Change of Plans 5/20/16.


Boat Decal

Knocker B topwater, not just for freshwater.


86/68   Cloudy early with sunshine expected late.  Chance of isolated thunderstorms. Winds NNE 5 – 10.


F   20     High   9:22 AM     0.8
20      Low  11:29 PM       0.1

Solunar Times

  • Best Times     9:27A – 11:27A  (notice right on the falling tide)
  •                          9:49P – 11:49P
  • Good Time     3:16A – 5:16A

I have to admit that today I just blew it off and went to the lake.  After talking to Shoedog about next Tuesday and Wednesday it looks like it will be a couple of days out of POC coming up.  From what I hear the fishing is staying pretty good on the bay.  One thing about this time of year it never hurts to get out early if you are going to throw topwater, and staying down there solves that.

Not only did I not go to the Gulf I decided to get the Skiff out, it had not been on the water in weeks and there were a couple of things to take care of.  At least everything was working properly once I got to the lake.  So it was after 10:00 before I wet a line.  When crossing the creek on 59 I noticed the creek was a lot lower than it has been, and when I got there the lake has really come up.  Not sure if the construction going on at the dam has anything to do with the lake coming up, or just the rainfall from the last couple of days.

Since the white swim jig was tied on one rod I started on a close mainlake bank and it was a while before I had a bite.  The first one when I jerked it and let it fall, the next one when I reeled it fast.  Both made a half hearted nip at it and neither hooked up so it was time to head up lake and do some pitching where I knew the fish were.

It only took a little stretch of bank and 4 or 5 jumped on the 5″ stick bait in watermelon red with a 3/16 slip sinker.  I peg the sinker so it gets through the stuff without hanging up so much.  As it has been, small points, wood, holes in the stuff, just tossing it in and bouncing it 2 or 3 times and then on to the next.  Get it as close to the heavy cover as you can.  And it seems the best banks are the moderate slopping banks with plenty of cover.


Plenty of this size in the lake right now.

I also spent some time fishing a spinnerbait, nothing, a buzzbait, 2, and then a pop r type bait, 3 or 4.  Considering I started throwing the pop bait at 1:00 it is surprising how many hits I had.  They wanted it popped right along and a couple that missed it were explosive bites.


Love catching them on topwater.

Keeping after that popper was fun but none of that is as productive as pitching cover.  Today the fish really ate it.  I felt about half of the bites, the others were just there, some swimming.  Several did not stay buttoned because they swam right at the boat and I couldn’t get the slack all out.  But for the day it was 7 pitching, and 5 or 6 on other stuff before I quit at 4:00.  No big ones but the bite was consistent as it has been.  The weather was as advertised, and as soon as I got up lake the fish were biting.  The fishing at the lake is still really consistent and some of the fish are nice fatties.  Guess I will have to get my lazy butt out of bed earlier next time, no matter where I go.


Matt made a great comment on what I said the other day about black drum and sheepshead.

I agree that black drum and sheephead are not as exciting as trout, but they are better eating than redfish if you’re willing to take the time to clean them.

I didn’t mean to sound like a fish snob, you are so right about the black drum.  Nice white meat, they are great eating and I can say that I have eaten black drum several times since I last ate a redfish.  Tough cleaning but sure worth the effort.  I guess my opinion on sheepshead is biased after filling a giant cooler off a rig in Louisiana years ago and spending 3 hour cleaning them, and they tasted like crap.  Probably from living on barnacles if I were guessing.  So thanks for your comment and keep them coming.


There were several gators out today and it always amazes me when they ease over looking for the critter that is making that buzzbait sound.  One of them today was a real big boy and he let me get pretty close with the boat and only went under when I talked to him.  And I also saw a black snake swimming in the lake today.  That is actually a rare sight on Coleto, in all the time I have spent on Coleto that is only the second or third snake I have seen.  I have a feeling that swimming on the surface on Coleto could be really hazardous to your health.

And speaking of snakes the boss said come out and look at this.  On the edge of the road was a big, and I mean big snake, either a rattler, couldn’t see rattles, or a big rat snake.  It had been run over.  Laying close to it was a dead small possum.  Not sure what happened but I sure wish we had seen it.


And one last comment for my buddy Todd in Austin.  I am watching Hank Parker Fishing and they are fishing for hybrids and are drumming on the bottom of the boat with their shoes.  The guide says it attracts the fish.  You are the first person I heard who uses a rubber hammer to bang on the bottom of the boat for white bass.  Weird but it apparently works.   Anyone else ever do or hear that before?


Today there is lots to do so I am free to fish most days next week, including getting my share of the meals lined up.  It really helps to have stuff pre-cooked so after fishing for 12 hours you can pop it in the oven and you are eating.  I am lucky in that the fish fry is my duty and it is easy to get done, besides who does not like a fresh fish fry overlooking the lake with good friends listening to the loons.  If Canada is on your bucket list Lake of the Woods is a don’t miss fishing hole.  It really is one of the few places that not only can you satisfy a bucket list fish but a true trophy of epic proportion could happen any cast.


  To bad it is 2 weeks away, I could be ready to go tomorrow.

I really am glad that I have heard from so many of you in the last couple of weeks.  Your comments, reports, and questions keep it fresh so feel free to comment anytime.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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