Caye Caulker Belize Game On 5/17/13.

Fish Catching Travel

When the captain of Team Nancy said what did I want for Christmas last year the answer was easy, to return to Belize.  Specifically to return to Sea Dreams on Caye Caulker.  Once that decision was made it did not take much to get my brother, Shoedog and one of my oldest friends, Clyde to come along.  My last trip I put 6 or 7 bones and Tarpon in the boat, most of them less than a block away from the resort.  What a place, a quick walk and you are in them.

Jeff and I made it without a problem, Clyde on the other hand was delayed for almost 3 hours and missed his connection with us.  It turned out they were waiting for some soldiers, so he had no complaint.  He handled it well, made the next connection to Belize City and then the last puddle jumper of the day to the island.

The island is great.  No cars, most of what we want is within a 5 minute walk.  The people are great and the food is wonderful.  We caught some supper, and then headed out to catch some fish.  We used a Sabiki rig to catch sardines and our intention was to drift the pass, which is right down the street and where I whacked most of my tarpon last time.  We were freelining them, but the wind was just to tough.  Oh well, tonite we will get them.  Before we quit we headed to their dock, which has a big population of wary bones and a few tarpon that migrate by at night.  Jeff ended up catching our first bone, and broke off a heavy weight.  Clyde and I both missed a tarpon and with that we called it a night.

I spoke with the guys who fished with Ken that day, our guide, and they caught 4 permit and had lots of shots.  The caught one well over 20lbs, what a beautiful fish.  When added to the 11lb. bonefish he caught earlier in the week you have one successful trip.  So the boys were excited when we all got up.  After a great breakfast which they make every morning, they were off to the dock to meet Ken.  While they were standing there Jeff caught his second bonefish.   So they loaded up and off they went.  I am really hoping at least one of them does something spectacular, and am looking forward to the pictures.


Clyde, Jeff, and Captain Ken.  Filled with anticipation.

Since the guide only takes 2, we are alternating, so I headed for the flat a half a block away, and they were there.  We are throwing a small 1/8th jig with a flats head.  They are made by Angler’s Ammo, and they work like a charm.  Add some 8 or 10 fluorocarbon and you are in business.


Here comes my first bonefish of the trip.  They are really fun to catch.

As soon as I got in the water a school swam right by me.  It was really windy and hard to see so I led them about 20 feet where I thought they were going, and he jumped it.  They fight so good, and when a good one runs it is a trip.  I continued to throw the jig and then caught another blind casting to an area I got them last year.


There number 2 gets a quick release.

Before I gave it up for the morning I got one more.  They are not big, though we are seeing some real honkers.  But boy are they fun.  For a Texas boy catching a bone is just something we don’t get to do, and I am thankful for every bite I get, no matter what the size.  It is just part of the whole experience and I can not wait to catch a tarpon tonight.


And here comes number three for the morning.

After I downloaded these pictures I went back out for an hour, but the tide was smoking with the wind making it really hard.  And the conditions hurt me when I lost the 2 I had on.  One was a real hooter and I did everything. right to keep him away from docks and poles, but guess I just did not get the hook set, same with the other one  But not to worry, we have only just begun to fish.

So keep stopping in.  I intend to post at least daily, and sometimes twice depending on how the guide fishing and the night fishing is.  What a place, and what an island.  If you ever get a chance Sea Dreams on Caye Caulker is worth the trip.  And to my lovely wife, wish you were here.  You know these boys, somebody has to take care of them!  Till later today.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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