This and That 2/17/19.


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Though I said that Coleto was off my plate for a while I did fish a couple of hours yesterday afternoon.  We had some banking and shopping to do this morning and after the Boss and I ate lunch it was 1:00, the weather was beautiful, so I decided, against my better judgement, to see if I could change my Coleto fishing luck.  Unfortunately the fishing, at least for me, remains tough.

This is just proof I went fishing.  It was tough.

You often hear the following excuse when some folks do not catch anything, especially from bass fishermen, I was just looking.  In my case since I have sucked the last little bit I really did make a just looking plan.  The water color is terrible, and I was surprised that the water temp in most places and is still in the low to mid 60’s, actually down a little from Monday.  And why some of the coves still look like mud holes I do not have a clue.  This is one time I wish I had a PH meter.  Something is wrong, I just can not put my finger on it.  And one thing, no real baitfish activity in places where we should be seeing them.

So the plan, primarily spend the few hours fishing places that normally have spring fish, places I have not fished this “spring”, using that term loosely.  Unfortunately most were totally non-productive.  I have one spot, way back in a big pocket where there is a little pond that I call “Land of the Big Ones” once the spawn is on the  way.  I rarely see any boats there, and it has produced some of my biggest fish.  But nada!  And the water color even in the back of that cove, and most others, is ugly.

From that point on it was main lake places, coves, places that should have fish, and before it was over, 3 bites.  One on buzzbait, it was 12″ at best, one on Bang O Lure, which I missed because I could not see my bait, and the little one above on a swim jig.  All the bites came near a point of some sort.  So finally at 5:00 the great experiment was over.  I give.

*******************Fresh or salt it has a place in your arsenal.


When I got to the ramp it was real apparent that there was going to be a tournament Saturday. more trailers than I have seen this winter combined.  As I pulled up to unload there was a bass boat changing props and a gentleman walked over and the question – “Are you the blog guy?”  Bo introduced himself and we talked fishing.  They have a day and half tourney this weekend and had fished this morning.  The total, 1 around 3 pounds pitching a creature bait, and a few smalls.

They are experienced tournament fisherman on Coleto, his partner had a 10 in the past, but they were basically as confused as I am.  But as usual great to meet folks who read the blog.  Funny how I hear from the saltwater guys so much more than bass fishermen, but have met so many more readers at the lake.  No matter, just happy to meet any of you.  And good luck to Bo and his buddy this weekend, sorry I was no help.  But with a good number of boats someone will hurt them, they always do.  And Bo if you read this drop a comment, we would all be interested to hear if any fish were caught.


One thing I have noticed is folks who when they receive free tackle from their sponsors love to post a picture on Facebook.  And just exactly what is the purpose of that?  To show how great you are?  It is not fair to your sponsors, and definitely not fair to the millions of us who have to buy our own tackle.  So good for you, but you do not have to rub it in folks face.


When we stopped in the McAllen tackle show I wanted to say hi to Joshua, the owner of Marker 54 fishing lures.  I met him on the Chandeleur mother ship trip.  We ended up fishing 3 days together and I saw his shrimp lures in action.

This is how we started our trip, and it went UPHILL from there!

They catch fish, and he caught some serious bull reds on his hard shrimp.  They flat loved it.  And his soft plastics does something no other bait can, they land upright on their legs.  Crazy how he has achieved that, but it really works

Took a beating and kept on catching.  The hard shrimp is basically indestructible. 

And the hard bait will survive most anything if you do not lose it.  He has a new weedless shrimp is innovative and can be rigged for forward glide or backward glide, always landing on their little feet.  So take a minute and check out his website.  The hard shrimp under a popping cork works, and is a great bait for folks you fish with who are not that experienced.  Pop it and hold on.  I saw it work on the water and it catches fish.  If you get to the Houston Fishing Show look him up.


Let the Back Biting Begin –  I call BS on MLF.

While watching the MLF this weekend I also visited the BASS website to read about Rick Clunn winning on the St. Johns at the ripe young age of 72 y/o.  Gotta love it.  You could easily argue he is the best of all time, and winning over multiple decades is a feat no one else can top.  Some of the comments on the site were interesting to say the least.  Let the back biting, and my stuff is better than your stuff whining, begin.

First a bunch of comments were directed at Mike Iaconelli, who left for MLF.  Clunn won the tournament the 4th day with 2 over 9lbs.  One is on video and he plays it the cool customer he is.  He is not only well respected but also one of the real cerebral fisherman out there.  He hooks it, in the live well and out with the smallest.  Several comments compared how he acted versus Iaconelli acting the fool, which is his shtick when he catches a big fish.  Or maybe it is not a shtick and he really is crazier than a loon.

Second, some made fun of the MLF for being a “keep them all” fishing tourney.  Several were not impressed with watching guys catch a bunch of small ones.  One comment trashed MLF for catching lots of small fish by putting that against Clunn catching 35lbs with 5 fish on day 4.  I agree, no contest as far as catching goes, but both tournaments styles are just different.  The MLF is more like what happens to us regular folks, we head out with a limited time to catch them and have to figure it out quick.

A lot has to do with some folks thinking that the guys who left BASS and FLW were traitors who somehow owed those organizations.  Sorry, if that is what they felt they had to do financially for their family who can criticize that?  Come on boys, if you make decisions about your work and future based on something other than what is good for your family and your future I would be interested in hearing another good reason.   I watch MLF and enjoy it, but today they stooped a little low.

The MLF is showing a little blurb/commercial where they tout how much better they are because they weigh and release immediately.  Then they show some fish in the bag at weigh in, then being dumped back in the lake.  The implication both stated and implied is their way is the only good way for the fish.  So what they are telling all of you regular tournament and club guys is that you suck.  Self serving and petty, I hope this is not how it is going to go as the competition heats up.  I often lament where fishing is going, and this is a perfect example.  So MLF, you don’t have to be a horse’s ass about things.  Try taking the high road.

Thought for the Day

Ever heard this from someone?  You need to forget the past.  Funny, most of the time that comes from the person who wishes you would forget their actions, or lack there of.  They are nothing more than a hypocrite.


We will be off for a couple of days of adult fun in Louisiana then time to give the coast the attention it deserves.  While many of the online reports have not been all the big on numbers there is some really big trout being caught.  The only question left, Upper Laguna or Port Mansfield?  And speaking of that, while searching on VRBO I found a small cabin for $70 a night.  On checking the final total for 2 nights it was $240.  Hmmmm…..the cost of a good time.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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