Lake Gonzales 10/22/16.



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Since the boss is gone, and the wind is going to blow, I have convinced myself to get off my butt and try a new lake.  Lake Gonzales is a small lake a little over an hour from here, so it is time for a little fish catching travel.  It has been a while since I just hit a new place blind.  So let us see how that goes.  It may be tough, but as it warms today there should be a bite sometime.  Hope springs eternal!


81/48  Sunny.  Wind NNE 10 – 20.  0% chance rain.

Solunar Times

Best Times   4:02A – 6:02A     4:31P – 6:31P  Good Time   10:17A – 12:17P

It was an interesting day.  The fishing was marginal, but that was a combination of post cold front, bluebird skies, and probably a little operator error.  I did not head out until 7:30, no big rush, for the 70 mile drive.  Looking on the map it was just off highway 90W out of Gonzales.  Simple right?  I didn’t bother to get the county road number, good thing the Boss was on the old IPhone.  There is no sign, at least nothing I saw.  You know one that said lake this way, ramp down here, go this way, something.  Suffice to say be sure to have your stuff together, it is different getting there.  But I found the ramp and got a little local knowledge.  I am not sure if that is the only ramp, but there was very little parking and 4 wheel drive was a good thing.  And of course have your $5 with you.

There were a couple of guys putting the airboat in to work on duck blinds and they gave me enough to figure out the lay of the land.  I idled out of the small creek from the ramp and just idled along looking at depth and bank.  There are 2 channels leading to the dam, one deep, the other shallow with an island in between.  (And there sure are some pigs on it.)  As it is on a river it was what was probably the run on one side with water 1o foot plus, and the riffle on the other, with water in the 5 foot or less.  The water was murky and there are multiple varieties of aquatic plants including lilly pads.  I picked one stretch out, caught a small one on my second cast, then another, and before I got to the end of that patch, a third small one on the swim jig.  Now you would think that would be a pattern.  Think again, it is often not that easy, and today it wasn’t.


I always take a picture of the first one to prove I was actually out there  just in case.  Today was one of those just in case days.

Over the next 6 hours I had one more bite on a buzzbait, in the shallow arm around vegetation.  It looked to be around 3 but got tangled in the lilies and pulled off.  That would be the last bite I would have.  I tried multiple baits, depths, and places, but just did not figure it out.  If you believe like I do that there is way to catch fish almost every day of the year, I try not to blame the fish.  The cold front was a factor, but it is not an excuse.

A couple of other guys were fishing and I spoke with them.  Their home lake is Coleto, they were just looking for a place with less wind, and the wind was not a problem on Gonzales, it is very protected.  They caught one on a Horny Toad and 3 on a Minus One, and that was their day.  They hit the road around noon, but I soldiered on.  Finally at 4 I called it a day.

I like the looks of the lake and it will definitely not be my last trip.  According to TPWD the fish run small, but of course big bass are caught there, but today they were small.  The last major stocking of bass was years ago.  They also say it has good crappie fishing, and there was ample wood to hold them.  The big flats covered in vegetation looked good, and I am definitely going to put the lake on my spring time list.   The day was not a waste by any means, it was nice to fish somewhere completely new, something I have done on a big and small scale the last 20 years.  You don’t know if you don’t go.


We are so fortunate to have the participation of folks like Chad the Mad Trout Fisherman and Colby Sorrells.  They add experience and insight that we all benefit from with their participation.  So when I asked Chad to let us in on the plastic he has been using for those big strings of trout he dropped me a picture today at 4:47 am.  Any guess where he is this morning?


The old tried and true Hogies.  Lot less tail bite offs with this plastic.

In this day and age fishing seems to have veered off track into some kind of poser contest. Boats have become something more than a way to get to the fish, and some folks think that they are “better” fishermen than the other guy because of what they run, or the clothes they wear.  Where having money to buy the “stuff” makes you a better man than the guy in the aluminum boat without a stitch of high tech clothing.  You know who I am talking about, you see them at any ramp or cleaning table every day.  One thing I learned watching who cleaned fish at the dock where I lived and worked for 10 years, it ain’t about that.

