POC and a Little Rain 10/31/16.



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When I initially started working on this report for tomorrow I still had not made a decision between hitting the Lavaca River or Fayette County.  Now that I have read the weather and tidal forecast for tomorrow I have changed my mind.  I think one more trip to POC before the weekend trip with the boys is in order.  Think I will do a little looking at the map before I make my decision on where to start in the morning.  It will be interesting to see whether reality matches forecast.


86/67  Partly cloudy.  Wind E 10 – 15   20% Chance of rain.


High Tide 2:19 am  +1.3     Low Tide   12:33 pm   -0.7     A high tidal coefficient with a 3 fish high activity day forecast.  Major  1:58 – 3:58 pm  (Very high activity.)  Minor  8:18 – 9:18  (Very high activity).  Note:  I only included those periods where I would be fishing.

Some Rain and Some Reds


A freakin” awesome day to be on the water.

On the way to POC this morning I could see a cloud bank offshore and it looked like it was headed on shore.  When I got to Froggie’s the tide was still way up on the fingers at the ramp.  So it looked like I might hit the fall, and it worked out that way.

Initially I was headed out to the island, but when I rounded Mitchell’s Cut the wind was not blowing straight out of the east but actually towards the island at 15 mph.  So I made a good decision, I changed plans.  Last time when conditions were exactly like this I turned around and headed to the Barroom Bay shoreline and the fish were there.  Today the wind was blowing on that bank just enough to make a good riffle and the water was way up in the grass.


A little fuzzy but a good start.

So I jumped out in a foot of water and started throwing the white One Knocker.  The redfish were active, and were blowing up on the One Knocker.  They were not right in the grass, or out in 3 foot of water.  The best cast was downwind in knee deep water.  Both nice reds and rats were biting and it was a pretty consistent bite.  Scattered in was the occasional trout.


                           They were eating that One Knocker up!


Best trout for the morning, but it wasn’t their fault.

I caught several trout, most borderline and a few keepers when I had my first of 2 dang it moments.  One blew up on it and the fight was on.  It was a heavy fish and I took it easy, drag nice and loose after all the redfish bites.   Then it rolled over about 15 feet from me and it was the biggest trout I have seen in a good while.  It thrashed and rolled and then the line just parted.  I just put new 15lb line on last night, it must have got wrapped and cut on the gill plate.  To bad, it was a whooper.


                                 Several of these on topwater and plastic.

I jumped in the water at daylight and the bite held up until about noon.  The water was falling and the fish kept cooperating on both plastic and topwater.  I actually made 3 moves down that long bank, and never did have to get all that far from the boat.  At one point I looked up and here it came, a huge wake with water foaming.  It was far enough away I got a couple of pictures as it worked straight towards me.


Here they come!  I know better!

I was hoping it was the first big red school of the fall headed my way like a freight train.  So I waited and waited, and then my ass over rode my brain.  At the last minute I saw the sickle tails, and cast anyway.  It was a school of those big jacks, and one just came up behind my Skitter Walk and engulfed it.  Nice job Doug.  So now I am hooked up to a 25lb jack and line is peeling off the reel, and peeling, and peeling.  So as the spool emptied I finally thumbed it, and pop.  Gone.  If it was not for the Skitter Walk that was fine, it was going to be a long fight.   But that was the second white topwater I lost this morning, both on big fish.

That happened right before a heavy black cloud started bearing down on me.  (See picture above.)   Now it had rained on me a little before, and I had my raincoat, but this thing looked a little sketchy.  So I called it a day and headed back to the ramp.  That turned out to be a good choice as it started raining as I left POC and rained all the way back to Victoria.  It was really a fun morning.  Anytime I can throw topwater the whole time I am a happy camper.  The bite was consistent and it was nice to fish without sweating like a stuck hog.


And on the subject of my wader dilemma I got this comment from Hal.

I read your posts weekly and really appreciate all you do for those of us that live vicariously through you as we sit at our boring desks slaving away.
I’ve seen you mention putting off the purchase of some Simms waders. I’m 44 and have spent most of my life living very practical. My old man taught me to not overdue it and to save my nickels.  He was frugal, conservative and humble. I lost my old man back in 2009 to pancreatic cancer. He was 69 when he passed. He was my best friend and taught me every thing I know about hunting and fishing. He took me to POC 28 years ago. I was 16.  There’s been an empty spot in my boat since 2009.  My dad had all he needed to hunt and fish. However, I often wonder if he would have done things different and maybe spent a little extra or splurged on an rod, reel, gun, scope or pair of waders had he known how it was all going to end up.
With all that being said, I bought my wife and I some Simms waders and wade jackets last year at Sportsman’s Finest in Austin. They are a good Texas owned business and I think you have family in Austin or you guys get to Lake Travis every once in a while. They were really nice and helpful to us. We may use them once a year at most, but by gosh I won’t regret not having them when we do. Go buy those damn Simms waders. As you well know, there are no guarantees in this journey other than death and taxes. You deserve them and you’ll make good use of them. If I need to call the boss lady, let me know her number and I’ll call her.
I apologize for the unsolicited advice. I’m a fellow lawyer and couldn’t help not advising a fellow brother. LOL!!
Keep the post coming. We love them.
First thanks for reading.  Funny but you do not have to call the Boss, she has basically been saying the same thing, just buy them and get over it.  It is just a little daunting when the ones I am looking at are $800,  3 times as much as my first car, it seems so self-indulgent.  But when it all comes down to it, there is no guarantee in life which was very instrumental in my decision to retire early as we only get one run at this and I wanted to spend it with a rod in my hand.  And I appreciate your telling us about your dad, sounds like he was a great guy and fishing buddy.  And he and I seem to have shared a similar outlook on money.  I am often guilty of saying if a $30 reel will do it why spend more.  In the final analysis Simms have a great warranty and service, and maybe, just maybe, they won’t leak.  And no problem with the unsolicited advice, we can’t help it, it’s what we do, or in my (happy) case, did.  Thus ends the great wader debate, time to go shopping.
And of course Chad the Mad Trout Fisherman is still tearing them a new one.
Fishing Matagorda Island chest deep with Hogies whisky/ Chartreuse.
Now that is a string of fish.
If you have been keeping up with his reports one thing has become really clear, he is standing chest deep and throwing out.  That is all you need to know about that, it is simply a matter of applying it to where you fish.  So thanks for keeping us updated, nice mess.
It really looks like the trip this weekend is shaping up to have real possibilities.  I am fishing 3 days with them, and they are going to fish the 4th day.  The fishing is good, so even if they bring a small front, which it looks like we might have coming up, fishing should be good.  And these boys fish daylight to dark and always manage to sack a bunch.  I will be on the water once more before they get here, still want to make a quick trip to the Lavaca River and see if it is time.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.
Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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