Gale Warning! 5/2/16.


Boat Decal

Check out the KnockerB.  If you like a one knocker you will like this as much as the trout do!

I am back and was hoping to fish today but the wind continues to conspire against me.  Not only is it blowing 20 straight out of the north they just posted a gale warning for the upper coast.  But all is not lost.  The wind is projected to blow 9 mph on Wednesday and 6 on Thursday so the only choice will be whether I am willing to get up real early and head to Baffin for a couple of days or pound POC.  But no matter what it will be 2 days of wading and topwater.


And here is the reason I spent the last 4 days on the road.


Mia.  They grow up fast – Don’t miss it.

We had a great time with the family and while we were up there we saw the Shoedog on his way to Arkansas, and here is his day 1 report.


Bull Shoals First Evening Friday, April 29 

I got to Mountain Home, Arkansas a little later than I planned on Friday and we didn’t get on the water until about 5:30. There had been rain and we had a very heavy sky. Low clouds and a bit of mist, but not bad at all.

We headed to Howard Cove, an area not to far to get to so we had time to fish before dark. 

Before I left, I added a Corky to my tackle box. I had been thinking that with the bass up shallow here I might be able to transfer something I learned on the salt to freshwater. Well, we hadn’t had 5 casts and hooked this nice brownie on the Corky. Sweet!


Thinking out of the box results in some great fish!

We kept on in the area and Clyde caught a couple nice ones on his chrome dome hair jig that he likes. 


Bull Shoals produces some big smallmouth.

It was getting pretty dark and I put on my Super Spook Jr. And went to walking the dog. Right at dark a big girl smacked it good. It was a thing of beauty, my favorite kind of bite.


A nice finish to the short evening.

We ended up with 5 or 6 bass, not a bad start to a weekends fishing. Stay tuned for the next couple days reports from big bad Bull Shoal. 


Nice job boys!  I can’t wait to hear how the next 2 days went.  When the smallmouth are on on Bull Shoals it is a thing of beauty.  To bad I couldn’t be there to school you perch jerkers.  Thanks for the report and keep them coming.  And Clyde – Only 4 weeks to Canada!  Can’t wait until we get to Bear Bay and put 200 of these suckers in the boat.  Yahoo!

Today I am taking care of all the things that need doing so that starting tomorrow I can fish.  The Boss is starting a 10 day stretch in the ER so I am free as a bird.  The wind is supposed to blow a little tomorrow, so it will be the lake, then comes the magic window of 2 days of light wind.  To bad those trout are going to have to pay for this stretch of weather, and I intend to jump over the side and spend 2 days thrashing them with that new Knocker B the Shoedog got me at Gander Mountain.  That thing is not only beautiful but comes with the tail feathers.  Gets me all worked up thinking about it.  So keep stopping in and thanks for sticking with me.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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