9/11 Never Forget

Fish Catching Travel

9/11 – Never Forget

Today we remember that 15 years ago Islamic Terrorists flew 2 planes into the World Trade Center.  Another hit the Pentagon, and one crashed when brave passengers made a stand and saved more lives by giving theirs.  Before the day was over more than 3,000 innocent people were murdered, many of them first responders who rushed in to save lives and lost theirs.  People ran away as the first responders ran to the World Trade Center.   They made the ultimate sacrifice.  Paramedics, firemen, cops, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters, all murdered in the name of religion.

As former paramedics, my wife and I visited Ground Zero a couple of months afterward.  The site was still smoking and folks were still walking around with pictures of loved ones. Walls everywhere covered with pictures, stories, flowers, teddy bears and memorabilia, as people held out the last bit of hope for their loved ones.  It was a solemn place and very moving.  These horrific murders were done by Islamic terrorists.  It was done in the name of Allah.  It was done by cowards.  I can not, and will not, forgive or forget.  We must remain vigilant against this twisted version of Islam, both here and abroad.   George Bush was not my favorite president, but at Ground Zero he said something that is as relevant today as it was 15 years ago.  “You are either with us or against us.”  As far as I am concerned we should wipe every single one of these scum, participants and sympathizers, off the face of the earth.  This is a fight we must win.

God Bless America 


And as far as my whining about being caught in a rut, Colby did not mince words.

You ARE in a rut. Get below all that freshwater with a 1/32 ounce jighead and a soft plastic. Those fish reluctant to hookup on a topwater will hit that light weight jighead and soft plastic. Make a change! Keepin’ It Fun. Colby

It is time to get back in the water and throw that 1/32 jig head and Down South plastic, a quick way to get back on track.  Well hopefully tomorrow I will get out of that rut.  Stay tuned.  And thanks for your comments, keep them coming.


I got this question from Walt, and if I knew the answer I would be a millionaire, or start organizing fishing trips.  Oh yeah, I do that occasionally.

Would like to fish POC next week, but, rising tide to midday. How would you fish this, or just go to one of our Oklahoma lakes and wait a week or two? Ever a good afternoon bite, and where. (drains inside?)

One thing I have learned from fishing places I have never been to is to try and put as much in my favor as possible.  A couple of examples would be the Arkansas lakes in early spring pre-spawn, Falcon Lake on the spawn, POC with early high tides, and Florida when the tarpon are there.  But by the same token, if I could predict when folks should visit anywhere I would be rich.  But now to your question.

Looking at the tide tables for the next couple of weeks you should wait.  Of course there is no accounting for what the weather may do, but looking at the tides next week there are multiple tide days, not my favorite.  The next week, September 20th on, have a high tide a little before daylight with a fall during the day.  No guarantee, but it is usually better.  As far as the rest of it, grass and sand flats should really start to take over.  So while I will always hit drains if one is close, it is time to start looking for them on the flats off the island.  (That is where I will be next time out.) Remember for the drains to be the place the water needs to be moving. otherwise I am looking at the flats adjacent to the major back lake drains.  And as we slip into fall, and the water temp drops, the fishing picks up and you can whack them all the way till dark, which makes for some interesting rides back.  So good luck on your trip and I should have several new reports by then. Drop me a note before you come and maybe I can help out.  And please let us know about your trip when you get back.

And always remember the old joke.  The owner was at the counter of his resort when Joe, who comes the same week every year walks in, a week early.  The owner says, “What are you doing here, you are a week early!”  Joe says, “I have been coming here for years and you keep telling me I should have been here last week, well here I am.”  So take any suggestion above with a grain of salt.


I really want to give a shout out to the Razorbacks.  What a win!  Those are the ones that often got away from us early in the year.  Hopefully it is a sign of things to come.  An easy game next, then those freakin’ Aggies.  The Aggies are looking good after beating the snot our of nobody, just what they are supposed to do.  One thing about the game with the Aggies, it could not be more important so it will be strap it on and get it done.  As Jim Ross says, “Expect a slobber knocker.”

The Cowboys on the other hand looked pretty good considering.  But like last year they just could not get it done.  You can not hit the red zone 4 times and come out with 3 field goals and win many games.  They are still a work in progress and obviously need help on defense.  So it may be exciting but it could be a long year for Cowboy fans.  And last congratulations to the Texans, they looked good beating the Bears.  They just may have signed a quarterback.


Excuse the 9/11 rant above, I know this is about the fishing, but every once in a while I can’t help myself.   Never forget what happened that day, and be sure your children know and keep the memory alive.

It is Sunday night and I am trying to decide where I am going to fish tomorrow.  First I will start with the weather report, then the tide tables, and last the Solunar times.  Who knows, maybe that will help.  But when it comes down to it the only thing that tells the story is bait in the water. And if you caught some fish or have a comment bring it on, we love to hear from all of you.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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