Coleto and Random Stuff 5/8/14.

Fish Catching Travel

Faye & Steve’s POC report.

Sorry there as not been any new reports but I took a few days off from fishing, and doing any work on the blog.  So if you have not heard from me today is catch up.  It was nice to take a few days off, but I was not all that far from water, like a block.  The one constant between last week and this week is our wind is still blowing.  In fact, yesterday we had gusts to 36.  It is forecast to keep blowing like that for the next few days, and today is no exception.

While I did not hit any water for about a week, I do know a couple of folks who did.  I heard from Faye, who is one of my loyal readers.  She and her husband keep busy with their business and when they get the chance they love to fish the POC area.  If you read my stuff you know their last trip went a little different than they might have hoped, but they got a little revenge this time.


Faye with a nice trout.

She tells it better than I can so here is her report:

Good morning, -I‘ll get right to the point this morning. 

Thursday as you and Shoedog know it was cool, NE winds with off and on rain showers.  We hit it about 9:30 am and quit about 3pm.  It was like speeding down the banks with the wind.  We caught 3 undersized; 2 trout / 1 flounder, in the oil cut.  It was TOUGH!! 

Friday morning it was still cool and the wind was somewhat better.  We usually hit Big Bayou 1st but Steve asked what I wanted to do and I said, “Coast Guard”.  It was about 9:15am.  We anchored about 30′ off from the middle arch of the old bldg.  We were in 5-6′ of water, tide was still coming in, with shrimp on a popping cork.  Steve pitched out towards the pass side and wham, fish on.  It was one of those days that keeps you coming back!!  We put 8 nice trout in the box and release 6 – 14″-15″ trout as well as 5 sheepshead.  I caught my personal best – 23″ trout.  Once the tide went slack, there wasn’t a bite to be had anywhere else that day.   When we were cleaning them, we saw that most of them had eggs.  They were still a lightish color.  I think, when they’re about to spawn, the color gets darker.  The point is they are feeding and headed to spawn. 

Saturday the wind BLEW…. SW and it was again a tough day to get dialed in.  We hit Big Bayou, Coast Guard Station,  the Pass, Oil Cuts, the painted trim house channels, back to Big Bayou.  We caught a few undersized but they came on 1/4 oz jig head with salt and pepper paddletails.  The only thing hitting the shrimp were catfish. 

We only caught the one day but it was a wonderful day and trip!! 

Thanks to you for posting regularly.  We look forward to each one.  Also, tell your wife we say “Thanks” 

Faye & Steve”


Great trout Faye.  Looks like Steve has been taking photography lessons from me.

I got another note from her, apparently on their way to POC they passed the Shoedog and I headed back to Victoria to pick up the other boat.  I did not get to meet them at POC as I was headed out of town for a few days, but we will get together some day.  Their experience this weekend just further confirmed my theory that when you are going somewhere to fish you should always have 3 days.  Even with bad weather a little perseverance will usually lead to one day of good fishing.  So congrats to Faye and Steve for a good trip and thanks for sending me the pictures and reports.  (And my apology to Steve, I just could not get his picture downloaded to show you, it went to picture heaven, where ever that is.)

The area saltwater reports still haven’t been the greatest, but the redfish bite has been fairly consistent.  This has been a crazy spring with the winds even higher than usual, and a couple of late cold fronts that just added to the confusion.  But I am not despairing, the trout fishing will do what it does every year as June approaches, it will go crazy.

Coleto Creek

After getting back in town I took care of a few things that needed doing, but I was really needed to catch something.  Of course yesterday the wind was blowing a solid 25 mph with higher gusts.  In spite of that I loaded up and headed to Coleto, getting there about 10 or so.

The wind was blowing everywhere on the lake so I started on a windy point with a spinnerbait, and within 5 minutes I had 2 in the boat.


Bite number 2.

Just as it has been when the wind blows, search out a point or a long bank with a swing, as long as it has grass on it, there will be at least a couple of fish on it.  I am still running that spinnerbait fast on the surface and some of them are still just absolutely blasting it.


This guy made the cut because he flushed that spinnerbait.

Now folks it was blowing, and that is not an exaggeration.  In fact it was literally howling.  So no matter where you went there was a chop.  I did figure out a couple of things though that kept the fish coming in the boat.

If there was a stretch where it was just a breeze, and those were few and far between, they still wanted that buzzbait.


This big headed girl sucked it under like a small trout eating a dry-fly.

And when the wind put a little more ripple on the water they wanted the big bladed spinnerbait buzzed right on the surface.  The final punch line was when the wind was blowing right on a bank and it was really rough, the Strike King Burner spinnerbait was the bait of choice.  By alternating these 3 baits I ended up putting 13 or so in the boat in about 4 hours.  Not fast by any means, but a great day considering the wind.

About 2 I finally had all I could take with the wind so I called it a day.  Not bad for a short trip.  Not sure what is next, but something is.  I met Voe last night, who has retired to the area to fish.  I guess whenever I hear from him I will take him, he is a bass and saltwater guy so we have something in common.  Also Todd sent me a report on the Austin Boy’s trip to Matagorda last weekend, another thing I missed being out a few days.  He also sent me a couple of pictures, look for that later today or first thing in the morning.  Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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