a little better prepared, that is the whole point of this blog.  I may not know much, but when it helps anyone it keeps me writing.  Thanks for the compliment.


And your point about only getting here a few times a year brings up another subject.  Over the years I have met some really great folks due to the blog, and have been fortunate enough to get to fish with a few of you.  If things work out I try to fish with folks who comes this way, my apologies to those I missed.  And getting to fish with other folks has definitely made me a better fisherman.  (And I am always down with a boat ride in someone else’s boat.)  So if any of you are headed this way drop me a line.  Not saying it will always work out but I love to hitch a ride.  So give me some notice, you never know.


Last year when the Lew’s SLP baitcasters were on sale at Bass Pro I bought 3, and I love them.  They are back on sale again both online in the Cabela’s bargain cave and in the spring Bass Pro sales flyer.  At $79 they are worth every penny.  I have been using them extensively for over a year in freshwater without so much as a hitch in the git along.  I have not used them in the salt but will be picking up another and will use it exclusively in the salt to see how it holds up.  And speaking of reels I will give props to the Okuma I bought at Dicks over a year ago, it has been used only in the salt and has held up great.


I have commented on the Marker 54 hard shrimp before, it really caught the fish in the Chandeleur Islands.  Not only did it catch bull reds and trout, it held up to the abuse of several 25lb+ redfish.  The Tackle Box in Victoria is now carrying them.  They are not cheap by any stretch, but are made so solid that about the only way it will mess up is if you do and lose it.  So if you are a popping cork fan pick some up, it catches fish.  (And no free lures were involved in the making of this post.)


And since we are talking about fishing stuff I will be hanging out (Working if you call it that.) at the Controlled Descent booth at the Houston Fishing Show Thursday evening from around 4 or 5 until closing.  It will be fun talking fishing, as well as cruising the show looking for those bargains you just can not live without.  That is how I met the Wade Right guys, and their belt has turned into my favorite “accessory” other than the boat.  The point being there is no better place other than ICAST to find out what is new, usually getting a better deal to boot.  Plus with the weather being as crappy as it is it is a great time to hit the show.  Just bring your wallet.


And what report would be complete without one fish picture?  This is my buddy Aaron from early March 2012 ,when we smacked a ton of redfish, the first year of the blog.  Notice his shirt?  Wishin’ for some of that!  And illustrates using the month search for things that happened for the last 7 years can tell you something.  Time for a trip to Keller Bay.

It is 34 degrees, it might hit 38 today, which when combined with a 25mph north wind makes this a Monday no fishing day.  Dang it.  The low for tonight will be below freezing with a freeze watch in affect.  The next few days are no real improvement.  Daylight savings time is this weekend, the 10th, and this seems to be some crazy weather for this late.  So while it may suck, when it warms up a touch I might be headed to the lake for a few hours tomorrow afternoon in spite of high winds and cold temps.  A matter of taking what you can get.  As soon as it straightens up a little more it will be back to the bay.


So that is it for today from a bored retired fisherman who is watching fishing instead of going.  Like all real fisherman I am either doing it, thinking about it, or in my case writing about it.  So hope this was not to boring, one of my occasional worries doing this.  But it is what it is –  All I know is I was wishing I was fishing!  So keep stopping in, there will be a real report soon, and thanks for reading and commenting.  Keeps an old guy busy.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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