Shark! 8/14/13.

Fish Catching Travel

Just thought all you shark lovers would like these pictures.  My friend Chris is really getting in to it, and his results are getting better with every trip.  In fact, we are planning to fish the Shark-a-thon on North Padre in October and it should be awesome.

Chris and his wife fished Matagorda early this week and here are the results.


A nice 71″ Bull Shark.


His lovely wife with a big ray.

The power a shark has is something to behold.  They usually fight like the devil, but with the right equipment they can be brought to the beach quickly for a quick photo and release.  Remember folks, an awesome creature like that needs to live and fight another day.  Keep one occasionally to eat if you want, but no dead shark photos unless they are headed to the pan.  I found a nice 6 footer floating in Coleto last year, dead, that someone probably caught and wasted.  So CPR and release, your children may want to catch it someday.

It looks like we may finally be getting a little break in the weather, at least it may sink to a high of 94 the rest of the week, with some chance of rain.  I have really been avoiding the Gulf fishing lately.  Being an hour away I just have not been feeling like driving that far, and then not fishing all day.  But it won’t be long, and with fall coming the great trout fishing is ahead of us.  I will take complete advantage of it when it does.

My friend Clyde called from Arkansas wanting to know when we were headed back to Falcon.  Of course my answer was whenever.  He reminded me that we were going to make it an annual trip about the same time, which was late fall.  I know the fishing is not what it used to be, but if memory serves me we caught 5 over 7 last time, and my brother caught 3 that weighed 22lbs on the same bank.  That may not be what it used to be, but I can live with those results anytime!

I guess I will hit Coleto in the morning.  After catching that big girl yesterday, I have a few other places I want to check.  It is driving me crazy to get back to that spot and see if there are more that size there, or was it timing, or going to a bigger worm, or …………   That is what  we fisherman do, make plans, try to figure them out, and mull over everything we did or did not do last trip.  If I had spent that same amount of time thinking about how to get rich as I have about fishing the last 50 years I would probably be rich.  Thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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