Coleto Creek 2/23/14.

Fish Catching Travel

Sometimes I can not win no matter what decision I make.  But like always, it was the outside forces at work today. I only watch a couple of car races a year, and the one I like the best was on today, The Daytona 500.  I love that race.

So with the race starting after lunch I decided to get in a few hours of fishing.  The fog was pretty thick when I headed out, so I did not go very far.  It was dead calm and perfect for topwater.  Funny thing was, they did not seem to want it to  badly.  I caught 3 in the first hour but was not getting the kind of bites I wanted, so I switched to the bubble gum trick worm

I headed to the back end of a big cove, and caught 6 out of it.  There was only one problem, they were small.  That turned out to be the order of the day.  I cove hopped, working the channels back in them catching a couple here and there, all on the trick worm, using it weightless.


Stuck on this size all day.  But I am not complaining when you can boat over 20 in a long morning.

There were fish on the beds in all the coves.  And as it really heated up so did the wildlife.  I tried to get a shot of a hawk that had a squirrel, but just could not get close enough.  But the gators, and one of it’s favorite foods, the Nutria, were all out today.


This guy was a fattie.


Probably from eating this guy’s family.

It was one of those days when I caught them right along, I just did not get that big bite.  Some of those fish were in a foot of water in the grass.  It can be a hassle to fish but when they do eat, they usually smash it.  Off and on all day I mixed it up as far as baits went, and did manage to catch another one topwater, a dozen on trick worm, and 5 on Strike King Swim Jig.


They will hit the Swim Jig from now until in June.

Really as far as catching goes, it was an easy 20 over the side by time I called it a day.  So now the outside forces thing.  I quit at 1:30 so I could see the majority of the race.  That was also the reason I did not go to the Gulf, that would be on tomorrow’s schedule.  So I rush home, and it all went downhill from there.

First the race was postponed due to weather, why I went to Coleto and not the Gulf.  And the weather today was as good as one could hope for on the Gulf.  Then when I got home Chris sent me text, wanting to try crappie on Coleto.  We had talked about it a while back, and I have wanted to try it, so there is no time like the present.  See, the forces are conspiring to keep me off the salt.  I know I will make it back to the Gulf at least on Friday to wade with the boys from Austin.

Random Thoughts

I was flat out amazed when I got back to the ramp, there was the same Game Warden who checked me the other day.  Wow.  I have only seen one warden in all the time I have been fishing on Coleto.  Remember he got transferred here, and if this is how he works, we are lucky to have him.  So if you use Coleto be warned.  It looks like this guy is going to do his job.  And the only piece of advice I would give you as a retired attorney – Don’t Break the Law!  Get your license, tag your boat and trailer, use your running lights, have lots of life jackets, obey the limits.  If you do all this, and more, you will love the Game Wardens.  Most are great guys and this guy is no exception.  To bad I did not get his name, but it looks like I will be seeing him again.

I did pause to think about fishing for bedded fish.  For me, it is not something I do.  But of course over the last 40 years I have caught lots of fish that were bedding.  But in all that time I have never purposely set up on one and tried to take her off the bed.  Now I do not have a problem with folks who do, I just hope they put them back in as soon as they catch them.  I have always wondered if fishing for bedding fish in these huge tournaments was hard on the spawn.  It must not be to bad, Okeechobee in Florida is a perfect example.  It takes massive pressure and keeps producing.

And speaking of not breaking the law.  It is time to check your trailer nose to tail.  Just walk around it and make sure everything works.  And if it has been awhile, as in years, and you have no idea  the condition of your wheel bearings, fix them yourself or take it to the dealer.  From now until June I see trailers with axle troubles from here to Key West.  It won’t be the law that is breaking, it will be your trailer.  Think about it.

I promise I will make the Gulf shortly, of course it looks like it will be post front on Friday.  That has been my luck lately.  I do know one thing, if you like to fish shallow for bass, Coleto is the place to be.  I think they can be caught on about anything you are good at.

I appreciate your continued support.  So a big wade trip, maybe some Tilapia bow hunting, and some crappie.  Should be a good week.  Thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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