The Beat Goes On 6/14/14.

Fish Catching Travel

Remember how I told you yesterday was awesome weather.  Well we got over that one.  Today it was cloudy and cold when we got up.  Everybody got up late today.  I was up at 6 and let them sleep until 8, until I finally made some noise.  We took it easy with a good breakfast and finally about 9:30 we headed out.  They decided to go over to Lake of the Woods and we stayed on Crow Lake.

Shoedog wanted to catch a lake trout trolling, he has missed and lost some, and today turned out no different.  We trolled here on Crow Lake from around 10 until 4:00 and only had one bite.  Unfortunately Shoedog lost it right by the boat.  So he still has not boated a trolled laker.  By then I was pretty well sick of it and it was clear it was not happening.  It didn’t help we were trolling in open water, the wind was blowing 25, and the temp was dropping fast.

So it was time to do something different.  We headed to a channel between a couple of islands to catch a bass and on about his fourth cast he got a bite.


These things just get in the way (I am so kidding) of the smallmouth fishing.  No wonder there were not bass in that cove.

At this point the weather was really deteriorating fast.  I had a small bass and another bigger one follow my jerkbait but that was my total for the day.  Now the wind is howling out of the north and it started to rain.  So we decided to fish just a little longer, and then we decided to quit.  And of course…….


There are trips when it is just your turn, and the Shoedog is having his this trip.

After this it started to pour and we called it a day as early as we have all week.  Unfortunately tomorrow is going to deteriorate to the low 50’s and rain all day.  We may finally get rained out.  And again I can not say enough how glad I am that we are here for 2 weeks.  This weather is crazy.  Yesterday 75, today 55, tomorrow 52, and according to the forecast starting Monday it will be in the mid 70’s for days.  The fishing has been good but it should really get better after this cold front passes.

Clyde an John headed over to Lake of the Woods and they had a so so day.  One thing about cold fronts, it hurts the fishing no matter the species you are fishing for or where you are fishing.  Clyde did happen to catch this nice walleye.


This is a nice walleye.

We had a few cool things happen this week.  A few days ago we had a muskie come for a bait and not take it.  It had a bright white plastic crappie twister hanging from his jaw.  Today Clyde and John were fishing  and had the same muskie follow a bait to the boat.   What are the odds?

Now that is cool, but what happened when Jeff caught the big one above tops it all.  Jeff had that fish come out of 1 foot of water and smoke that jerkbait.  When he got to the boat he went nuts like they do and made a big run.  There were a few loons there feeding on bait and when the muskie came back to the boat the loon was following him.  I mean that fish was fighting his butt off and that loon looked just like a penguin as he followed that muskie, under water, a foot or two from his tail as he struggled.  It was truly an outdoor happening we will probably never see again in our lives.

Tonight we will all get a good nights sleep.  If the it does not rain all day, which it is supposed to it will be back to Lake of the Woods for us.  We are happy nothing broke for Clyde today, and other than a few baits Shoedog and I have not had any.  These are big lakes and I think we saw 5 boats on Crow today, Clyde and John only say 2 on Lake of the Woods.  You have to exercise caution at all times, wear your lifejacket, and be prepared.  But that is what makes a trip like this what it is.  I love it.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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