Coleto Creek 3/22/13.

Fish Catching Travel

Sorry there has been only one post this week.  It is hard sometimes to sit down and put the day into words when you fished almost all day.  In fact, I would have fished later today but I wanted to be home in time to get this done.

The day looked perfect for bass fishing.  Cloudy with rain in the forecast, and just enough breeze to keep it interesting.  So I went to one of the longer bigger coves in the left hand arm and started throwing a topwater.  It took me a little while to catch one, but that was that last of that all day.  It just kept getting better and better.


The first one of the morning.

Even though I knew at some point I was going to catch them on topwater, the early bite was slow so I switched to a Strike King swim jig.  I had the skirt mess up on the one on my rod so I put this brown and silver skirt on the jig head, added a Rage Craw, and boy did they like it.


They were eating that thing.

For the next few hours I caught them almost everywhere I tried.  It was as simple as throwing it out there and reeling it along at a nice steady pace.  I caught them on a couple of main lake places, and in every cove I fished.  Now it was not really fast, just real consistent.  And so at this point I decided to take a lot more pictures.  And the fish did not disappoint.


This was a nice one.


                                            This one wasn’t that bad either.

Now during the day I threw spinnerbait some, and caught a couple,but it became pretty clear they were not interested.  So I just kept alternating between the swim jig and the topwater.  I just knew they were going to get on that topwater at some point.


I caught this one right before it started to mist and the wind quit.

I dream about days like this.  They kept biting and it got better on the topwater.  As soon as the wind quit the fish moved to the bank.  My best bite was up the river, but that was not the point.  The point was they moved up and started biting, it would not have mattered where you were, it was one of those days.  I was using that Bagley Bang O Lure right on top, just twitching it along.  And every third twitch I would pull it under a couple of inches, and they would roll up and hit it.  These next two pics are the same fish.


She rolled out of log in 2 foot of water and smoked it.


                     Same fish but blurry, to bad, this was one nice fish.

When  they moved up, they were shallow, and if there was a nice log or bush, it had a fish on it.  They really started about 4:00 and bit like crazy till I quit at 6.  Just twitching it along and they would roll on it.  Polaroids were a mandatory, but sometimes all you see is a boil.  Now is the time on Coleto for that topwater.  Big ones and little ones, they were all on the move.


This one jumped and carried on like someone had a hook in his mouth and was about to winch him in.

I was getting tired by now as I really did fish all day.  But I knew with the weather like it was we do not get lots of perfect days like today.  A real piece of advice about Coleto.  If you can go when conditions are like they were today, do it.  Looking back on last year, these were the best days all year.    So I kept after it and got one more reward for sticking it out.


This was one big fish.  I got to go home on this one.  Who knows what would have happened if I had stayed until dark.

The most I caught in one places was in the back end of a big cove on the swim jig.  I think I caught 8 in there.  From that point on it was simply a matter of keeping a bait in the water.  Spring time bass fishing is still one of my great loves.  And being able to get to be there when the bite is on is a wonderful thing.  With the moon coming it should only get better as the fish go to the beds wholesale.   And I met someone I know at the ramp as we were taking out and he caught one 7’13” on a jig and plastic.  The bite is on.

But it is time to head back to the Gulf for a few days.  It will be simply a matter of the wind.  So thanks for reading my stuff.  I know how lucky I am, and I appreciate every day I get on the water.    Keep stopping in and I will keep putting it down on “paper”.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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