Coleto Creek and a few random thoughts. 8/10/13.

Fish Catching Travel

I thought I was heading to Fayette County on Thursday to fish with my friend Bobby but he did not get back from a trip to west Texas,so I decided to have a short morning trip to Coleto before the sun got to hot.

Of course I did not get an early start, not sure how I am managing to do that right now, but it happened.  I had not been in a while so I figured I would just hit some points with worm and see how it shook out.  Well it didn’t.

The first place I tried produced zip.  So I moved up lake to a timbered point and caught a small one right off the bat.  And that would be it for the next 4 hours.  I fished deep, shallow, plastics, crankbaits, buzzbaits, swim jig, and assorted plastics without success.  Some days it just does not pay to get up.

As the day wore on, the temp and humidity shot through the roof, and as a last resort I decided to try deep cranking down near the dam.  I caught another small one on a 6XD in the Tennessee Shad, and that was the size of it.  By then it was 1:00, and neither I nor the fish had any interest.  So giving it up, I put it on the trailer and headed to the house.

So I called it a week as far as fishing goes.  With the temps hitting a 100 degrees everyday it is just to tough to hang in there all day.   I guess Bobby went yesterday and when I talk to him I will see if he faired any better than I did.

I just got a text from Chris and there was a 11’4″ Tiger shark caught at the Packery Channel yesterday.  That is a shark, and actually a fairly dangerous one.  But what a battle that must have been.  I have a picture on my phone and I tried to text it to me, but it does not seem to want to work.  But it is one big shark.

You know it is hard not to get mad at the weatherman like he has some control over what happens.  But Wednesday he was talking the possibility of rain from Saturday thru Tuesday.  Boy was that wrong.  It looks like now we may be lucky to get any, and boy do we need it.

I have noticed one interesting thing, when you can fish whenever you want you might think you would go lots, and when the weather is half ok I do.  But right now in the middle of the summer doldrums that both I, and the fish are in, it is hard to get motivated.  So since there is always tomorrow, it is easy to put it off.  The only problem right now is waiting for the “right’ weather could leave you at the house until September.

After I wrote “It only hurts for a second.” I got this from one of my readers.  When Randy sent this to me it brought back memories from my old stomping grounds, the Ozarks.

“I have been following your reports and articles for a little over a year. It is  a joy to find a reliable report and good humor. I to have made some “smooth  moves”  around the water and in the woods. I was on TableRock in my first big  bass boat. 84 Hydrosport with a 150 merc. Back then I had a spinnerbait box that  would hold between 100 and 125 spinnerbaits. I had been fishing spinners at night and set the box in the middle of the bench seat. I decided to move to another location at daylight and thought the box was heavy enough to stay put. Running wide open down the lake I see the box lift up and away it goes crashing into the Merc and the box and all of its content sink to the bottom.”

Randy I feel your pain.  Funny how when you do something like that the minute it happens you just think to yourself, “That doesn’t surprise me.”  Thanks for sharing.

Surfing the fishing reports it looks like things are picking up on the Gulf this last week.  The reds seem to be making a comeback and there is the occasional big trout being caught.  But there are still plenty of folks who are struggling.  Nothing like summer.

So there you have it for today.  One thing about not catching fish is it is sure easy to write a report.  So after spending a couple of days with the wife it will be back at it.  As the temperature is supposed to be in only the MID 90’s, I need to quit whining and get back to it.  I do know I am headed to Lake Fork in a couple of weeks for some fishing, and maybe a small tournament, so maybe my luck will change.   Hope you are keeping cool and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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