Coleto Creek 8/13/13.

Fish Catching Travel

Yesterday’s News

Yesterday was not a great day, but I will take it any day like that in the middle of the summer.  But as the old saying goes, “That is yesterday’s news.”  Now you would think that when the fish were as patterned as they were yesterday, with no change in conditions, that you would have no problem catching them the same as yesterday.  Wrong.

I decided to start on the point where I caught 4, and the biggest one, yesterday.  It was perfect, flat, sun coming up, not a soul in sight.  I worked that whole point for 45 minutes without even a bite.  I stuck with the same do nothing worm I have been using.  One thing I have noticed is fish chasing shad, especially at the lower end, and they were chasing out from the point.  I have not messed with them but I am sure they are catchable.  You just have to stop in the right place.

But back to today.  I fished 2 other places where I have caught a few and did not even have a bite.  Deep or shallow, it was not happening.  Then at 9 am I lost a big one on that worm and I thought that would probably be it for the day as far as a shot at a big one.  It was on a point with deep water nearby, which is what has been working for me.

I kept moving up lake and stopped at a timber point where the channel hits it, and ended up catching 3 fish.  The bass are still just sucking it in, so about half the time you feel a tic, the rest are there when you lift up.  This is one of those times where if you think it is a fish, set the hook, it probably is.  Next I fished on the bridge and caught a couple of more, still throwing the worm.  I did not take any pictures of them, but of those 5 probably 2 measured.

At this point it was about 11:00 but I was having bites everywhere I went, after not having a bite before 9.  Next it was a long channel bank up the river.  It is the deepest water there and has lots of cover on it.  It was time to try a little deep cranking, just to see if I could catch one.  I was throwing a Strike King 5XD when one jumped all over it.


Just wanted to show you the crankbait.  Sorry for the no shirt thing. but it was hot. 

I kept after it but after an hour I gave it up.  I thought when I got the one above it might be something, but it turned out not to be.  But I have caught at least one every time I have thrown it.  So off to another deep point with grass on it.  At this point I had changed to a Strike King 8″ Recon Worm in watermelon red.  When I hit the end of the point there is a cut coming out of the cove in about 12 feet of water.  So I heaved it out to come back along the channel, and as  I crawled it along I felt one thump the snot out of it.


Look at the head on that girl.  If this had been spring I am not sure what she would have weighed. 

It is so nice to be able to fish for bass in the hot summer time and have a reasonable chance of boating a good fish.  It was noon and probably 95 degrees at least.  After that it was one more place with the worm and then to the house.  I missed maybe one more, but the sun finally drove me home.  Next time I will throw that Recon Worm, it was interesting that once I changed to a bigger worm I caught a big fish.  The Recon Worm is ribbed like the old ringworm about half way down, then has the Anaconda like swimming tail.  It is bulky and moves lots of water.  As it is the first time I have tried that worm I will give it a more thorough workout.

I do want to add that I am using the Berkley scent on my baits.  When they are hitting as soft as they are right now, something tasty sure helps them hold on to it longer.  Which is real important if you are not feeling them hit it.

Today confirmed that there are still fish on the points, but it may be more a matter of timing.  They bit right off the bat yesterday, today not a bump before noon.  After that I kept petty much to the pattern, and managed to put 7 in the boat today.  And the one above added a nice bonus to the day.  It may simply be a matter of just point hopping and hoping you get to the right one at the right time.  There are fish to be caught right now on Coleto, it is just a matter of grinding it out.

I did want to give shout out to a reader in Kingwood TX and thank them for their kind comments, it is nice to know you are out there.  In fact, I appreciate all your feedback.  I do this for you, because if I was doing it for myself I would be taking a nap right now.  So keep those cards and letters coming and thanks for reading my stuff.  Who knows?  I just may head back to Coleto tomorrow, maybe catch another big one.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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