Coleto Creek 9/7/16.


Boat Decal Pick up a Knocker B topwater next time you are at the tackle store.

First up this week is fishing on Coleto.  With the wind forecast to blow some with possible thunderstorms I decided to fish close.  Plus, the bass fishing has been good, and the fishing did not disappoint today.


93/74  Partly cloudy with afternoon showers or thunderstorms  40% chance  Wind SSE 10 – 20mph   (wind blew 15 – 20 after 9 and it was partly cloudy)


High   6:39 AM     0.9
Low   4:26 PM     0.4

Solunar Times

Best   3:38 am to 5:38 am    4:00 pm to 6 pm

Good  9:49 am to 11:49 am  (Right On)

Like I said in my last post this is one of the slowest weeks of the year on the water.  And when I got to the ramp there was nobody but me.  In fact, I only saw one crappie fisherman and a TPWD boat all morning.  And there was only one truck at the lot when I took out.  Lots to be said for having it dead quiet on the lake as the sun rose.

One thing I can say for sure about the bass on Coleto, I know where they are, and I sure know where they aren’t.  It was just cracking daylight as I headed up lake to pitch the Yum Dinger.  It was definitely a go with what you know day.  Just like the last 3 trips they seem to be on shallow banks, and many I caught today were in a foot of water.


                                    Just a nice average size today.

I am still pitching the 5″ Yum Dinger in watermelon red on 20lb. test with a 1/8th slip sinker.  Today I actually had more bites than the last couple of days, but never did boat a big one, though who knows what I missed.  I did have a hoss broke me off in big mess of wood, and I am thinking of going to a 30lb. leader.


                         I am not complaining about this average.

One thing that happened today was several stretches would give up 4 or 5 fish.  So when I caught one I really concentrated and hit every little bush or blade of grass.  Again several boiled it (which I caught) easing it over a bush.  And one really nice one rolled on a small bass I was bringing in.  During the bite they were very active.


                                           They were eating that Yum.

I caught one on my third cast, then got a bite here and there until about 10, and then they bit like crazy.  One of those deals where I wondered if I just got to the right place at the right time, or whether the bite was on.  It was definitely the later.  Again I only started the big motor once or twice once I started fishing.  I just kept the bait in the water and fished any cover I came to.

After catching a wad of them on shallow flats it dawned on me that maybe the Strike King Swimming Jig might be the ticket.  It has not really been effective this summer but it sure seemed like time.  I had one literally try to take the rod out of my hands on my first cast with it, which I missed.  Then another one hit it hard, and I missed that one too.  I finally got the feel back and put the next 2 in the boat.  The swim jig is easy to fish, but takes a little practice.  And those were the last bites I had today.  So after the big  flurry they flat out quit.  I mean at 11:30 it was over.  So I decided to try a couple of places down lake.


                                 It was a solid consistent bite today.

Before I left up lake I caught a bunch, probably an easy 15, and missed that many easy.  They were a nice average size, so things are picking up on the lake.  So I figured that there had to bee some place down lake to catch them, wrong again.  First thing the water is a good 3 – 5 degrees warmer down lake and a whole lot clearer.  I hit a couple of points, a long deeper  bank, and my favorite bank down lake and did not have a bite.  So the Solunar Tables were pretty much right on.  Other than a few small ones down lake has not been kind to me.  I can honestly say I do not have a clue how to catch one down lake.  So with that result I called it a day at 12:30.


Looking at the weather report for the week it is definitely fishable both from the wind perspective and the rain.  One day has a 90% chance and the rest of the days seem to be you will get wet somewhere, or not at all.  So time to head to the bay.  One of the real important part of keeping my blog is to be able to look back at the months and see where I was fishing.  Last year near the end of the month I had a couple of good days and caught one of the bigger trout I have caught out of POC.  So with that in mind it will be the bay in the next day or two.  Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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