Port O’Connor Texas 9/14/16.


Boat Decal Trout love the Knocker B.

Since  I started preparing the preliminary stuff the day before I fish, to be sure I get the forecast right, it is interesting to look at all the factors that can affect the fishing and what has been done in the past.  So Chris and I will be on the water at daylight.  The only thing that concerns me is the wind direction considering where I whacked them Monday.


91/73   Scattered clouds with a 30% chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon  Wind NE 12 mph


High   8:30 AM     1.1   7:11 AM         Low  10:54 PM     0.5   7:31 PM

Solunar Times

  • Best Times      9:07A – 11:07A
  •                           9:33P – 11:33P
  • Good                2:53A – 4:53A


It was rough.

When we got to Froggie’s the wind was blowing pretty good, I would say it was an easy 15mph.  The tide was up and the water in the barge canal was a little dirtier than it was Monday.

After our ride across the bay we started on the flats near Army Hole.  There was a serious chop, Chris went right and I went left, in my case heading for the area I got them on Monday.  We both kept after the topwater for a while in spite of the rollers, but after only a bite each, it was plastics.  To make a long story short we did catch some fish, me 4 or 5 small ones, in his case it was probably 25+, and between us it was only 2 keepers.  At least his was a nice 20″ fattie.


The best for the morning.

Besides the rollers, we should have left earlier, the water was slowly coloring up.  The water I was in was clear, and with the direction he went he ended up on a color line on the outside edge of a drain.  The fish were there and biting but they were small,  I on the other hand caught one here and there, but had the same problem as the other day.  There were so many needle fish that a paddle tail on a plastic lasted around a cast or two.  And dam those things stink!


That says it all about my run of trout today.

Basically we stayed to long.  But with the bite best later in the morning we kind of made a stand.  Unfortunately it did not play out.  With the wind out of the NE lots of places were starting to really color up so we headed to Barroom hoping to find a little calmer water.

Well it was calmer, but the fishing was not better.  I think I caught another 4 or 5, all small, and he might have caught a couple.  We talked about what to do, and where, but decided to call it a day other than make a long run.  He had some things to take care of so we headed back to the ramp.

There are some days when things just do not work out, right place, wrong time, right time wrong place, it was just one of those days.  We stayed in the water all morning but just did not get it done.  I have a feeling there was a bite coming, we just didn’t wait it out. But no matter, this is the beginning of the fall beat down, and we will be back at them with a vengeance.  Somebody has to pay.


As we were unloading this morning someone yelled asking if I was Doug.  Tim and his friends were getting ready to head out, and they said they read the blog.  I love meeting you all on the water.  So anytime you see me holler, we can talk fishing or just say hi.  I like meeting any of you.


Before I show you Chad the Mad Trout Fisherman’s reports from his last couple of trips, Chris  had several reports from friends on Monday’s fishing.  It was dead calm most of the day and a couple of his friends headed out to the surf, it was a perfect day for it.  One boat spent time chasing what they thought was a redfish school with over a 1000 redfish.  Yahoo, fall is coming and so is the gathering of the redfish on our bay waters.

Another friend had an epic tarpon day.  He and his significant other did battle with 13 tarpon.  That is awesome.  One they estimated at 170lbs, a freaking monster.   So Monday the fish were biting everywhere on everything.  Those days are so rare and it is a real treat when you are fortunate enough to be on the water.


Here is the Mad Trout Fisherman’s report from Monday and Tuesday, starting with Monday first.

Poc all i can say is the trout bite is good. We made 3 stops today all places holding rafting mullet. Tide still pouring in, we had 3 man limits at 8 am and continued to catch some quality trout at all places. 24″ was big trout today. Released many over the 20″ mark. We found some reds at byucos but only one made the mark. So i released him as well. Im glad you decided to get wet, and get after them. That is what its all about. Ill be headed back in the morning its my fishing partners b- day.

That just says it all about Monday.  The better fish were on the prowl and hungry.  The they got out again, and this says it all about live bait when the conditions are tough.

