Coleto Creek 8/26/13.

Fish Catching Travel

Sorry I have not posted in a few days, but I spent some time with my lovely wife, and waited for this weather change.  The change came slowly to Victoria, but we finally had a little rain last night.  When I got up this morning it was dry, but by time I pulled out at daylight and headed to the lake it was misting.

A nice mist or light rain, wind not to bad, how could you not catch some fish on topwater?  Well today they were not having it.  In fact, I did not have a bite on a topwater.  I stayed with it for about an hour, including in the place I caught the nice ones last week, but no luck.  So finally I went back to the watermelon red flake worm,  The one I have had the most success on actually looks like a Senko.  I am still fishing it with a 1/4 slip sinker Texas style, and it is still working.

Again the points in the 10 foot range seem to be the ticket.  I put a couple of small ones in the boat at the first point then moved to another as I headed up lake.  I stopped at one and when I was reeling it in a good one grabbed it, I set the hook and broke my line.  Not so hard to do when they hit it right beside the boat and you only have about 4 feet of line out.  Then a couple of casts later I put this one in the boat.


The last couple of good ones I have boated have been on the skinny side, not so much with this girl.  This was one solid fish, and it made the day.

I know you can not see the color of the worm that well, but it is a watermelon red flake.  For the last couple of weeks it has really been the ticket.  So after this girl I put another one in the boat, and that was it for that point.

The rest of the morning, I quit at 1:30, I put one in the boat here and there, just like it has been.  My total for the morning was 9, of which 3 were ok.  I did talk to a guy at the ramp who I see out there a lot and he is catching on a watermelon jig.  That seems to be the color right now.  One thing that is still consistent is, if you feel something set the hook.  I never felt the one above hit it, she just started moving away.  So it you lift up and feel something stop for a split second and see if it is alive, it may just be one like this.

Throughout the morning I continued to throw the topwater some without success.  I try to find new ways to catch them so I can tell you about it, but it has just been to inconsistent.  The fishing report on TV said there were fish being caught on a spinnerbait, so I gave that a try.  Now I did not just fall off the spinnerbait wagon, I learned from some of the best in the country in the 70’s, and I fish it often, but it just ain’t happening.  I did manage to put one in the boat on the first point I threw it on, and then nothing.  One of those deals where you pick it up, catch one in the first couple of casts, and then can not buy a bite.  If there are spinnerbait fish being caught I sure do not know how.

So it is still a matter of grinding it out on Coleto.  There are some good fish to be caught, it is just a matter of staying with it.  With the one I broke off combined with the 9 caught and probably 3 or 4 misses, it seems to work out to a couple of bites or so an hour,  Hardly fast fishing but when you can boat one like the one above every trip it is worth the effort.

When I got ready to quit the wife called and asked if I was getting wet.  Funny as I did not even have my rain coat on the last couple of hours.  She said it just poured at the house, finally.  We have missed the rain the last couple of days and it is so nice to see things wet, and it is still raining as I write this.  We sure need it and if we are lucky maybe we will get a couple of more days of it.

So with the forecast for more rain the next couple of days I will stay on Coleto.  The fishing is worth it, and it is hard to get to excited about driving an hour to the Gulf and then getting rained out.  Though it won’t be long as the Gulf reports are getting better and better.  So thanks for reading my stuff, I appreciate each and every one of you who stops in.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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