The Powderhorn 2/21/14.

Fish Catching Travel

I had a busy week this week, and finally after 3 days of doing stuff, I was able to get on the water.  The forecast was for winds of 5 – 10 mph out of the NE switching to the SE during the day.  With that forecast in mind the Powderhorn should have been a good option, to bad it did not work out.

It was immediately apparent when I headed down Magnolia Beach that the wind was blowing somewhere around 15 – 20 straight out of the North.  When I got to the ramp I knew I, or someone, had made a mistake.  The tide was really low, the water was muddy, and the wind was blowing right down the Powderhorn.


The wall at the marina.  They love to toss rods and reels into the  channel.  I just wanted to prove I actually was there.

The whole goal for the day was to put a couple of redfish in the boat.  It has been awhile since I whacked them, but today was not that day.  I fished for 4 1/2 hours without a bite as the wind howled right down the lake.  The only bite I got was a tentative pull on the spinnerbait, and not another bite the rest of the afternoon.

One of the things I love about the Powderhorn is when the water color is right you can see reds and cast to them.  And I did see one, unfortunately one was it.  And he was not even interested in the slightest.   And that was it – period.  What a waste of an afternoon.  Of course any day on the water is a good day, it’s just that lately my Gulf fishing results have been less than stellar.  But I will be doing something about that this week.

Why I would hate to be the weatherman.

I know it is bad form to blame the weatherman for my failures, but this wind thing sure does get old when it blows out of the wrong direction, or a lot harder than they forecast.  One thing I usually do is check the marine forecast but this time I didn’t, and it cost me.  There were plenty of other areas that would have been fine with that wind, so it is tough to blame the weatherman.  But somebody has to take the fall, and the poor weatherman is the logical choice.

Why I did not fish much this week.

After a fun trip to Coleto Monday it was time for a little catch up.  After getting back from the trip out West the car had a small oil leak.  The car had just been serviced in Austin before we left so I called them and took it in on Tuesday.  It was just a little bit of O ring stuck on the drain plug, a 1 minute fix, but a waste of the whole day up and back.

Wednesday I had an appointment with the eye doctor.  I have never been able to see worth a crap, and have worn glasses since the 2nd grade.  Of course my vision is not getting any better, that just comes with age.  So because I noticed a real decrease in the vision in the right eye it was time for a checkup.  So great, I have a cataract in my right eye.  And they want big bucks to fix it.  Let’s see, more tackle and more trips, or surgery?  I think you only need one eye to see your bait.  It is hell getting old.

Thursday I wanted to catch up on the house, yard, and a few other things that needed doing.  Now the reason I am telling you all this is Thursday looked absolutely fabulous for fishing, but I was being responsible. I was committed to catching up so I could hit the water free and clear.   So instead of a great day to be fishing I waited to go after getting a few things done.  And of course no good deed goes unpunished.

So there you have my week.  No great fishing stories, no cool pics.  It is amazing how times just keeps on ticking.  So with that in mind it is time to get after it.

I did forget to post this pic the other day.

008A big fat Nutria.

This guy was sitting on a nice warm rock, and did not move when we went by.  For the first year I fished Coleto I never saw a Nutria.  In the last couple of years I see them more frequently.  You can only assume the alligators love them.  So who knows if there are more of them, but they sure are showing up a lot more.

The plan to get right with the fishing world starts tomorrow.  My good buddy Jeffish and I are fishing tomorrow.  I plan on hitting Coleto Thursday with Jonathon, the young fisherman I met at Dick’s in Corpus, and then a day or two wading with the bunch from Austin.  That still leaves an extra day or two this week, and I will fill that on the water somewhere.

You make your choices and live with the consequences, and I made a couple of questionable calls late in the week.  This time of year the weather plays such a key role in the decisions we make.  A little more research concerning the weather and the tide would have led to a much better outcome.  We live and learn.

I appreciate each and every one of you.  So keep stopping in, I promise there will be some saltwater reports this week.  Thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Line


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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