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New line on reals, baits organized, boat loaded, time to do some wade fishing. It has been a while, the bass fishing has gotten in the way, but tomorrow that all changes. I do not have a clue what is really happening on the bay as far as catching fish, but it should not take to long to figure it out. Or at least to know what is not working, which in fishing is often as important as what is. Topwater will get thrown, not sure if it is time yet, the Corky will come in to play, and plastics will all get a workout. With a low tide first thing, and a warming day, the only preconceived notion I have is they might move shallow later in the day. Should be a great day trying to figure it out.
75/63 Sunny with 0% of rain. Wind N 5 – 10.
Low 8:51 AM -0.5
High 8:35 PM 0.2
Solunar Periods
- Best 7:08A – 9:08A
- 7:33P – 9:33P
- Good 12:56A – 2:56A
Redfish Madness
Today was for all you salt guys, but I was the real beneficiary. The fishing was good, at least for reds. There actually was a little bit of insider information that lead to the majority of the success. One thing that is great about the blog is it is actually my log, which has been kept for 6 years now. I just searched the months of February and noticed one thing, there was some real redfish success this month, so when it slowed down I made the perfect move.
I had to do a little surgery to get that corkie out of the back of his throat.
The tide was low, real low. The wind was light and the ride across the bay to the island was sweet. Starting in a drain near Pringle, the hope was the water was still running out, and it was, barely. Topwater was first, and not one took a pass at it, deep or shallow. In fact they did not want it even a little bit, including the rest of the day. I think it was to late on the outgoing. So I fished the cut and caught 3 trout and 1 rat red.
I thought I was about to put the hurt on them.
After catching that trout it stopped, and I mean dead in its tracks. I waded from 7:45 until around 10:30 without a bite. Deep, shallow, topwater, plastics, they were not having it. At this point it was dead slick. So with the tide being slack it was time for a move, one that should have resulted in redfish, and it did.
Once I got to the Barroom shoreline it was more off color than I thought, but that is not all bad with reds. I idled over the drop, which is out there from 4 feet or so, up on the flat. With the tide about to come up I anchored in about a foot and hopped out. First cast the red above smoked that Corky. There was lots of bait and from then on it was steady until I quit at 3:00.
And lots and lots of rats to go along with these.
Starting on the drop, the 1/32 jig head and the dark color Down South put the hurt on them. I fished out to the drop first with the tide out, and as the water started coming up it was simply a matter of working toward the shoreline. One thing became real apparent, and it resulted in half the fish, toss at the passing bait and they were there. Just like last year on the island. They were tough to feel at first, and the fight on the light rod and 8lb line was awesome. It is so nice to use the Wade Right wading belt. Being able to carry spinning and casting, and the different baits for each is sweet, giving you a chance to toss different stuff at them and figure it out.
This was a bona fide freakin’ hoss!
I was definitely out of practice. Several of those nice ones pulled off, my fault. They would take off and I was not setting the hook properly, just holding on. After a couple of those that did not happen again. And today only a few smacked it, the rest were there when you lifted up, and I missed a few of those. Normally I would catch those, and will with some more practice. It just takes a little getting used to fishing the super light bait. And the drag has to be set perfect to get the hook set way out there and not break your line.
I also caught 3 more trout, all small and out of one spot, and not another. Which probably had more to do with the brown water than anything else. No way to tell how many reds, but it was plenty as the rats were willing. They were absolutely on bait, literally and physically. Once I figured that out, combined with moving in as the tide moved up, it was good. So what a way to get back in it. I thought I might catch a few, but you never know. And if trout is your quarry, the island is the place to be for clear water, I just did not want to wait out the tide and I just knew they would be on Barroom.
Unfreakin’ believable! This is my 800th post! At times this seems like work, and I guess looking back on it 800 posts is a lot of work. But is has been a labor of love. I often get questions on the blog from prospective bloggers about how you have enough stuff to write about to keep it going. My one piece of advice, better write about something you know and love, in my case fishing. In my wildest dreams I never thought it would last this long. But over the last 6 years I have learned a ton about fishing, and met some great friends. So from now on whenever I am whining, or thinking about quitting, I will just look back on the last 6 years and be satisfied with how it has gone. And the biggest thanks goes to each and every one of you, it is the engine that drives this fishing train.
And I got this kind comment from Jim.
Doug, what a great report. Like I have said in the past, you share a ton of great information that everyone from a novice to an experienced angler can utilize. How about some company fishing sometime? Would love to come down, meet you and learn from the expert.
This is the very kind of compliment that makes this thing go. I try to cough it up, to provide enough information that anyone can catch another fish, and as I said above it has actually made me a much better fisherman. As far as expert, not sure I would go that far. I just fish, and keep fishing. It really does prove the old saying true: “The more I fish the luckier I get.” Whether fresh or salt nothing beats time on the water. This period on Coleto is a perfect example. There are multiple patterns and ways to catch bass, and being out there constantly leads to right place/right bait and consequently more fish. As far as fishing with me, I have fished with a lot of folks, my problem is unless it something special I try to not fish the weekend at all. Who knows, I will drop you an email and maybe we can work something out. (Looks like we are.) Thanks for the comment.
I shop at Cabelas pretty regularly thanks to the fact it is the only credit card we own. It only gets used for big purchases and is paid off immediately. But I get the points and therefore free tackle. That is all good. One thing they are doing now is basically giving a lifetime guarantee on many of their branded products. That is a great deal considering it include some specialty clothes, tackle boxes and other stuff that will not last. But I do get a laugh because many of their lures are guaranteed for life. I don’t know about you but I don’t seem to have fishing lures all that long!
It was a fun day. Catching reds on light line and spinning tackle is fun, and a little bit of work when you catch a bunch. But who is complaining? It helped me get back in the salt mode. This is the best time of the year for fishermen, and makes choices tough with a good bite everywhere. So I will muddle along, trying to catch every fish in the pond. And a couple of days next week will be on a new body of water I have wanted to fish so I am excited about that. So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.
Good Luck and Tight Lines