Poc again today light winds yesterday strong ne winds today. Murky water and not being able to visually see the rafts of bait and having to set up our wades in the opposite direction as yesterday. Confidence was down after the first 20 mins without a bite. My head was telling me to move but my guts said stay. Then i felt that thump thump and bam the bite was on! Wow what a relief after telling the guys how great it was yesterday. After a 45 min session of double and tripple hook ups we had our trout and released some aswell. The redfish eluded me yesterday somewhat, so i was ready to outsmart them today. We eased over towards the cityslicker shoreline about a 500 yd move and began a wade targeting reds. We started out at waist deep and kept moving shallow, when got to knee deep i noticed tails out the water up shallow . Then wack the first one bit and the redfish rodeo was on! It amazed me that every one we caught was inbetween 201/2″- 21″ So with a box full of red and trout we headed in at 11:30 with 3 happy fisherman! My main fishing partner todd turned 56 today so what better way to spend ur birthday with limits of trout and red and back at the dock before noon. We saw quite a few flocks of teal this morning buzzing around before sunrise, I used to be hardcore teal hunter but getting eatin up by misquitoes trudging through mud mud when its 85 degress aint much fun anymore . Regular season is around the corner and ill give hell then. I know my black lab radar is ready, its been a long hot summer ! Thanks and god bless chad

First nothing like making your buddies birthday special, and that will do it.  So happy birthday Todd.  Your roll is impressive, and I can guarantee you we would have had a much better day if we were chunking croaker.  That is something I will put in my bag of tricks for future reference if high winds with color winds are in the forecast.  I may become a part time bait fisherman yet.  I also saw a few teal Monday. Chris my fishing buddy is a hard core duck hunting nut.  Teal, ducks, geese, he chases them all. I on the other hand could never be accused of being a hunter.  I go occasionally, but if you ever wanted to meet a truly bad shot, you will whenever we run into each other.  So congrats on your ongoing success and keep those reports coming, we love them.


I don’t know if you checked out the link to Falcon Lake Tackle I put up the other day concerning the big fish kill on Falcon.  I checked his new post and TPWD is finally going to come and do a fish kill count.  Now that is a good thing, if it had not happened 2 weeks ago!  They knew it happened and this is the best they could do?  They must have just been soooooo busy.  Nothing like calling an ambulance and they show up 2 weeks later to see if they can find the body.

And one point he makes is that the outdoor writers are complicit occasionally by letting them off the hook, or even actively criticizing them concerning important issues.  And I think the magazines and publications themselves also deserve a little criticism.  It seems that the outdoor mainstream media just does not deal with real issues relating to the TPWD, everyone is just to cozy.  You know, the banquets, turkey shoots, media days, and all the other cool stuff they get to do.

As you know if you read this stuff I have been critical on the appointment of commissioners, the giving away of bass we paid for to a rich Doctor who was charging a couple of thousand a weekend to fish his place  (They tried to fix that one, but it still worked out for the rich guy), and now their slow response to a major fish kill.  (Don’t get me wrong, I love the 5 fish trout limit and the ongoing stocking programs.  They do good work, but that does not make them immune to warranted criticism.)  A rapid response was warranted and they dropped the ball.  As we see so often in some of the fish and game department’s dealing in many states, what is good for them and their friends and backers is not for the rest of us.   In this case it is a major construction company.


I have a good dilemma, where am I going to fish in October when the wife is out of town for a week visiting her mother who will be recovering from hip surgery.  I have at least narrowed it down to 2 choices, Falcon Lake or the Upper Laguna out of North Padre.  They both have their appeal.  The fishing report from Falcon has really improved the last year, with 50+ fish days common and big fish over 10lbs much more common than the last couple of years.  And according to the Blacks the Bafffin/Upper Laguna fish are biting and the traffic is way down.  Tough choice, the possibility of a 30″ trout or a 10lb. bass.  I have skirted both of those, my biggest trout is 29″ and my heaviest bass is a 9lb. 3 oz fattie.  One thing about true trophy fish, close does not count.  I need a 30″ and a 10lber, either will do!  So with about 6 weeks to decide I can wait before I make a decision, and it may be no more complicated  than what the weather has in store.  Either way I am looking forward to it.


So in spite of our poor showing today the bite is still on big time on the bay.  Other than a quick Coleto trip next time it is cloudy and raining the bay extravaganza is on.  This could be the best fall since I have been in Texas, and I am getting excited.  Days like yesterday will happen, but they are a lot fewer and further between.  And please keep those reports and comments coming.  If you see a grey 4 Runner with a hood scoop towing a Mako 18LTS it is me, say hello.  I love meeting all of you.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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