“Where the f%#* are the big fish?” 9/28/18.


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“Where the f*#* are the big fish?”

Now that would be fairly strong language for the title of a post, but it in this case it is right on point.  There were heavy clouds and it was humid when I got to the lake.  It was almost 10:30 when I started on the first bank.  So first up was the same color and size 2.5 squarebill that bit me yesterday.  And low and behold I caught a bass pretty quick, 1 bass, despite throwing it off and on all day.  The problem, he hit it right when it hit the water without a crank.  Now you would think if one hits it on top right on the bank that a topwater might work, not so much.  The water is still really off color and the temp is in the 84 and 85 degree range all over the lake.

The one and only on the squarebill.            The run of the mill swim jig fish.

As I fished a grassy bank a bass boat came around the corner and stop right next to me and yelled – “Where the f*#% are the big fish?”  Usually when folks stop and talk it is because of the blog, but not this time.  He is not a happy tournament fisherman.  Right off the bat I know the answer – “I don’t have a f’in clue.”  His club is here to fish a tournament this weekend and several boats from their club were out the last 2 days.  Yesterday and today, as a group not one of them caught a good one either day.  Exactly my sentiment, but he said it more eloquently than I can.    As usual love talking to any of you I meet on the water.

So it remains tough.  In about 4 2/2 hours I caught 6 or 7, and might have missed a good one on the swim jig along with several others.  Whatever, it was one of those bites that just swam up behind it and kept on going, often those are the big ones.  I hate missing that one, when I am fishing it regularly I generally stick those.  But that would be the size of it, one here, one there. It seems like you can catch one on this and one on that, but nothing particular suits their fancy.  And it seems the good fish have done a disappearing act.  Fishing is slow and it is probably one of those find the pattern, or more important right now location, find that and there is probably a wad of them.

When I got home I took all the freshwater stuff out of the boat.  Time to let someone else figure it out, I am ready for some redfish.  We are going to be wet a few days, and the nice thing about fall redfish is not sure they give a rats you know what about lowered salinity.  And according to the weatherman there may be another 3 or 4″ of rain on the way.

********************A new bait is coming!


One thing that is going on right now is there are big bunches of carp all over the lake doing that mouth open thing on the surface.  Not sure if it has anything to do with maybe lower o2 in the lake, or just eating some kind of plankton type stuff.  If anyone has an opinion let me know because I sure do not have a clue what they are doing.  One of the few times I wish I had an o2 and ph meter, might be telling.


I sure was pissed having to get off the water yesterday when it looked like they were about to get after it.  And to add a final stamp on the day, I ended up just mowing the lawn after getting home.  I should have just gone back out to the lake.  Dang it!  (I wrote this last night, after today I am not sure it matters what time you are on the lake.)


I read the Falcon Lake Tackle fishing blog regularly.  Falcon has lots, and I do mean lots, of huge alligator gar.  I know, I caught one years ago that was a beast.  TPWD has been conducting yearly netting surveys to see just how many there are, and this year was something.  In one day placing nets in a approximate 100 acre area they netted 123 alligator gar.  Think about it, that lake is 40,000 acres depending on water level, so how many are in the lake?  I just know that I caught a bass over 9lbs that had a line of tooth marks on it, her lucky day when she escaped.

The “badder” news is there was an incident involving a panga  full of what can only be described as Mexican gangsters.  There were shots fired in the water close to the boat and the US boat bugged out.  You see them there all the time but lately there are reports of pangas full of guys with guns scoping out fishermen.  Most folks think they are lookout boats, probably to let their “friends” bring drugs across when there is no law enforcement close.  They are currently recommending that you not fish the Mexican side.  Apparently there is some kind of turf war going on across the border.   Might be time for law enforcement to return big time and see what can be done, if anything.  One suggestion to law enforcement, do not go out in your regular boats which scream police, try using a bass boat and wearing street clothes.  If they are doing it then it won’t be long until they approach you.  Plus you get to fish all day.  Sorry, don’t mean to make them bait but they might be surprised.  I know I have seen the pangas run across the lake into a cove real fast and then back out, not to mention them illegally running gill nets on the US side, which I have hung up on in the past.  Sad it has come to this, we have a right to be safe anywhere in the US with a fishing pole in our hand.


 After my locator/bilge pump mounting extravaganza SA Joe sent along this comment

Love the repairs. Had a pump start leaking thru the canister. Went to replace and could not get out the canister without taking out center seat pole, move the fuel tank. So i decided to unscrew from inside the live well and moved it by angling it. Ordered 3 new canisters at $25 each. Whew I got a deal and it was easy–YEAH RIGHT !!!!

A whole setup cost $36. Go to tighten in the livewell, overtighten and the intake breaks. Now i have to order the outer casing at $22 ea. take the advice and replace the whole frickin thing. I got screwed paying an extra $11 ea x3=$33. Thats alot of beer. Take in the $15 for shipping. Their response, send them back and we’ll credit you. I misheard them thinking they were $18 ea for the casings.

I don’t mean to laugh but been there and feel your pain.  I went to Lowes and the auto parts store 3x’s before the job was done.  We all make fun of Break Out Another Thousand, but it seems like it can nickle and die you to death.  But we soldier on, and when flying across the water as day breaks it is worth every penny.   Thanks for your comment, every boat owner can sympathize.


Football is on the schedule and the Hogs have A&M.  Though Bama whipped their butt last week A&M did ok.  It was one of those games where the outcome was apparent, it was a slow beat down.  The Hogs on the other hand suck, or worse if there is such a thing.  So unless we rise up A&M  should take it out on us tomorrow.  And the Cowboys,  as the kids say WTF?  Talk about offensive ineptitude, they are the epitome of ineffective.  This year “my” teams are just not playing that well.


It was a little eye opening fishing the last few weeks without a functioning GPS.  Not sure I understood how much I rely on it.  But that problem is solved and the little short trips to the lake to confirm it all works are over.  Time to get off my rear end and back to wading.  So have a great weekend and be nice.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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