Coleto Creek and a few random thoughts. 5/27/13.

Fish Catching Travel

I got a chance to slip out to Coleto Friday morning early after I woke up at 4:30 and could not go back to sleep.  So in a half daze I hitched the boat and headed to the lake.  What I did not know at the time was I was sleep walking, and managed to go without my phone or my cameras.  Now I never hitch the boat without my video and still cameras, of course it is hard to have a fishing blog without the cameras, and it would turn out of be one of the biggest mistakes I have made in a long time.  So before I get to the fishing, here it is.

I was up lake throwing a buzzbait when I saw a small fawn walk out of the woods.  It was really little, maybe 25lbs, and covered in spots.  As it came to the water as I fished the bank I thought it was going to get a drink.  And then the most wonderful thing, amazing, touching,  scary, and anything else you want to call it, happened.

It hopped in the lake and started swimming directly for me.  I was flat out amazed as that little fawn swam all the way to the boat on a direct line.  I could not believe it!  And then it swam to the back of the boat and tried to get in on the motor.  Now I have seen a lot of stuff in my almost 60 years in the outdoors, but I was flabbergasted.  No camera, no video, not even my phone to take a picture.  It was kind of crying and trying to get in.  I absolutely had no idea what to do.  I just stared at it stunned.  Never have I seen such a thing.  So after a second I decided to shoo it away, what else could I do?  So it took off and headed across the lake, then I was really scared.

That area is loaded with alligators, and some of them are massive.  So I followed along behind a ways back, and hoped I would not have to intervene, and somehow that fawn made it all the way across the lake.  What a wonderful up close and personal experience.  What was it doing?  I do not have a clue.  But for the rest of my life I will replay it in my mind. I was so bummed out not having anything to record one of the most wonderful and puzzling moments I have ever experienced outdoors.  Just to damn cool!

The fishing was also pretty good.  I started throwing a frog and caught 3 or 4 small ones, but they were just missing it.  So out came the buzzbait and from about 9 till noon I put at least a dozen in the boat.  Now none of them were big, but half were nice fish I would love to have in a tourney any day.

Points that stuck way out with grass were by far the best and I took 4 really good fish of one in about 10 casts.  With the spawn over the points near channels should be holding fish for the next little while.  But summer is coming on and with it the fish will move to their offshore haunts.  But as long as they will hit shallow, I will stick with it.  With the lake coming up, and the mats beginning to form, the frog will come on like gangbusters.  I look forward to this time of year.  The frog over the mats is a heavy line, 20 mono at least, or braid, and heavy rod technique.  You have to be able to get them, and the 10lbs of grass that will be on them, out of the mat.  Last year I broke a rod in half trying to get a big one out, so tackle up.  And one note when fishing the frog, almost all of them get water in them, so every couple of casts be sure to squeeze it out and keep it high floating.  A big bass blowing hole in the grass is a sight to behold.  Just remember to give it a second before you set the hook.

But for the next little bit it will be the bay.  Let the weekenders hit the road and things will die down some.  I noticed some pretty ugly water with the winds and rain, and hope it will settle down some. And it finally is warm enough to wet wade.  There are lots of stingrays and jelly fish right now so wear boots and ray guards, and long pants to keep from getting stung.  Just be careful, and if you get a cut, get out.  It is just not worth getting the vibro.

I hope everyone had a good, safe, weekend.  We had a good time at the Astro game but boy are they horrible. I have been to 6 or 7 major league parks over the years and while the Astro’s is a beautiful place, they need some help.  When the best you can do when your starter gets in trouble is put in a pitcher with a 7.5 ERA (are you kidding me!), and then let him continue after he hits a couple of people and allows 6 runs in his second inning, you got problems.  And their designated hitter batting clean up had a .220 average.  That is the sorriest ball club I have ever seen, and I am a life long Cub fan, which should tell you something.  The ownership should be ashamed of themselves.  That was not a professional team, it was a bunch of AA guys.  To bad.  We would go back, but if that is all the better you can do, I sure as heck are not paying $56 a ticket, $8 for a beer, and $8 for crappy nachos, to see that bush league stuff.   Guess that is why there was only 18,000 on a holiday weekend.  Sorry.

I get a lot of emails from would be bloggers asking what and how I do it.  Blogging is hard, and easy.  I had no experience, and would not classify myself as a computer whiz by any stretch.  But I signed on with Host Gator and used the Word Press platform.  It has simpy been a matter of trial and error.  So if you ever think about blogging check out Host Gator, just remember the learning curve is steep, but with a little effort it can be done.

So it is back to the fishing.  Summer is here and the time is right for fishing the bays and I intend to catch that tagged redfish this year.  I could use a new truck and boat. Thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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