Muskie Bay Resort – Ontario 6/3/16.


Boat Decal Home of the Bang O Lure.

Let The Games Begin

I am so tired right now I can not see straight.  1600 miles, 2 1/2 days, 2 motels and we are finally here.  We got up this morning at 3:30 to cross the border so we could fish some today.  And here is why we do this.


A nice healthy pike on 8lb line on grub fishing for smallmouth, no leader.

We got out about 11:00, quit at 5, and had a pretty good first day on Crow Lake.  Our main quarry was smallmouth, but of course we are happy with whatever.  Sorry but this will be a short report, I am getting ready to hit the sack.  Time to catch up before we really get going.


Shoedog got in on the act.

We found the pike in a weed bed in 7 foot of water and they were slamming it.  I had a muskie follow it to the boat and cream it with about 2 foot of line out and go nuts, jumping 3 times.  Before Shoedog could get the net he jumped off.  It looks like that is the way it is going to be the next 2 weeks.  Scary!   Looks like the smallies are on the beds and the muskies are following any and everything.  Good optics are a must and my Cocoons do the job.


This one knocked the crap out of the spinnerbait.

Clyde and John also caught fish this afternoon, good smallmouth and pike, and the muskies are shallow and moving around, though we can and don’t target them as they are out of season.  Try telling that to a 45″ predator with a mouth full of teeth when he flairs his gills and swallows your lure to stop biting.  And I am already mad at Clyde and John, on their way to the border this morning they saw a wolf, one of my bucket list critters.  How stinkin’ cool is that!  Maybe this year.


A nice smallmouth.

We also chatted with several folks who have been here this week, and the fishing has been pretty good.  The plan is to fish over here a couple of days and then off to Lake of the Woods.  The walleyes have been biting and there is several fish fries in our future.


Another spinnerbait smallmouth.

It was great to see Paul, his wife Chris, and son Jake.  They own Muskie Bay Resort and as usual made us feel like we were home.   Clyde has been coming here for years like so many of their customers.  They offer everything from just cabins to full service, including cooking your meals.  Just a great place to come.

So that will do it for now.  I am headed to bed to get rested up, if that is possible.  As usual it will be fish until you puke, but that is how we roll on our trips.  You only get one run at this life, and there will be a day when it will be to tough to act like this.  But that day is not today.  So come along with us, 13 more days to go.  If this is any indication it could get ugly.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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