Catching Fish on a New Bait 3/3/17.


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81/49  Cloudy with 20% chance of rain.  Wind East 15 -25mph.  (It never saw 80 and the wind was a particular pain in the butt today.)

Lake Level

Today  97.46 msl      Week ago Monday  97.27 msl

Nothing Like New Baits

Thursday I caught up on stuff after the trip to Travis, and with the wind expected to blow 20+ out of the east today, the lake was the obvious choice.  I was really surprised how much it has come up since I was there last week.  It is really in the shoreline brush, but unfortunately the rain last week dirtied the water, more as you head up lake.   But as it warms back up and starts to clear it is going to be off the chain.

The first 3 places where I have been catching them produced zip, places I normally would catch several.  Whether spinnerbait, swim jig, or Bang O Lure, they were just not having it.  Finally it started warming up some and they bit in that off color water, at least a little bit.  Unfortunately I only have a couple of pictures, forgot the camera today and the flip phone is about impossible.

A swim jig fish.

It was real apparent from 10:30 when I started, until about 1:00, they were either not shallow or not biting.  Obviously the last couple of nights in the 40’s combined with a 20+ east wind and dirty water conspired against the one thing I wanted to accomplish today, fishing the Controlled Descent Lure.  The wind was swirling around corners and down  banks making it a tough.  So after catching 7 on bluegill swim jig and 2 on spinnerbait in the wind I finally thought about somewhere that might be out of the wind, so I headed that way.

I Knew It Would be Killer!

I headed back down lake in search of clearer water and went way back in a sheltered timbered cove to throw the Controlled Descent Lure.  The wind was still a hassle, but it was fishable.  The plan today was to insert the foam in the bait and basically fish it like a spook on top, and boy did it work.  One swarmed it on my second cast.  Using the hook in the package on the Pearl straight tail, I twitched it along on top and low and behold I ended up catching exactly 10 before I quit.  Under crappy conditions I considered that a real success.  Who knows how man it would have been if I could have fished where I wanted to and not where I had to.

My first Controlled Descent Lure bass.

So some observations on the new Controlled Descent Lure by My Coast Outdoors.  I am telling you that thing is a freakin’  killer.  Today I worked it along in a walk the dog pattern then stopped it, they could not stand that thing hanging in front of their face.  At one point 3 came out of one tree top.  I learned a couple of things.  First the baits are soft, but the screw lock on the hook lets you get away with a bait that normally might be to trashed if it were on a jig head.  Of the 10 I boated, 9 came on one pearl bait, and I missed a couple to boot.  If I could keep up that average per bait I would be thrilled.  While there were no big fish today, that was a product of the conditions and there are better days to come.

Second, for both bass and the trout, getting it just a tiny bit negative, where it barely falls or slightly suspends, will absolutely catch fish.  Today they ate that thing under tough conditions, I can only imagine what it will be like on a perfect day.   And my Cocoons made keeping track of it simple.  After the pearl one tore up I tried a different color.  (I only have one bag of pearl and did not want to waste them on a poor condition day before I pick more up at the show.)  I caught one on the pink with a chartueuse tail,  really more of a trout color, but the pearl was clearly better on the bass, they were smoking it.  Once they decided to commit they ate and held on.  It really does look like a dying shad if you do it just right, and being weightless when they bit they ate and I only missed a couple.  It was cool watching them roll over and eat.  A bait after my own heart.

It was definitely a successful first attempt with the Controlled Descent Lure but I am not surprised.  When I first read about it the applications were immediately apparent.  While there is lots to learn about using it, the potential is obvious.  Adjusting weight and flotation, combined with specific line weights and fishing conditions, will take a little effort, but who does not like that kind of work?  But seriously, the Controlled Descent Lure is the coolest bait to come along in a while.  For more information take a look at the websites.

Monday the wind is going to return to “normal”, whatever that is on the coast in March, and I will be waist deep in the bay first thing.  I have not been excited about a new plastic for trout in a while.  With the ability to fish it fast or slow, deep or shallow, it gives you the flexibility to adjust to conditions giving them what they want.  The Controlled Descent Lure has big trout written all over it.

The Houston Fishing Show starts on Wednesday and I will be making the trip one day this week, depending on the weather.  If the wind stays down I hope to hit the bay a couple of times before heading that way.  It will be nice to meet Mike from My Coast Outdoors and of course the guys at Coastal Fishing Gear, makers of the Wade Right belt.  So if you go stop in both booths, say hello, and buy something!  Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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