This and That 10/15/16.



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I have been on the road with the lovely wife this week so there have been no reports, at least from me.  It is sad but true, she has a travel problem.  She never met a trip she did not like.  Monday night she just announced we are headed out of town tomorrow for a few days.  So it was load up the car and off we went.  But things are about to change around here, let the fishing begin.


I was happy to hear from the Mad Trout Fisherman, who got to fish with crew along with his son Taylor, and as usual they worked them over.  But what is really important is this picture, it says it all about what fishing should be about!

My son taylor, who caught the big fish today. 24″ red and 21″ trout.


Great job Taylor.  It won’t be long before you are beating the pants off dad!

As I have been saying for several weeks now, the bite is on at the bay.  Chad has been catching fish in Keller, I even managed to catch a few there the last couple of trips.  It must be a real joy to take your son and have him put the hurt on them.  Even though my dad was not a fisherman by any stretch, he found time to take me, and later gave me rides all over the county, chasing fish in ponds and rivers.  It solidified my love of fishing.  So take a kid fishing, you can never go wrong.  And Chad, thanks for your reports.


A big thanks to Tim and the folks at Wade Right.  I love getting stuff in the mail and he sent me some decals for the boat and a cool new Wade Right hat.  Funny how anxiety can over take me at times.  Will I get it level on the windshield?  Can the back window on the truck roll up and down without scraping the decal off?  Do I want to keep the new hat nice and new, or is it headed for the bay?  Decisions, decisions, it is a tough life.  I do know one thing, the belt is about to get the serious fall workout.


The folks across the street from Jeffish pulled in with the boat so we went over to say hi.  Actually just being nosey.  He reported a pretty good day drifting with plastics in the J Hook and Greens areas.  He said there was a ton of boats at Greens.  They caught lots of small trout and rat reds and they boxed a few.  Being from Kingsville he grew up fishing Baffin and the Laguna before moving up here.  His comments yesterday on the tide up here are so relevant to our tidal conversation.  Getting the hang of the tides here has been tough for him, there is a world of difference in how the tide works down there from up here.  In Baffin wind is really an issue, and can easily substitutes for tidal flow, or even reverse tidal direction.  Amazing what a difference a couple of passes make.


Today is fix the leaky waders day.  Leaky waders defeats the purpose, and in the winter just does not cut it.  Both my winter and summer pair are leaking so I applied the little trick Aaron showed me to my summer waders.  I filled up the left leg on the lightweight waders, where I got wet the other day, then squeezed the leg tight and immediately found the leak on a lower seam, about an inch long.  They are now hanging out in the fresh air drying, then it will be seam sealer.

The winter pair are a good quality hunting wader from Cabela’s.  Of all places for a leak it is actually in the lug sole, through the bottom of the boot.  That is the last place I would suspect.  I have fixed it before, it lasts a couple of trips, then starts leaking again.  So after watching that lunatic on TV build his boat out of Flex Seal, or seal anything on the face of the earth, I decided to give it a try.  It takes 48 hours to cure and then I will add one more coat.  We will find out whether he is as full of stuff as he seems to be.  The next couple of trips I will be sure to wear both and see if they are actually repaired.  It seems to me that once they start leaking it is only a matter of time.  Probably time to quit being such a cheap skate, get over it, and buy some Simms.


I follow the Falcon Lake Tackle and Rod website.  Everything you need to know about Falcon Lake is on this site.  He blogs regularly and I love his style.  He does not pull his punches on any subject and is a strong advocate for Falcon lake.  I am sure that Texas Parks and Wildlife just loves it when he calls.  All I can say is go boy, they need to be watched at all times.  He just got back from the trip of a lifetime to Brazil for Peacock bass and if you want to read a cool story check it out.  That is one fish on my bucketlist.  That reminds me, time to make a new list.


Though I give my lovely wife trouble about her “travel problem”, I am in the midst of planning several escapes.  First will be several days the first week of November at POC with the Austin boys, a trip that will be repeated a month later in December.  The December trip last year bordered on epic.  One morning was a redfish extravaganza, and if memory serves me right a couple of guys caught their personal best trout.  Those trips are a prelude to Fishmass, the annual Christmas fish fry.  So at least those dates are settled.

Now my problem, with a free week, is where next.  Initially it was North Padre and the Upper Laguna, but the weather is border line with a front on the way midweek which will switch the winds out of the north.  Then I thought why not make the trip to Falcon, the fishing is good and the weather is different.  The problem, the trolling motor is off the Mako and it will not be repaired before I wanted to go.  While I have fished Falcon in the Skiff, that is no boat for a big body of water if the wind blows.  It is a huge lake and once the wind blows it gets beyond ugly.  Who knows, I might do one of those 5 different places in 5 day things.

And back to the old question I keep beating around – should I sell the second boat?  If I did I would be out of action for fishing out of the boat with a trolling motor for what looks like almost a month.  Though I can still use the Mako on wade trips, bass fishing would be out.  So the Skiff will keep it’s place under the carport.  Sorry honey.

The only absolute decision made on the fishing is tomorrow morning.  My buddy Jeffish is going to fish with me on Coleto, and as we have not managed to get on the water together for a while I hope I can put him on some fish.  From then on it will be simply watching the weather.  I am flexible enough that the Laguna decision can be made on a moments notice.  No matter what it will be a stretch of fishing till you puke.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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