Indianola and the Powderhorn 7/2/13.

Fish Catching Travel

Things have kind of conspired against me the last 3 days as far as any fishing goes.  But today I finally hitched the boat and headed to Indianola.  I was wanting to fish Keller Bay but the bridge is out and I could not figure out how to get there, so off to the Powderhorn.

Since I got a late start today I decided to get there at high tide and redfish.  My favorite time to fish reds is when the tide is first starting to drop until it is full out.  Today was perfect for that.

I started about halfway back on the north bank.  The water was just starting to fall this afternoon and I had high hopes.  I fished a long stretch of bank before I had my first bite.  As usual it may sound like a broken record, but if you want to catch redfish throw that Strike King Redfish Magic on the edge of the grass as the tide drops.  Run it at a medium speed and hold on.


        This was a good one.  Notice how far down she has that Redfish Magic.

I ended up fishing that north side all the way until the last big pocket by the bridge.  I put another small one in the boat, but they were just not there, and the water was dropping fast.  So I cranked up and headed to the big pocket in the front of the Powderhorn.

I started on the left side going in and worked that bank headed to the little drain in the back.  I put another small one in the boat, and missed a couple, which I think were flounder or trout.  Then I caught this one.


Not the bruiser the first one was, but he measured.

I caught the first one on a white Caffine Shad tail on the Redfish Magic, and when it finally ripped, I switched to a green, and this guy came on that.  When I got to the back of the pocket it was really shallow and flat, and there were mullet everywhere.  One word about bait right now, if there is no bait there are no fish, but if there is bait, there are usually some around it.

The water was only a foot deep, and I could not reach the bank even when I tossed it as far as I could, so I started concentrating on throwing around splashing bait.  And then it happened… not count your pictures before they are taken.  Here it was 2:30 in the middle of the afternoon, in real shallow water, and as the Redfish Magic got close to the boat a big, and I mean big, trout jumped it right in front of me.  I was already taking the picture in my head when she came off.  I think what happened was I just forgot to set the hook.  Oh well, it was a tough pill to swallow, she was a hoss.

So I decided to throw a topwater around the mullet schools, and that worked great.  Unfortunately I missed another big trout.  He just did not get it.  The fish were definitely up following the schools of mullet.  Then I caught another small red, missed a couple of more, when this girl jumped on.


Another really nice redfish.  And she blew up on that Super Spook Jr. in the bone color.

Over the next hour I think I put another 3 in the boat before I called it a hot day.  So not a bad trip for a few hours.  As far as trout goes I stopped on some birds diving when I moved from the back to the front of the Powderhorn and threw plastics.  I missed one, then put 2 consecutive gafftops over the side on a paddle tail.  Two things: First in our area it seems like most of the time you see the birds diving after the water warms up in our area, it is gafftops and lady fish.  Second, when you catch 2 gafftops on plastics it is time to move.  And one last word, if you can not make it out first thing, fish the tide.  Today was a perfect example, by being there when the water moved I caught fish.  So remember all is not lost if you can not get out early, remember, the best time to go fishing is when you can.

I really like fishing POC, it has a variety of options from the jetties to the back lakes.  Anything a saltwater fisherman could want is within a 10 mile run. But it is so nice some times to fish other places.  Today I saw 3 boats, and one of them was joyriding. There are lots of areas within approximately the same drive as POC from Victoria, and the experience can be so much better.  But that being said, I still love the POC area, and I am headed there in the morning.

Never Forger Who Your Friends Are

A few years ago I had a really serious medical condition that required a year of ugly treatment.  Sick, hair falling out, bed bound a couple of days a week, the whole stinking mess.  During that time I learned the difference between a friend and an acquaintance.  And the people who remembered me, and helped me, were not the ones I would have thought, of course family excluded.  In fact, one of my wife’s classmates did one of the most selfless acts in the world for us, and I will never forget it.  So they know who they are, and I want to thank them again.  And that leads me to this.

I have a friend right now who has had something happen to him that is as bad as it gets.  It has changed him and his life forever.  He has been my friend for several years now, and he will remain my friend no matter what.  So next time something happens to you, or to someone you know, remember who your friends are.  Some times it is just nothing more that just keeping in contact.  But whatever you choose to do, remember, they would do it for you.

And keeping with that I am so excited about this weekend.  My lovely granddaughter Mia, at the grand old age of 3, has discovered fishing.  She went with a friend to grandpa’s place in Oklahoma and actually caught a fish.  Her mom says she has been talking about fishing with me ever since.  So I got her a pink tackle box, some hooks and sinkers, and since she has a pink Barbie pole, we are in business.  So look forward to the video and pictures to come.

So with that off my chest, thanks for reading my stuff.  We are in the true summer doldrums right now, but there are fish to be caught.  So off I go in the morning way before I want to get up.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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