This and That 4/8/16.


Boat Decal

The best balsa baits on the market.

Sorry there has not been any saltwater reports in a while, but that is about to change.  But today the wind is supposed to hit up to 30mph so will stay home today.  Topwater time is here and it has been awhile since I spent any time on the bay.  The stuff is ready, new line on all, and baits organized.  Time to do something about it.

The last couple of days was spent catching up on stuff.  Going through rods with a missing guide, or busted tips, and either got them ready for a future garage sale or stripped them.  There were actually 20 of them and the last 5 I just removed guides for replacements and then threw the rods away.  I also went through reels, where does this stuff come from.  Looks like I have about 20 of them that are old, messed up, missing parts, so I sorted them all out.  Same with a bunch of tackle I know I will not use.  I am not a real pack rat, but there is a time to get rid of stuff you are never going to use.  I look at some of that stuff and think, “What were you thinking when you bought that?”


This guy has a real fishing problem.

My buddy Clyde posted this on Facebook so not sure where it came from.  From the looks of the fish, and what appears to be centimeters on his leg, this is probably not a US picture.


I should not talk, I have a redfish on my calf, but this is something.  No matter what or where you can always be sure you have the ruler.


Lake Mojave

It was good to hear from my buddy Voe who fishes those deep clear desert lakes in Nevada.

Went fishing on Lake Mojave Tuesday and had a very good day of fishing.  Caught a nice 4.5 lber smallmouth and another 17lb carp on grub.


Nice smallmouth, beautiful color!

Nice one.  And congratulations on another carp.  You probably need to go on the professional carp circuit.  Hope to see you when you close on the house here in Victoria.  Keep in touch and keep those pictures coming.


I always watch a little fishing on the weekends and this weekend I saw something that blew my mind.  There is a lake in California where the world record spotted bass had been broken 4x’s in the last year, Bullard’s Bar.  Located in the Tahoe National Forest in California it has about 60 miles of shoreline.  Mark Zona was fishing there and on the show they caught a 6 and an 8.55 spotted bass and topped it off with a 7lb smallmouth.  All I have to say – that is insane and if it was 8 hours closer the boat would be on the truck and I would be out of here.  These things happen here and there, take Falcon and Amistad as perfect examples.  When it happens if you can get there do it, it may be over.  My first bass over 7 in Texas came on Amistad when it was hot, then the 3 biggest of my life in 24 hours on Falcon.  And like Falcon and Amistad, Bullard’s Bar is one of those happenings that won’t last long.


We don’t call Nolan “fish face” for nothing.

nolan trip 2016 099

Shoedog’s grandson with what is called an Ozark Bass.  I remember maybe catching a couple and they resemble what we called either  Warmouth or a Rock Bass.  Just one of the amazing variety of fish you can catch in the Ozarks.


The fishing is going to begin tomorrow, somewhere.  The real news is Shoedog is wanting to hit the bay and he has read some good reports on the topwater fishing in Baffin.  The water temp is up enough and the trout are starting their spawn.  There is no better time to catch a big fish on top.  The wind reports look somewhat shaky and there is supposed to be thunderstorms off and on this week.  So not sure when that is going to happen, but it is going to happen somewhere.  So whether it is 3 days down there or out of POC time to get after it.  I hope the flats boat is back on Monday.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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