Coleto Creek 9/30/13.

Fish Catching Travel

When I got up this morning it was cloudy and looked a little sketchy.  The weather forecast called for showers through the morning, especially on the coast.  So with that outlook I decided to head to the lake, though the plan was for Keller Bay.  The forecast later in the week looks great so it will be off to Keller on Wednesday.

I did not get to the lake until 9, nothing like a late start when I should have been out there at daylight, but you live with what you have.  I started off down lake and fished my way to the power plant.  I basically threw the book at them and had a total of 6 bites.  No where seemed to be the spot.  The first fish came on the watermelon red Senko style bait, but that was the only bite I got on plastics.

So I moved to some shallower grass flats and managed 1 on a buzzbait.


Not all that big, but when it is slow I will take him anytime.

With fall right around the corner it is time to find those fish on those big grass flats but this morning they just were not there.  I hit several points all the way to the creek near the power plant, throwing the Senko and buzzbait but slow is giving it a break.

At this point the wind quit and the sun came out.  It was completely flat so out came the topwater minnow.  I put 2 in the boat, both small, right across from the plant intake on that channel bank.  I also missed a couple more, but it seemed like they just were not biting.  So next I did something that reminded me of the old days when I would crank up the Champion and run 15 miles to try another place.  So I turned around and ran all the way up the other arm.

After a 30 minute ride I kept throwing the Senko and just could not seem to find the right bank.  The clouds returned for just a minute around 2 so it was back to the big grass flats.  I am keeping the boat in the deepest water on the outside edge and buzzing that bait over the tops of isolated heavy grass patches.  And it began to work.  So right in the middle of the day, barely a breath of wind, the fish began to bite.  Over the next hour and a half I put 9 more bass in the boat on buzzbait out of the grass patches.  They simply turned on.


This is why I throw the buzzbait in the fall.  This girl came out of an isolated patch on the end of a point and hit me with about 3 foot of line out.

Now are there other ways to catch fish on Coleto?  Of course there is.  In fact there may be a better way to catch them on those big grass flats.  With the water so clear right now a fluke may be a great choice, or even pitching a jig to them.  But no matter what you throw, the fish are in that grass.  It may take fishing several of them, and some seem to be completely bare, but when you finally get on one that has fish on it they are catchable.

We are still dealing with a lake that has fallen and seems to be even down a little from last week.  But fall is right around the corner.  The weather report says we may not even hit 80 degrees Sunday, and possibly even drop into the 50’s.  That should really begin to turn them on.  So I will be waiting and watching for the perfect set of conditions, a good cold front followed by a cloudy misty day.  If I had to pick one day to fish in the fall, that would be it.  We are almost there.

So all in all not a bad day.  I put 1 in the boat on plastic, 2 on topwater minnow, and I think 11 on buzzbait.  I was feeling like I made a mistake not going to the Gulf when I only had 4 at noon and it had cleared.  Then the bite was on, as usual you just have to keep doing what you know will work, and sometimes it actually does.  And according the weather tonight it was raining in Port Lavaca and on the coast so it worked out fine.

I told you last post it was time to fish, and catching that big fish today just bears it out.  Fall is one of the great big fish times and I intend to take full advantage of it.  And with a shark tournament coming up at the end of the month, and Falcon in the middle of November, there should be some great stories to tell.  So keep stopping in and I will keep telling what I know.  Thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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