Canada Day 3 6/9/14.

Fish Catching Travel

Let me start out by getting this out of the way.  I fished like crap and that is the very reason to stay as long as possible when you go on adventures like this, you can afford a day where it does not go so well.

We headed a long way up lake to Penisula Bay and started in the first cove on the right.  On Jeff’s second cast a nice muskie followed his jerk bait to the boat and did not take.  Then we caught 4 really nice smallmouth.  In fact I caught my biggest one of the trip by far, and because it was so fast and furious I did not take a picture.  To bad it was my last big smallmouth of the day.

We fished a few other coves and then we came to a beaver hut, Jeff tossed his jerk bait in there and a muskie charged out.  He came right to the boat and took a swipe at it and missed.  Then he ate it right in front of us.  One thing I will say about muskies is they are not afraid of anything.


The Shoedog strikes again.

One thing you do need to know about muskie fishing in Ontario is the season opens later in June and it is against the law to actively pursue them.  That is what makes Crow Lake such a good place to fish before the opener.  There is not a lot of traffic which is nice.  Second, it has smallmouth and they love jerk bait.  So we just fish for smallmouth and the muskie just come along with it.  Nice to have a fish like that “get in the way.”

We did not catch any lake trout today but Clyde and John caught a couple.


Clyde with a great laker.

Clyde and John caught a good mess of smallmouth and a couple of muskies.  The Shoedog caught a few smallmouth but after that we just did not do that good.  We had multiple muskie follow our baits but they just refused to eat.  We went to re-fish the first cove we caught them in and did not do any good.  Turned out those guys had just re-fished it and caught 4 smallies and a small muskie.

From there we did a little lake trout fishing and only had one hit but it did not hook up.  We did catch a couple more smallmouth and saw one more muskie, but he did not take.  So that is the size of it for today.   We did get rained on, but it was gone in an hour and it was beautiful.  But there were grouse drumming, eagles everywhere, and the scenery is just awesome.

Tomrrow we had way up lake, take a portage, and there will be a couple of jon boats at a lake with no access.  And it should be great from the reports we are getting.

And one more Clyde story.  He went to get tires, and the only thing he could get was nice radials with chrome rims, so now another couple of hundred on the boat.  And when they went to put the tires on they found the bearings were bad on the trailer, so those got replaced.  That is actually a good thing, better than a roadside breakdown.  But then the tires are an inch to big and were hitting the fender.  So now the fenders have to be raised.  When it rains it pours.  The only good thing is Paul the owner and Jake his son redid the bearings and are going to fix the fenders while we are at the other lake.  Tell me when you stayed somewhere to fish and got that kind of service.  Muskie Bay is a full service resort.  Guess that is part of coming to a place for years.  What great folks.

One last word before I hit the hay.  I will try to sit down and see if I can download Clyde and Johns pictures and get them up in the next day or two.  Tomorrow will be an epic day and I will get it posted tomorrow night. So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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