I Got To Go Fishing! 1/26/18.


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I missed the trailer guys call yesterday, all I know was that mine was done.  So up this morning and ready to hit Houston but when I spoke with them it was going to be Monday before they could do the final fitting.  So with that change I hooked up the Mako and headed to the lake for the third day in a row.

It was almost 60 degrees and flat calm as I headed up lake.  It drizzled off and on all day, and that was how long I fished.  Immediately I caught one on a jerk bait, which is either a bad thing or a good thing.  Fishing the rest of that bank without success I turned around and re-fished it with the 1/2oz jig and craw trailer and caught 3 more.  One thing has become real apparent, most of the jig fish are shallow, coming in the first couple of hops.  And though I caught several on jerk bait, the jig is still producing the good fish.  I kept with it the rest of the morning, catching a couple here, one there, just enough to keep it interesting.  At least there is a legitimate shot at a good one every day.

Though I am still only catching 8 – 10 bass a trip, a couple of these makes up for it.

One thing I wanted to check today was the white bass.  So I took the LTS instead of the skiff and it was interesting to see the water temp.  It was 58 in the ramp cove, 63 in front of the big intake cove, 59 at the bridge, and 56 way up.  So being warm enough there should be some white bass in the river so around 1:30 I put on a small crank bait and caught one on my first cast in 4 foot of water.  Then another, and another.

After a while I started trolling and it was a periods of mayhem.  Though not all that big, they never are on Coleto, they were willing with lots of doubles.  It was simply a matter of finding the right speed, which was 3mph, and then any shad imitation that ran about 4 foot deep.  After a while I was ripping the baits forward on occasion, and they would smack it.  I ended up trolling until I quit at 4:30 because the fish just kept biting.  I kept saying, “Last pass” and it never came until I quit.  Most were in 6 – 9 foot deep, and would re-act on turns and jerking it.  Otherwise just keep it in the water and hold on.

All the same year class there were lots of them.  Good eaters, there is a killing coming Sunday.

White bass fishing has been a part of my fishing for 40 years and I look forward to it every year.  Trolling is not part of my normal fishing, but you can put a whoppin’ on early spring white bass and it is a quick way to locate them.  And if it gets boring, (Catching fish can get boring?) or you want to do something different, you can cast crankbaits, spoons, or throw jigs after you locate them trolling.  But no matter how you catch them, and there is lots to be said about catching fish for 3 hours, and that is exactly how long it lasted.  Fun day.


I try to put just enough pictures when I post to give the reader a good idea about how it went.  There are pictures, but then there are pictures.  I had the pleasure to fish a day at POC with Terry last fall and have kept in touch ever since.  All I have to say is the boy can put them in the boat.

Last month.  That is not a fish, that is a FREAK!


Terry is the owner of Trophy Hunters Guide Service on Lake Texoma and as you can see he gets it done. Both monster catfish, and I mean lots, or steady limits of stripers, Terry is a good fisherman and a good guy to boot.  He also does airboat trips on the Red River below the dam and puts the whipping on them there.   Seriously, if you want to catch some fish, Terry is the guy.   The striper trip on the lake would be good for kids or inexperienced fishermen as his boat is big to handle Lake Texoma.  I hope to make it up there myself in the next few weeks.  Seriously, the stuff he puts on Facebook is amazing.


And here is a great report from Joe in SA.

So i’m not one for taking pictures cuz a bass looks like a bass unless its a FATTY !!! But yesterday was a good day on a little creek we have in san Antonio.
11 total.
One hit with 5 inches of line out coming back to the kayak-so 7ft rod + 5 inches=Almost crapped my pants !!!
2 missed. 1 of the missed hit my crawfish 3 times 3 casts, the last i set the hook and it came back empty. Must have had it by the pinchers…Enjoy the pics.

First love the pics, this ain’t Field and Stream Magazine.  Looks like you had a great trip and there is no better bite than one right out of the blue at the boat, the kind of strike we live for.  I never did get into the kayak thing, but grew up fishing and wading streams and love how intimate the fishing is when on small creeks.  And a couple of those are good fish for a small river, and they always seem spunkier on the “crick”. (Depends on where you grew up.)  Thanks for sending that along, I love getting other peoples reports.  Fish and where you catch them come on many sizes and places and it looks like you put it together.  And the rest of you, we all like to read real folks reports so feel free to send one along.


And there was a cosmic suggestion from the resident Head Banger.

An ethereal whispering coming through the mist…….river, river, river.

Ya’ think Billy might want to fish the river?  The real problem this time of year as the serious fishing begins, to many good bites, to many good fish, in way to many places.  For me it is just making sure to take advantage of certain things when they happen, in other words today.  Good to hear from you, and as usual your comments make me laugh.


I had hoped to fish a few days and with it being day 3 in a row I can not complain.  The bass fishing while slow as far as numbers go, has produced a good fish or two every day, including my biggest in a long time.  And today the white bass made an appearance, and Sunday I am taking a bunch on a meat haul trip, hope they hold up.  And the crappie fishing should be about to get in to full swing, so will have to break out that rod to hit all the usual suspects.  Like the white bass, once you get them down in early spring, it can be another consistent fishery.  This is my favorite time of year, and the serious fishing will continue.  Hopefully I can drag myself away from the lake next week and get in some wading.  It is big trout time and I need to get with that program.  Tomorrow I get my stuff back together, then back at it Sunday with friends.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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