Grand Isle – Day 3 – Saturday 9/15/18.


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I headed out for the house at 6:00 am and it took exactly 8 1/2 hours.  Sunday morning is a great time to make some miles before the traffic gets to heavy on I10.  And when I hit Houston it was like the twilight zone, I think I only had to slow down twice, a rare happening.  Today will be getting things organized and then back to it.


87/80.  Increasing clouds during day with a 50% chance of thunderstorms.  Wind  WNW 5 – 10.


High  1:56 am  +1.3.  Low  1:48 pm  -0.4.

********************A new bait coming soon!


Turn Out the Lights – The Party is Over!

I know you can’t really see him, but I was real surprised to see a gator.  Didn’t know they were this far down.

A great way to end the trip.  It was going to be hot with mild winds so it was back to the marsh as I knew I would quit early to get organized.  (In other words watch a little football later this afternoon.)   Also the neighbors have stayed with the trout the last 3 days and have stuggled, even with plenty of trips here and live bait.  So it made sense to just go whack a few more reds and call it a trip.  There is just something about a redfish bite on spinnerbait that I love.  Plus, never leave fish to find fish and today was the perfect example of getting the most out of the trip.

When I hit the ramp at 7:30 the tide was running to beat the band, by far the best flow of the trip.  It was going to be spinnerbait the rest of the morning, and I started in a place where I have caught them on a past trip, near houses with lots of cover, pilings, and trash.  A couple jumped on right away.  And from then on it was one here, two there, but always a something anywhere I tried.

This was one thick red.

It was strictly power fishing today.  A few new places, and the old reliable places.  I knew I would miss the prime time so I covered the miles.  The water moved heavy until about noon, and got as low as it has this trip.  I fished until 1:30 and they bit fairly well all morning.  In fact, when I quit there were oysters on one bar out of the water, first time I have seen that.  Probably should have stayed, it was about to get right.  Not sure my poor old hands and fingers could take much more.  They are rough.

The marsh is a redfish nursery, and there are plenty this size and smaller.  But I never met a red I did not like!

Had one charge out of nowhere and smoked it right at the boat.  Cool bite.  The biggest one of the morning was in about 6″ of water and it was cool dragging him through the mud.  Several came in the boat the last 3 days by simply seeing a mud, a bust, or that slight disturbance in the force.  It was really a case of keep it in the water and they will come.  With the water color I was able to use 20lb XT, and it really helped to be able to muscle them when around trash.

The last fish of the day.

This is one great place if you like redfish.  And I will say it again, if you own a kayak and use it this is the place.  Folks launch all along the road in the Grand Isle area, and the only boat I saw fishing in the marsh this morning was a kayak, and he was in an area I would not have tried to get to in the boat.  To go along with that, as I fished down a channel where I catch some of my best reds there is a big pothole I could not get at it and they were in there having at it.  When the water falls out in to the narrow channel it is a great place for good ones.  In fact that happens all over the marsh.  This marsh is in the 20 square mile range and there are fish that never see a lure.  Wish it was closer, I would make the trip more often.

Reading the reports over the last few years this is a time of transition for the trout in Grand Isle.  From about now, as fall and winter come, they seem to spread out and the fishing is not its usual consistent.  Then as it gets cold many of them swim way the hell up the marsh to Golden Meadows, which is 20 miles from the Gulf.  There is an area of really deep water from old mines where they winter.  Of course the guides are still killing them right now, and with the 25 fish limit fairly common the trout fishing is nothing to sneeze at.  Next time I plan to stay a few more days and see if I can figure that out.

That about covers it and I give this trip a B+.  Nice to get the redfish fix I have been needing.  Now for our fall to come and the reds to start really ganging up.  And as it looks like you have had lots of rain since I left the lake should be on the way up.  Not sure if it has been enough to start affecting the bay with fresh water.  The only way to know is to go and Tuesday morning I will be back at it somewhere!

And a last couple of comments on football.  I have seen my Hogs stink up the place but Saturday was nuts.  North Texas State, the Boss’s alma mater, beat us like yard dogs.  And when somehow the punt team thought the guy made a fair catch and just stopped playing, letting him go 90+ yards untouched, was maybe one of the worst plays in the history of football.  At least the Cowboys got back on track.  Football and fishing, ain’t fall grand?  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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