Never Again 1/31/19.


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The Flu Shot

“Get a flu shot.”  The older you get the more you hear that.  So to be a good patient I got mine over a month ago.  The tech at Walgreens said I even got a “special” one, which I assumed was for the “elderly.”  Then last week the Boss was sick a day or two, a cold we guessed, and then Saturday it began.  And since Saturday I have been immobile, sicker than a dog with the flu.  It was bad enough I have no particular memory of Tuesday and most of Wednesday, other than I was miserable.  And it was rough enough it hit all the systems.  Perfect.  So here it is Thursday and I am thinking about putting on some real clothes.  So I guess my point about all this is no more flu shots for me.  This is the second year in a row I have gotten pretty sick in spite of the flu shot.  So next year no shot.  Will it make a difference?  Who knows but why bother if the results are the same.  All I know is it was a wasted week.

*******************Fresh or salt it has a place in your arsenal.


According to a post I saw online TPWD is proposing that the speckled trout regulations be standardized by going to a 5 fish limit state wide.  All I have to say about that is it is the best idea I have heard in a while.  With more folks on the water it just makes sense.  But I could not find the proposal on their website but will keep watching regularly to see when the public comment period comes.   Remember if you feel strongly, but don’t comment, don’t whine when it comes out differently from what you prefer.


And speaking of TPWD the Warden Blotter had another fool arrested after posting online video and pictures of his illegal activity.  Like I keep saying look out what you post because somebody is watching.  And this idiot got exactly what he deserved.


Terry sent me some tips on Buchanan after I met him at Falcon.

Great report, I am one of the Weatherford guys, we caught a bunch on Friday, 4-7 pounds. I have some info on Buchanan for you, send me an email.

All I have to say after looking at what he sent me all I have to say is wow.  It warms my heart when I find folks who share information in a real sense.  Thanks Terry, when those striper filets are sizzling in the pan I will send you a big thank you.


And I got this very important question from Matt.

Thinking about taking the kids on Sunday afternoon to try white bass in Coleto. How far up creek have you been running? Past the Schroeder bridge?

Also, if this rain ever settles down, Texana is loaded with whites.

Email sent last week.  Hope they catch a few, always fun to watch kids catch fish.  And nothing beats time on the water with the kids, they grow up way to fast.  And folks white bass in spring are one of the best fish to keep kids interested.  So make time to take a couple fishing, they might get hooked for life.


And for some reason I have not had the good fortune to hook up with the Austin Boys like usual this last few months.  They are coming to POC next weekend while the Boss and I are meeting family on South Padre.  If the wind is not to stout I will be taking the boat and hope to get in a Saturday of snook fishing in the Brownsville Ship channel.  But with the way my fishing luck has run lately who knows.

I also heard from my buddy Dan, the professional writer who I fished with on what has turned out to be an ongoing quest to catch a Share A Lunker.  He just fished a day on Lake Fork with a good guide and guess what?  Not a bite.  Making it a little hard for him to narrow down the focus of his article.  Maybe not catching one is the point.

Catching a bass over 8lbs, much less a DD, is a lot tougher than one might think.   Like all “big” fish, a relative term based on species, putting yourself on the right body of water at the right time definitely increases your odds, but only in a small way.  Ultimately nothing beats time on the water, except some simple luck, end of story.  Take it from a guy who knows.  I caught my 3 personal bests in one 24 hour period on Falcon, after 35 years of hard core bass fishing.  So keep after it Dan, it can happen any minute.  Maybe what we need to do is hit Falcon for a week and fish dawn to dusk, you just never know.


That is all there is today, I just wanted to let you know I am still upright and taking nourishment.  After this little hiatus it will be back on the water somewhere.  You never want to go fishing any more than when you can’t.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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