Then there are folks like Chad.  A hard core fish catching machine, he has taken the time to share information, information others think is a big secret, simply because he can.  All the fancy stuff means nothing, it comes down to one thing, did you catch come fish?  So take his information for what it is worth – a freakin’ lot, and we are lucky to have his help.  Thanks again.


On a much better fishing note than my trip to Lake Gonzales I got this comment on Fayette from Rusty, our Fayette and Bastrop guru.

Just to add to the Fayette report, buzz baits and frogs are hot too!! Headed to Broken Bow, OK area to do some rainbow and brown trout fly fishing for a much needed break. Almost excited as going to Canada!
Tight lines

Have a good time in Oklahoma.  Living close to there, and fishing the White and North Fork for 25 years, a little dose of those other trout never hurt anybody.  My favorite time up there was drifting in the winter with the shad kill coming through Bull Shoals dam.  We caught lots of nice trout throwing bass jerk baits on high water, not really fly fishing.  I got me one of them there buggy whips things, just never have got going with it.  One of those things that I still have all good intentions of catching a redfish on this fall.  And speaking of Canada it won’t be on this years list.  I will be in Australia the month before, which will take a good chunk out of the fishing travel budget.  But what a trip it will be.  The only other big trip on the schedule next year is Louisiana for a redfish extravaganza.  So thanks for the report, I am headed that way soon.  I have never caught one on a buzzbait on Fayette, but if they are doing that they are biting!


And it is always good to hear from Colby S.  His comments are informative and well thought out, just like this one.

It wasn’t but a short two years ago when we were not catching any small trout because they were not there. Now everyone is catching small trout and moaning about it? Not me. I’m so happy to have small fish in the bay system. That means they have a future and we can all continue to be blessed with such abundant bays. If people don’t like catching small trout use a bigger lure, not bait. You will not get near as many hits. Or move to another location. Kind of like being in a mess of stingrays or sharks. There are plenty of other places. As for me I’m so excited about having small fish in the bay again I can’t wait to get back in the water with them. The future looks bright for at least 3-4 years now due to all of the freshwater inflow we’ve received. I fished the same days as you and saw more bait than I’ve seen in at least 7 years and maybe ever. So here’s to the small trout. You’ve got the genes I’m looking for and you’re doing everything you can (by eating our lures) to get bigger. Keepin’ It Fun! Colby S

Bait, fish, and more bait.  You have a lifetime of experience on the coast dwarfs mine, but in my limited experienc, the fishing is so much better than it was 3 or 4 years ago.  And the fishing the bait pattern is a slam dunk winner right now, especially for folks who are not on the water every day, find some bait and you will find some fish.  And I will be glad when we get out of this high tides pattern and starting getting those awesome lows that drain the back lakes as we slide into winter.  Every back lake we fished the other day had fish.  In our case the other day we were catching small trout because of what and where we were doing it.  But I am with you, it is nice to catch fish, no matter what the size.  I used to think I might be the worst trout fisherman in the world, funny how lots more fish made me a lot better fisherman.  So lets hear it for more trout!  I really appreciate your input and thoughtful comments.


Today I get to have some real fishing related fun.  Korbin, Jeffish’s son and the future 2030 Bassmaster Champion, has a birthday party today.  He is eat up with the fishing like I was when I was a little pain in the ass.  So off to Academy to buy him something cool.  What 7-year-old boy does not like a knife and some fishing pliers?  I still remember what it felt like getting the first rod and reel to call my own, 58 years ago.  (Yikes!)  Lots of water under the hull since then, but it is my pleasure to help pass on our love of the sport.


Fall has energized both me and the fishing.  It is so easy to keep writing when things are happening like they are around the Texas Coast.  So as usual, what is next?  That can be summed up with two words – More Fishing!   And any comments, reports or suggestions are so appreciated.  I keep telling you how much we all like your reports.  Your participation makes this blog what it is, so keep them coming.  Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines 

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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