This and That 12/8/15.

Fish Catching Travel


Do not overlook the white Swimming Jig this time of year!

I forgot to post this picture of Pete on Garcitas Creek from the other day. petebass

A Garcitas Creek bass.

Besides this largemouth, they put a few trout in the boat there on Thursday.  They had concocted a name for the slam he caught that day, but in my old age I forgot what they said.  So what would you call a redfish, trout, flounder, and a bass on the same trip?


And here is Jeff’s report from his weekend of tourney fishing on Coleto.

Saturday morning was a very cold launch 38 degrees to start. I decided it best not to freeze my partner, so a short run was in order. We went around the corner from the launch cove heading south to first trees on the left. After about an hour I lost my first fish on a trap. After the sun came out we made that run all the way up the river to the buoy. Fished the creek to the left where I had caught two decent fish Friday and nothing. Headed back down south to next creek on the left which had some isolated trees near creek channel and picked up two quality fish here….. Decided to see if that would work somewhere else, so we headed further South to some isolated trees by a boat stall and picked up a solid 3 pound fish. Moved down again to the creek that goes left rt as the river turns rt….. Nothing but wasted time there…. at least for the small pattern I had put together(fat storm square bill, 5′-6′ depth) had to hit the wood and they would take when it stopped and floated back up. I don’t think I felt one of them hit, just got heavy or they hooked themselves and swam off. Next stop we ran up to some trees across from the creek heading back into the discharge and put number 4 in the boat.  The last 30 minutes we spent on the right hand point leading back to ramp. I mention this because I had one follow a trap back to the boat and as i was picking it up out of the water at the boat it jumped out of the water to try and get it. Was pretty neat had never had that happen before. Ending total 4 fish 9.80
Day 2: Decided to run back to trees across from discharge creek….. Had seemed like a good idea to start as i picked up 3 rt away however this time all near the flooded grass line, and all on a white swim jig, I did have two that came off that might have kept but who knows, my swim jig fish were much smaller all about 14-1/4 – 14-1/2″……. Off the water at noon ending total 3.85 two day total 13.65 good for only 4th place.
1st   was a little over 25lbs
2nd  was around 22
3rd  was around 19
4th was us at 13.65
5th was rt around 5lbs
I believe the first place team spent all of there time down on the south end.
There you have it, the Waller County Bass Club Classic at Coleto Creek 🙂 the most disappointing part of my trip was not being able to get my partner a fish.
Well looks like the club got a good dose of the tough bite on Coleto.  Most times it would take in the 20lb+ range daily so the numbers sure bear out how it has been the last month.  But nice job on finishing 4th, way better than stiking out and just a couple of bites away from the leaders.  A 4th place finish is great anytime.   And to bad your partner did not catch a fish, tell her better luck next time, her turn is coming.
Your comment reminded me of old times, fish following a crankbait all the way to the boat and just missing it or getting it at boatside was not all the unusual.   We did a lot of paralleling deep banks with crankbait in the spring in Arkansas and found that if you are seeing them close to the boat, whether catching them or not, we were reeling just a hair to fast, and a slow down with a pause right before you would see your bait would increase hookups.  Just something to think about next time that happens.  So thanks for the detailed report, I am going to figure them out sometime this next week or two if it kills me.

After our tough day on Coleto I got this comment from one of my most loyal readers.

Doug, glad to hear that you are only human. For the past 3 years I have viewed your blog only to see you and your many catches from all waters. Most of us are not as skilled in catching fish as you are. Many times I see your pictures and read your words of all kinds of fish you caught that day. Skunk is not in your vocabulary but it is in mine and others. We are inspired by your dedication and sharing your exploits with all of us. This past year, I have not caught as many fish as I did in my younger days, but just getting away from the trials and tribulations of mundane daily life while not on the water keeps me sane. I often are picked up by your blogs and they give me hope on my next venture out. Keep us abreast of your travels and both good and bad days… Sorry there are no bad days when one is on the water. Even Redfishlaw has days with little or no fish but you always come up with great stories to keep us glued to our computers waiting for whatever you write about Thank you and We all are with you in every outing you go on. Mac

First off thanks for your kind words, I am not sure I am all that deserving of them but they are appreciated.  As far as how skilled I am there is an old saying – “The more I fish the luckier I get.”  That applies to all of us and nothing beats time on the water.  And it is so true about being on the water, catching fish becomes the primary motivation and we often forget that being out there is to be savored for what it is.  And as far as hope and anticipation, it defines fishing, hope for today, tomorrow, the next cast, the next place, the next bait, hope springs eternal.  After all these years I still wake up hours before I need to if headed to the water, I hope those feelings never fade.  So thanks for making me think about things with a little more perspective than simply basing success on production.  Comment anytime you feel the need to, they are always welcome.


I know this is off topic but since this is my blog a proud papa gets to toot his daughter’s horn.  If you have read my stuff for a while you know my daughter Carrie and her husband have their Vilakazi Foundation that helps really poor children in the ghettos of South Africa, doing it out of the goodness of their hearts and a sense of duty.  Both have been recognized as young players in Oklahoma City and are active in the community.  Now my daughter has decided to run for school board out of this ongoing sense of duty to children.  As a former teacher and journalist who has written extensively on both state and local public school issues, she is well informed and qualified for the job.  I am proud of her accomplishments and both of them are great folks that this world needs more of.  My only comment – Look out what you wish for!


A Rant

Theresa Vail, former beauty queen, of the TV show Limitless with Theresa Vail on the Outdoor Channel, is currently charged with crimes involving illegally taking a grizzly and then participating in a cover up with the Alaskan guides.  Outdoor shows have been taken over in many cases by cute girls, rich kids, well connected monied folks, athletes, and others who do not have the long term background in the outdoors or ethical practices.  I do not need to remind you Ted Nugent has been prosecuted in several states for game law violations.  Many of these folks could not catch a fish or kill a bear on their own if they tried.

The Outdoor Channel and the other outdoor networks share the blame, not to mention the suppliers of outdoor equipment.   There is a big difference between making a mistake and then acknowledging and taking your punishment like a stand up person and engaging in an illegal cover up.  That simple act takes it out of oops stuff happens and puts it into intentional criminal action.  That is never the actions of an ethical outdoorsman,  that is the actions of a criminal.  When will the Outdoor Channel and suppliers of outdoor equipment going to stand up and say we will not air shows or sponsor those who have engaged in this type of activity, intentional law breaking?  Her show should be suspended pending the outcome of the legal issues, and if she is convicted it should be canceled.  Hunting and gun ownership is under enough pressure in the country and we do not need this type of exposure.


So here I sit at home, without a tow vehicle.  I had hoped this thing would go pretty quickly but doubts are beginning to creep in.  After speaking with the insurance company Monday I took it to a body shop and dropped it off to await the adjuster.  Then the body shop calls and asks if I want it back, no adjuster until Thursday.  THURSDAY!  Are you f’n kidding me?  So I complained to the insurance company and was told the body shop could do the estimate.  Ok good, and everyone would get a hold of me.  Now here it is the next day and I have not heard a word.  The damage is quite a bit more extensive than previously thought so I am starting to get worried.  No tow vehicle puts me in a bad way, heck I feel like a heroin addict who can’t get a fix.  The longer this goes the worse I will feel.  So I guess it is time to sit back and try not to stress out to bad.  It will resolve itself when it does.  I guess my thought that it might be taken care of quickly and efficiently was just a dream and I should have known better.

On a good note my buddy Voe is going to do the towing tomorrow.  We are headed to either the creek or the river to put the smack down on some trout and reds.  The weather looks great and tide will be falling first thing and then rising the rest of the day.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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