Coleto Creek 10/28/14.

Fish Catching Travel

All good plans have a flaw, and today mine had one, or maybe a couple more than that.  The plan was to hit a couple of the deeper grass beds in hopes of continuing the Swim Jig bite.  So first it was to the bank that I wacked them on last time, and not a bite.  So I figured it must be the place, so it was off to a couple of more similar places, but with the same result.

So from there I headed up lake and decided to throw some buzzbait and that went over like a lead balloon.  Now a couple of thing could account for that, the mile high sky, a mini front, and then the wind.  And let us not forget the lake is still falling and the grass is dying wholesale.  One of the reasons I went to the lake and not the Gulf was it was supposed to blow 20 mph, and by 11 it was, and then some.  I finally put a small one in the boat on buzzbait and then this one on the Swim Jig.

001Not all that much but he did knock the crap out of it, I am not sure what was wrong with the rest of them.

By now the wind was really starting to howl, and since it was rolling out of the south there were not to many places to hide.  And throwing the Swim Jig in that wind left a big bow in my line, and while I had a couple of more hits, by time I knew it they were gone.  It is tough to throw that jig and swim it deep in high winds.   So I finally put my thinking cap on and out came the spinnerbait.  Normally on Coleto I am throwing it quite a bit this time of year, but with the warm temperatures and falling lake it had not been on the plate this fall.

Of course the first bank I caught one.  So I kept moving around and catching one here and one there, but they just were not the size I was looking for.  I kept at it from 1 until 4, fighting the wind and floating grass, and when I finally quit about 10 came over the side, none of them worth a hoot.  They definitely wanted it buzzed quick right below the surface making a wake and the ones that hit ate it.   They wanted the number 4 willow leaf on a white tandem blade spinnerbait.  The willow leaf makes a huge boil as it wakes in and is a true reaction strike.  And if there was a point with the wind pounding on it there was at least one fish.   I think it was just a matter of a bad set of conditions making it tough.


This is what they looked like on the spinnerbait.

So I am not sure what that trip was all about, but first it was a good thing I did not go the to the Gulf, that would have been a hassle with the wind.  Second, we need some real fall conditions, and it looks like we have it coming this weekend when it could dip into the  40’s on Friday night.  That can only help, but what we really need is some rain to stabilize the water level.  If we do not get some rain it won’t be long before the ramp gets pretty sketchy.


The Shoedog was leaving his deer hunting grounds the other day and spotted this big guy on his way out.

big deer 001

This was taken from a long way and blown up.  No matter what it looks like a good shooter.

So good luck Shoedog, hope you get him this Saturday.  My mouth is watering thinking about fresh venison.

So with that somewhat disappointing morning Monday we are about to change gears and head back to the Gulf.  Tomorrow Chris and I are heading to the Ayers Bay area to take a look at the new pass and do some fishing.  I am not sure what to expect, but am really looking forward to fishing that area.  We might even sneak over to Cottonwood Bayou or Panther Point.  We will just have to see how it goes.  So keep stopping in, I will get the story up as soon as I can.  Thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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