Fish Catching Travel
Time to throw that Strike King Swimming Jig! Man I love spring!
First we have to start with important stuff, Korbin, the Bass Master Champion in 2030. He and his dad have been on a quest for him to catch species of fish he has never caught before, and he added several this weekend. It will be fun to follow his fishing adventures. And they also report catching about 20 white bass on Coleto in the upper arm on shad colored crankbaits. They are still up there to be caught, but won’t be for long.
#1. The mighty sheepshead!
#2. A white bass headed to the grease.
#3. CPR on his first largemouth.
Look at his face in these pictures. What could be better? A dad and his son spending time together. Fishing is an activity that really can be shared with your children and in Korbin’s case he is consumed with it. I so see myself as I was the same age when the bug bit me, and look how I turned out. So take your kids fishing and we are excited to follow Korbin’s quest. I will try to put him on a redfish in the near future. So way to go Dude!
My buddy Bobby got out a day on Coleto and reports a pretty fair day.
Man it was a good day. The strike king swim jig was the answer. White with the rage craw trailer. Found the fish in the back of coves.

Jim dropped me this comment after my rant the other day.
I just read your post and can relate about the feelings you were/are experiencing. Over the years I have had many knock down drag out discussions with one of my wife’s uncles about over limits. He used to brag about all the Reds, trout, flounder, bass, white bass he and his buddies would catch and it was always over possession and daily bag limits. I would listen to his stories and get so upset that I couldn’t say something about what he was doing was wrong and it was people like him that causes fishing license fees to increase. He always came back with “well nobody was around so”. And every time he said that I thought what character and integrity! Idiot!!! I have to laugh now because whenever there is a family get together he avoids me like the plague which is fine with me. All I can say is what comes around goes around.
I appreciate your comment and your experience is actually a good teaching moment for all of us. I tend to rant at times, maybe excessively, but fishing and hunting can best be described as a privilege and not a right, no matter how we like to think. And every little opening we give the anti’s will be taken. And your ragging on him worked. Not only did it work out for you personally, it made him think, hopefully not only about what he says, but what he was doing. So thanks for the comment.
Still reading, just haven’t found the time to comment lately. Now that hunting season is over I will try and find the time to say more. Ha! Man do I appreciate the
venting! That problem you wrote about is the reason we don’t have the fishing community we ought to. Idiots abuse it. Not only do they abuse the shared information, but they tout about it and break the law. Unfortunately all the people out to stop fishing/hunting don’t look at the majority of ethical sportsman. They use these morons as ammunition to further their cause. It makes you sick. It pisses me off. May the hull of their boats and the props of their engines find the sharpest edge of an oyster reef!Wow! I love hearing about POC! My buddy and I are planning a trip (kayak bay fishing) sometime in May. Its the soonest we can get out there. Hopefully the fishing holds up until then! Its been too long since I’ve been chasing reds/trout. (I blame all the hunting!)
Whenever we get down there we gotta meet up for some food/beer! Maybe I’ll hit you up for some hot fishing spots so I can keep a LEGAL limit of reds! LOL
Have a great week and catch all the big ones!
Good to hear from you. It is so important for sportsmen to remember that a moments indiscretion, much less blatant stupid behavior, paints us all and anything anti’s can use to attack our sports does not help. I guess what really did PO’ me was that is exactly what it was, a misuse of information. No wonder some folks don’t share fishing information and techniques with folks. Burn me once shame on you, burn me twice shame on me. Please let me know when you will be down, if I can help point the way I sure will. And I rarely refuse a cold one with a fisherman. My stories are so much better after a couple!
Steve sent this report a couple of days ago and it makes me want to hitch up in the morning and head that way.
Fished Fayette yesterday. Planned on being on the lake at sunup but a blown tire on the truck doing 65 on I-10 put a bit of a delay in the schedule. Nothing like changing a tire on the shoulder of the freeway with semi’s blowing past! (Called AAA but they couldn’t get there until 7:30 and we couldn’t wait that long).
Fished the bays, trees, points, and dam. We ended up with 17 total fish, with 9 coming from bays in about 6-8 ft of water, 5 on deep diving crank baits in 12-15 ft of water, and 3 on a Carolina rig also deep. Fish were healthy, fat, and good size except for maybe 2 dinks, and included a 6.10 on a deep dive crank bait and a 4.11 on a wacky worm. Water temp still cooling – was about 60 when we got on the lake, and 70 by the time we got off at about 2.
All in all, not a bad day, even considering the early morning tire problem!
Keep up the good work, love to read your stuff.
A great day considering the start, and nice numbers for an early quit. I really, really, like to fish Fayette. It is a consistent fishery and you all ways have a shot at a good one, what we call a Fayette Fatty. So thanks for the report, keep them coming.
Bold Prediction for the Month.
You heard it here first. I just looked at the 10 day forecast and if it holds true there is a day coming in a little over a week that my past experiences on Coleto have shown it to be one of the best fishing days of the year. It is getting right, daytime warming into the 80’s and then a front with cloud cover. Front day it drops into the 60’s for highs, but as long as it isn’t a norther type front it should be awesome. We should see occasional fish making beds and moving up. Like I always say there are times when you need to be doing a specific thing based on weather and time of year, and we are about to hit one of those times. Big bass are in my future and they are coming in 7 or 8 days from now.
It is so great to hear from all of you, keep those reports and comments coming. The fishing is hot in both fresh and saltwater and it is time to get out there as much as you can. My plans are up in the air but include catching a couple of big bass and I intend to hit the bay and take the fly rod. I have had it a while and got it with the intention of catching redfish. Well the way they were acting last week it is time. In fact both Pete and John of the Austin Boys fish with the buggy whip and commented on how easy it would have been to catch one. I can not thank all of you, whether readers or fishing buddies, it takes all of us to keep this blog going. So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.
Good Luck and Tight Lines