Coleto Creek 8/15/13.

Fish Catching Travel

We have all heard that the more things change the more they remain the same, and it is so true when talking about the bass fishing on Coleto.  It’s the same, only different, as my friend Michael would say.  The last 3 morning trips this week I have caught 7 or 8 bass every morning.  They have been on points near grass, but not the same ones every day.  There is no rhyme or reason as to what time the bites will come.  I have caught them right off the bat, and then later in the morning.  But one thing is constant, worms in watermelon red flake have been the ticket.

So we are talking about basically grinding it out.   I have caught as many as 4 off one point, then today it was 2 off one, 2 off another, and then 3 more here and there.  The one thing that is nice, the average size has been going up.  I am not sure why, I am still catching the same amount, maybe I just have narrowed the bait and the place down.  But either way, there are some bass to be caught in spite of this heat wave.

I started where I caught the big fish 2 days ago, and put the 2 below in the boat.  I did miss another one, but only had 3 bites there.  And like most of the fish have been, they were between 6 and 10 foot deep.


                           My first bite on the Strike King Recon Worm.


A nice fatty!

Since those 2 came on a grassy point leading into a cove, near the deepest water in the area, I moved to another point like it.  A small one came first, then this one.


Caught this one on a do nothing worm in watermelon red.

Since they seemed to be running a little bigger I decided to take some time out and try swimming the Strike King Anaconda.  It is a big fish bait, and with the fish positioned the depth they are I thought it would be a killer.  2 small fish, and an hour and a half later, it was not happening.  Those 2 small ones made me keep after it, but I am not sure they want the bait swimming.

I hopped a few other points when about noon, I had one smack it in about 10 foot of water in front of a small cove on a long deep bank.  I got the hook in her, and for the second time in 2 days the biggest fish came right in the middle of the day.


Another nice one on the do nothing style worm.

Sorry about the funny face, sometimes I wonder what I was thinking.  But this time was different.  When I went to lip her I leaned down and she must have tossed a cup of water on my face.  But ok, I still won that one.

The fish seem to want it hopped up, then letting it fall until it hits bottom.  I am using a Texas Rig, 1/4 ounce slip sinker, and 20 pound mono.  Basically it has boiled down to hopping points, and then tossing the worm into about 3 foot and working it out all the way to the boat.  About half the time they are there when you lift up, or are already swimming with it, and other times they tic it.  It pays to be a line watcher, but not matter what if you feel anything right now, set the hook.  It is one of those times when if you think it is a bite it probably is.  And in the time it may take you to process it, they are gone.

So not a bad run this week.  Conditions are tough, maybe tougher on me than the fish, but at least  I put a few in the boat.  I am happy with the size to, if you only get to catch 8, it is nice when half of them are good ones.

Big Arkansas Hybrid Something

Folks I want you to look at this perch/sunfish/bluegill, whatever.  Look closely, that is a full-sized Zara Spook that Clyde put there to give some context to how big that thing is.  My friend Clyde caught this fish out of 20 foot of water on Lake Norfork in Arkansas while bass fishing.  He says it is some kind of hybrid sunfish.  What ever it is, it is the biggest perch I have seen in my life.


What a fish!

One thing about getting out at daylight, you see lots of deer, hogs, and alligators.  Everyone is out and about before it gets to hot.


The deer have been out big time first thing in the morning.  Like me they are done by noon right now.

So there you have it for today.  This is one of those times when a pattern really is a pattern.  It may be somewhat confusing when they are not on the same ones at the same time doing the same thing, but grind it out.  It could be worse.  I could have a job.   With a little possible break in this heat I hope to get to the Gulf soon, I need a redfish fix.   So thanks for reading my stuff and keep those cards and letters coming.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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