The ugly truth. 3/8/15.

Fish Catching Travel


Baits that catch fish!

After fishing Coleto last time out I took a couple of days off to spend some time with the boss.  Saturday we went to Fulton for the Oyster Fest.  But before heading over to the festival we wanted to try a new restaurant called Paradise Key.  It is out of Rockfort at the ramp near the big in-door boat barn between Rockport and Aransas Pass.  The food was pretty good and they handled the big crowd fairly well for a new place.  From there we headed to the festival for a couple of adult beverages, some fresh delicious oysters, and while there talked with several folks we knew.  Of course the weather was perfect, but with the forecast for Sunday not to bad, there would be some fishing.  They were forecasting 55 degrees and drizzle or light rain, and boy did it rain.

Initially the plan was Coleto and some bass fishing, but since I have not hit the salt in a little while thought I would check it out.  It helped I had a couple of fresh reports, but second hand, that there were still some nice trout in Garcitas Creek.  So with a forecast of light rain, which would keep the traffic down, I decided to head to the creek for some trout fishing.  I wanted to try out the Shimano Waxwing, and hopefully get you all a saltwater report.

When I got there it was around 10 and there was a light drizzle.  So in the water and down the creek a couple of miles to one of my favorite spots.  And from then on it was cast, rain, cast, rain, cast, rain…………..some folks might call it drizzle, but it was rain to me.   For 5 hours I worked down river, from the bridge to the houses near the bay, throwing plastics, both paddle tail and assassin style, popping cork, and the Waxwing.  I fished slow, fast, deep, shallow, I even trolled for a half hour, and caught a total of none.  Points, flats, channel banks, pockets, I hit them all.  Not a fish.  Not even a good bite.  By time  I quit at 3 it was raining fairly hard and I was damp and cold.

It has been a while since I struck out, and I mean no hits, nor runs, no errors.  I really have no idea why it was that slow, but whatever I was doing was not working.  Obviously I was no where near any trout, or not fishing properly, or a combination of both.  Though if it would have worked out it would have been the latest I have ever caught them in a river in early spring.  So the only thing I can take away from today was it was all wrong.  No way the bass fishing wouldn’t have been better, but sometimes it just doesn’t work out, and today was that day.  Oh well.


Got this from my youngest brother.  Not sure who made it but thanks a lot for letting me share it with folks.

a Getting it done one way or another.  Must be opening day.


The Victoria Port authority is holding a hearing Tuesday, the notice was posted in Sunday’s paper, to decide whether they will close the barge canal to basically all but shipping traffic at the Victoria county line.  Now I have no idea where the county line is exactly, but my question is whether it includes the BP docks.  One of the great winter trout holes, it would be a shame for that to become off limits.  If you know, drop me a note.  Of course I am sure the old security rational will be the justification.  That rational has become a go-to, no other explanation needed, government take it or leave it response to lots of things these days.  But who knows, it could be something completely different.  But if you see some ISIS dudes speeding up the barge canal in a tunnel with a 300 on it be sure to call somebody.


The forecast for Monday is up to 5″ of rain.  That will definitely rule out fishing, but boy would that put us off to a nice start as far as rainfall this year.  The lake has come up some, and 5″ would really help.  Of course along with the rain is the constantly fluctuating water temperature.  And I have seen it in the past where a big raise during the spawn actually hurts things, every set of conditions is different.  Not sure what effect it will have on our spawn, but with our current weather pattern the bass spawn should be drawn out an extra month.

Speaking of spawning season, the trout spawn will have those fish as big as they are going to get the next couple of months.  And it will be so interesting as the fishing pressure peaks this spring how many trout will be heading back due to the 5 fish limit.  I feel there is just no way it can not help fishing, especially in harder fished areas like POC and Rockport, but only time will tell.

And since we are talking about spawning fish, crappie are being caught on pretty good on Texana right now.  The guy I talked to is just putting a small jig a foot below a small bobber and dipping.  I really want to get over there some time next week when we get the big warming trend.  The crappie should go nuts and it makes my mouth water thinking about them sizzling in the pan.

As I post this Monday morning it is raining pretty hard, my ditch is full, and the forecast is for heavy rain continuing into tonight.  So no fishing today, but the boat is still hooked to the truck and it will be off to the water somewhere in the morning.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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