Muskie Bay Day 2 6/8/14

Fish Catching Travel

Today was not quite as good as yesterday, but with the cold front, it was 41 this morning, it was not surprising.  We decided to hit a new place today so both boats went to a big cove and we fished one side and Clyde and John fished the other.  I managed to catch one small muskie, see below and Shoedog struck out.

John and Clyde caught a few, and had multiple follows for muskies, but other than hooking one, and a big smallmouth, it was slow for them.  So after that we headed up to a cove we caught multiple smallmouth yesterday and they were there.


One nice brownie.


Love that jerk bait.

Shoedog and I put 7 in the boat there, so we pulled out the morning.  The water had dropped 5 degrees into the low 50’s and you could really tell it hurt the fishing.  I have not caught a fish on spinnerbait yet, so I tossed it a while and managed to put a nice one in the boat.


My biggest for the day.

After that it was back to the cabin for lunch which was leftover Gumbo from the night before, and it was actually better if that was possible.  So then it was off to do some trolling for lakers.  They are shallower than normal, so they have been catching them flat lining with small jerk baits.  Clyde and John put a couple in the boat and we only managed one, but it was a nice one.  The ones we are catching are running about 10lbs, nice fish.


Clyde and John trolling for lake trout.


Trolling is the way to catch them.

I think we only had one strike, and just did not get the trolling thing right this afternoon.  And for the day the Shoedog and I both lost a couple each on jerkbait bass fishing.  They hit hard, but twist and roll and you just can not horse them.  And though we messed those up, we will have plenty of time to get it right.


They don’t call these loons for nothing.

There are lots of Loons around.  They have a cool call.  We also saw an eagle today and are still waiting to see a bear or wolf.  While the odds on that are long, they do see both of them up here, and it would be one of those cool things.


They only muskie for the day.

 So while it was a little slower, it still was a good time.  The weather is about to straighten out for a few days so it should really get going.  Tomorrow we are headed over to Lake of the Woods to try out some pike fishing.  If you like action, and love the feel of a fish slamming a bait, Pike are the fish for you.  And we will also try out the walleye fishing some.

The next day we are off to Cedar Tree.  It is a lake only reached from Crow Lake via portage.  Clyde caught the biggest smallmouth of his life there, and that is saying something.  The guys next to us went yesterday and caught 55 including 2 smallmouth 24 inches long, and folks that is a huge smallmouth.

Before I sign off and head to bed I have to tell you a story on Clyde.  As you know he had to buy a trolling motor, then had a flat.  Today when we went to go out after lunch we get to the boat and he could not find his boat key.  Everyone looked everywhere, the house, the sofa, the boat, the cleaning table, I mean everywhere.  The owner and son helped, even tried other keys, the whole works.  The owners son came up and said, ” Did you check your pockets?”  His dad told him to keep quiet, of course he did.  And where were they, in Clyde’s pocket.  So after an hour of blaming kids and the man in the moon, he missed it when he checked his pockets about 5 times.  Paul, the owner said he was about to line up all the kids and torture the truth out of them.  We love our Clyde, never a dull moment.

It is 11 now and time for bed.  It gets light at 4:45 and it wakes me up, so I make the rest of the animals get up.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.  And if there are some editing mistakes sorry, I am to tired to proof read.

Good Luck and Tight Lines




About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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