Garcitas Creek day 2. 11/20/18.


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Initially I figured Garcitas would be up today just based on the wind forecast.  And they got that right.  It was one of those clear cold days with a steady 15mph biting wind out of the north.  It never did warm up and I think I made the right choice based on the wind.  When it blows out to the north the Lavaca can be a pain to fish, but tomorrow I will try to get there a little earlier than I have been.


64/42.  Partly Cloudy with 0% chance of rain.  Wind  NNE 10 – 20 mph.


Low   9:35 AM     0.6.       High  11:47 PM  1.0.

Solunar Times

None relevant to today’s trip.


Redfish Candy!


It was about 10:30 or so when I got to the ramp.  The water may have cleared a little bit from the other day.  While I was unloading the boat a truck pulls up and couple of guys get out.  I figured it was someone wanting to see how the fishing was, and while that was true, it was Rusty, our resident Fayette guru, and his newly retired friend Larry.  They were just driving around checking stuff out when they saw me on the way to the ramp.  More on that in a bit.

They were not as big and plentiful today but still good fishing.

The tide was out, and the water was not moving.  The temp was 57 degrees and down river still has plenty of color.  I headed to where I caught them the other day and let the wind push me down the bank.  Throwing the same plastic shrimp on a popping cork with a 24″ leader was up first.   As I headed down the bank another boat came upriver and started behind me.

The first pass I caught 9 redfish, most rats but with the occasional keeper tossed in.  After the front you could tell the difference in the way they bit.  Sometimes the cork would just “waffle” and then they would take it down.  Of course where I caught them the other boat ended up staying right on top of them.  But hey, it is a big creek with plenty of places to fish and I needed to fish some other areas.

The only trout that might have measured today.

Of and on I threw plastics on a jig head but they were not having it, I threw it hoping for a few more trout.  Additionally with the number of reds in the area I figured the Redfish Magic spinnerbait was a no brainer.  It was actually also no Bueno, and I gave it plenty of time.  That did surprise me, I wonder if the water is just to murky and that is why the popping cork is the only consistent producer.

The rest of the afternoon I just let the wind move me down the banks alternating but always coming back to the popping cork.  It was probably a total of 20 or so, and only 4 were trout.  On the way down I fished a bank that is usually good without a bite.  On the way back I hit another better bank way up river and did catch one rat red.  I am not totally convinced there is not some fish up river, but it just may be to fresh for them.  I give the fishing a B+.  This is a great time of year.


Shooting the breeze with Rusty he told me that the folks at Fayette County lake are intentionally killing the grass.  I am really sorry to hear that.  The lake hardly had enough to cause problems, at least as far as I know, but there must be some rationale.  Losing grass usually comes with a decrease in water color and it sure does not help the fish or the fishing.  To bad, the loss of grass sure has not helped Coleto.


And when I posted that link to the Corp of Engineers proposals I head from Colby Sorrels.

Thanks a bunch for posting the “plans” for work along the coast. I see by what “they” are planning some real damage to the ecosystem. I will be going to the meeting and I will be sending in a letter. I sure hope a lot of folks see this because “they” are about to make some big changes to areas we all fish. From what I see some of the changes will definitely be for the worse. Folks, look at these maps and be sure you understand what is about to take place. Colby S

Colby has been a writer for Gulf Coast Fisherman for decades. He is also the author of Flyfisher’s Guide to the Texas Coast: Includes Light Tackle (Flyfisher’s Guides), which is available on and I respect his knowledge and opinion.  So  thanks for the heads up.  Just glancing at one local project my initial thought was – why?  So time to read them all.  I wish I had something good to say about some of the Corps projects, but living on Corp ground, and working at a boat dock on their lake, we dealt with them for years, and it was not always a great experience.  So time to read all of it and take the time to comment.  Like I said, don’t comment, don’t whine.  Good to hear from you.

Hey, if you have time to read this drivel take a minute and look it over.  It is important.


The redfishing both on the river and the bay is just to good to not catch right now.  In the morning it will be off to the Lavaca.  The wind will be down some and I owe a guy a trip so need to see if I can catch them and give him a call.  Hopefully the color will be better and the trout fishing to go along with that.  And then it will be back to the lake to see what is going on there.  The Boss is working the holiday so I guess I will have to suck it up and keep fishing this week.  Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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