Coleto Creek 11/9/16.



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It looks like the wind could reach 20mph today so I decided to leave the trout for tomorrow.  But there are clouds, and when combined with the wind and slowly dropping water temp, there is a good chance to catch some big bass today.  And the winds will be dropping off the next 2 days and it will be back in the water tomorrow.  Got to get my monies worth out of those fancy waders!


73/58  Cloudy with stray showers.  20% chance rain.  Wind NNE  10 – 20mph.

Lake Level

Current   95.58   Last Trip  95.56   (Up a hair)

Solunar Times

Best Times    5:44A – 7:44A        6:09P – 8:09P    Good Time  11:31A – 1:31P

I waited around until the roofers got started on the garage and then headed to the lake.  it was feakin’ perfect, wind and heavy clouds.  The water temp was down to 75 degrees, about 4 cooler than last week.  Today was going to be a buzzbait all day for big fish thing.  There are days in the fall when big fish get after it, and there was no doubt today was it.  On the first bank I got a great bite.  So why I am so pissed off right now?

p1020137She blasted that buzzbait with all her might.

So now I am really pumped up.  It is not even noon and I am going to have the day of the year on big fish.  I know where they are and what they  want.  It is all good, until the trolling motor quit!

I just had it fixed and this is only the second time I have used it.  They had it 3 weeks and this is the best they could do?  Man this boat crap drives me nuts.  Of course the more you use one the more chance of stuff breaking, but in this case obviously it was not fixed properly.  I am not one of those guys who bitches about the bill, I just want it done right, the first time.

So now what to do?  I am not taking it back to the same folks, I should have known better.  Now it is just a question of whether I take it to Houston, Corpus, or Kresta’s in Edna.  I have heard from a few of you, any of the rest of you have an opinion send it along.  But that thing is going somewhere tomorrow.  The last couple of places I have lived had a trolling motor repair shop so having to take it somewhere is a hassle I am not used to.  There really is a good business out there for someone.  But oh well, at least I caught a nice one.


And of course the Mad Trout Fisherman is still at it.

Matagorda island , holding quality fish! After a week of putting the smack down on them last wk. i couldnt hardly wait to go this week. With rain and ne wind predicted to blow. We said the heck with it and went anyway. Glad we did had a fun trip, my diehard fishing partner, and my diehard duck hunting buddy! Was a good recipe for whatever the weather does, we aint scared attitudes(crazy) is why i love these guys! My suggestion to folks is dress for success. And follow the bait!!! The lure has been the same for us for about a month wsky/chart hogie. Presentation the same let it sink slow roll the bottom. Reds on shoreline and trout chest deep. The big girls are here had many trout over 5 lbs last week, and one 71/2 lbr .


With a couple sdr on some really good ones! (Sdr) short distance release. I saw ur big school of jacks today. Thanks for that report the other day cause i took a second look , and let our group know what was up. That would of burned an hour. We kept it simple today, and just threw plastic. We have followed a school of bait from aries bay towards rockport over the last week back to pats bay . The fishing is good hope yall go get em. Nasty weather equals a duck hunt in order, so being in construction and wet ground. Time to pull out the a5 browning try a little blast then cast tomorrow. Thanks chad.

First I am with you on the weather thing.  Often some of the worst weather leads to some really great fishing.  And on the bait.  I so often think in small terms, do I see bait before I stop.  Your experience shows that the bait moves in BIG bunches, lock on them and follow and we see your results.  And it was this month last year when we did real well from Cottonwood Bayou to Aires Point.  It is a long way down there but sure can be worth the trip.  I will be back at it wading probably tomorrow and will keep using your technique.  It put a big trout in the boat for me this weekend and I am anxious to keep working on it.  And send us some duck pictures, I still think they look better than they taste!  Thanks again.


And before I could get this report up Chad came back with the goods.


Cast and Blast!

I always thought it should be blast and cast as you usually hunt first, but either way things are hot in the South Texas outdoors and will only get better.  Thanks Chad.


And I got this comment on the run away trolling motor.

Thank You for the great report. I have not made a poc trip in 2 months. So your report filled a void for me. I also had a great laugh at the fire extinguisher story not out of any ill will but simply this is the kind of stuff that has a habit if following me around!! Glad it all worked out and Thanks again for this site!

I appreciate your kind comments and what else is there to say about a possessed trolling motor.  At least no body died!  And don’t feel alone with stuff following you around, I have to have 2 boats just to keep on the water.  Keep on reading, thanks.


So this morning (Thursday) I will be taking it somewhere.  As usual with boat stuff there is a point of diminishing return.  Is it worth fixing?  How much do you want to spend on a 7 year old trolling motor?  It can be pretty easy to just buy a new one and get it over with, but $1000 for new vs. a couple of hundred for the fix is a tough call.  We all have those little things on the boat that aren’t quite up to snuff, but the trolling motor for bass fishing is a manadatory.  So wish me luck, another case of B.O.A.T.  Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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