Coleto Creek 10/21/13.

Fish Catching Travel

After a couple of days at POC that did not go nearly how I thought they would I decided to do some fishing on Coleto Creek this morning.  The day dawned cloudy with a light mist falling.  I was to meet Joseph, who’s wife I met at the bank, at the ramp as soon as he dropped his kids off at school’

So I stayed down lake and headed to the big coves on the left in the left hand arm to throw a little buzzbait.  As well as I had been catching them it seemed like a good decision.  I ended up catching 2 in the second big cove on the left along the weed line, actually both were inside the cove itself.  Neither was all that big, but both were willing.  I then had enough time to fish some main lake grass, and even though I had another hit, none came over the side  before he called me from the ramp.

After introductions, we had never met, we headed up lake, where the plan was to fish more buzzbait.  It was funny, as I pulled up the ramp and there he is, throwing a buzzbait from the ramp.  So with both of us thinking the same we pulled up on the first place up lake and did not catch a fish.  We fished a little deeper bank on the channel side and while I caught a couple of small ones, they just were not having it.  During the day I probably had 3 or 4 really good fish boil it without getting on.  In fact, the biggest one all day followed it all the way to the boat and blew up on it without getting anywhere near the business end.

001The only decent fish we managed to boat for the day, and he came on a buzzed Strike King spinnerbait.

During the morning we alternated between plastics, I threw a jerk bait, and Joseph kept tossing a crankbait.  Though we caught 3 on plastics, we kept coming back to the buzzbait.  To bad, it just was not the day for it.  I think as long as the lake continues to fall, it is probably not the bait of choice on Coleto right now.

About noon I decided to buzz that big bladed spinnnerbait and caught the one above and another close to it on the first 3 cast I made with it.  To bad that did not continue.  We worked our way back down lake and he did catch another on spinnerbait and one on a Bruch Hog.  It was just one of those days where we never did nail anything down enough to make a real pattern.

So after catching a big fish the last few times on the lake today was a reminder that it is still fishing, and no matter what you think may happen, often has not a thing to do with what does.  Today was the kind of day I anticipate all year, fairly calm, cloudy, and drizzling.  To tell you the truth I though we would smoke them today.  Oh well, days like today put you in your place to remind you that the best laid plans are not always the best.  And when it comes down to it, the fish are in charge.  We should have quit the buzzbait earlier and found the windiest bank we could find and kept with the spinnerbait.  We ended up boating 8 or 9 on buzzbait, 3 on plastics, and 3 on spinnerbait. No matter what I liked fishing with Joseph and hopefully we will be able to do it again.

I am going to watch a little Monday Night Football, and think about where I might go tomorrow.  Maybe Indianola, it has been awhile, and I would love to feel that big red smack the snot out of the Strike King Redfish Magic.  Guess I just have a thing for spinnerbait.  So thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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