Fall Fishing Is On! 11/6/16.



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It is Sunday, and I got back last night from 3 days of fishing with the Austin Boys, and as usual it was a great time.  But before I get to that I wanted to take care of this stuff which has been sitting around waiting for me to catch up.  So enjoy and there will be another report coming as soon as I can get it done.  Hopefully it will be right after the Cowboys beat the snot out of the worst team in pro football, the Browns.


Chad the Mad Trout fisherman continues to tear them up, and he got to fish with someone special this week.

Me and pops at 72yr old.  He is a wading soldier!

img_1235That is Pops on the right.  Be sure to tell him I am 63 and hearing how he can still hang with the boys gives me hope.  And looks like he has some mad fishing skills to go along with it.  If I am still wading at 72 it will be a blessing!


Chad with a good one.


You just keep laying the smack down on them!

Looks like a great time with your Pops.  And one last note – Thanks for the little tip, I boated my biggest trout in a year a couple of days ago, the report with pictures will be up later today.  He showed us the bait and gave us a pretty good idea on depth, so listen to him.  The proof is in eating!


I got this comment from Matt, lets see if I can answer some of it coherently.

I’m interested in your Lavaca River Research. Since you have way more time that I do to fish, I have more questions. Maybe you can shed some light on them.

First, I’ll tell you that I know there are some fish in the river all year, unless blown out by fresh water. I know there are trout in the surrounding lakes and marshes in the warm months.


Are the winter fish the local fish from the marshes that fall into the river during cold weather and low water levels? or do fish from the open bay move into the river also?

Is it driven by water level or temp or both?

If the open water fish move into the bay, do they stage outside the river like bass in pre-spawn?

I’m sure I can think of many more questions, but that’s all for now.

Love the questions and lets see how close I can come with an uneducated guess.  First I think that any trout, whether it is a resident from a marsh/creek, or from the open bay, will migrate into the river as the shallow water temperature drops.  Obviously the bay water being as shallow as it is will drop like a rock and stay there much quicker than the river.  And as the river flows into the bay trout, reds, and the bait that feel the effect will all seek that warmer water in the winter.  The BP docks is a perfect example of that phenomenon.  When the Lavaca is in full swing in the late fall/early winter it seems impossible to think that it is only fish out of the marshes/creeks that are there, there are just to many fish for that in the river.  Water level probably does not have much to do with it in and of itself, smaller creeks on the coast have the same thing happen, unless it is an influx of fresh water and that obviously will drive them out if it is too invasive.   As far as spawning, since trout seem to spawn from as early as maybe April, to as late as November, I don’t think you have a classic staging like bass do in pre-spawn where they are fairly easy to pattern.  I just think it is completely different.  Thanks for your question and if any of you want to chime in please do.  And Colby S, got an opinion?


This question from Richard was easy to answer.  I like those kind.

Never fished Lavaca River, but its on my list of things to do.
Did you launch at Port Comfort and go up Lavaca towards Swan Lake or by another launch? Enjoy your stories of fishing. Thanks

I launch on County Road 616, though you can come from Port Comfort, or even from a launch ramp called 6 mile on Park Road off of FM 1090 out of Port Lavaca.  You can also get to 1090 off of US 87, it all depends on which is closer for you.  For me it is 616.  So thanks for an easy question.


And since our quick trip to the Lavaca Billy sent along this suggestion.

In regards to the river. If the fish are in there like you say and the water temperature being what it is, it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to fish some of the shallower banks and flats in the Swan Lake area and further down with a top water.

That is absolutely a great idea.  Of course in Billy’s case he picks up that topwater and throws it through thick and thin.  Probably the only guy who fishes with the Blacks on Baffin and won’t put down his white Skitter Walk no matter what.  So I will take that suggestion and run with it, probably as soon as Tuesday!  Thanks for keeping in touch.


And on the subject of the new waders.

Congrats on the wader purchase. You’ll put them to the test and I’m looking forward to hearing how they work out for you.

Take care!


They worked just fine.  Of course I managed to get in over the top of them so they are broken in perfect!  And the boots are the bomb.  Comfortable and light, they were a pleasure to wear all day.  And the best way to measure that?  I did not notice I was wearing them.  It will be interesting to see how they hold up to hard wear, which starts now.  They will be put to the test over the next couple of months.  I have been known to tear up an anvil, so lets see how it goes.  Good to hear from you and thanks for reading.


Just a couple of quick football comments.  My Hogs totally dominated #11 Florida and are back on the winning track.  Of course the Cowboys continue to amaze.  And when I saw that A&M was rated as high as 4th in the BCS poll I almost spit out my coffee.  Yesterday they went from real contenders to big time pretenders.  Sometimes I think there is what I have referred to as the Manzell hangover. (Pun intended.)  Welcome to the SEC.  Seemed so easy then didn’t it?  Well trust me, Arkansas has NEVER won the SEC, so I know from where I speak.  Easy to win a few, hard to win them all.  So welcome to mid pack, you have a ways to go.  Every week is a minefield, and the west always goes through LSU and Alabama.


I really love hearing from all of you.  There are no stupid questions or comments, though a few of my answers might qualify.  So keep them coming.  If any of you put a big buck on the ground this week send me a comment and I will tell you how to get a pic to me.  I love meat on the hoof.  And next a big trout, a boat fire, and a few cold ones, all on a wacky good trip with the Austin Boys.  There will be the full report coming later today containing the ugly truth.  And there is definitely more fishing to come this week.  So many choices, so little time.  The fishing is in full swing and I am going to take advantage of it while I can.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines.

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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