Random Stuff 10/8/14.

Fish Catching Travel

As those of you who read my stuff know I have been helping out a friend in need this week.  I am not sure when it will be done, but I did want to share a comment I got from Jeramie.  His comment, and picture, is the reason I fish Coleto so much.  It can happen any time, any cast, and when it does it is a thing of beauty.

“I enjoy your site, I fished coleto for the second time yesterday and did quite well including a fish that was 7.5-8 pounds . I’ll keep checking your post to keep updated on the lake. Keep up the good wrk. If there is any way to send u a pic of fish I’d sure like to.


That is one awesome bass. 

Thanks for following through and sending me the picture.  I so appreciate all of you who comment and send me stuff.  Keep up the good work yourself Jeramie, that is a good fish anywhere.

I have been hearing varying reports on the Gulf.  Some folks are doing pretty well, others are struggling.  According to a couple of guys I spoke with the tides are still high and there are lots of areas that are really flooded.  When we have so much water it can really make it tough.  And to go along with that it seems when we have those high tides neither the rise or fall are that strong.  That is when I throw that Redfish Magic and cover lots of water.   But come to think of it I really don’t need an excuse to throw a spinnerbait.

Hopefully I will have a Gulf report from a friend who wanted to know if I was busy tomorrow.  So if you hit the Gulf tomorrow Chris we want all the sordid details.  And Faye, how did your quick POC trip go?  So come one folks, help me out here.  I can’t make the water for several days yet and it is killing me so I need to here if any of you are catching anything.

Sorry for the short report but it is late and it will be another long day tomorrow.   Bear with me, I will be on some water Saturday somewhere.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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