Coleto Creek 3/19/13.

Fish Catching Travel

Normally I would have gone to the Gulf today as the winds were not to bad.  But last week a friend of mine who I have been trying to take to Coleto text-ed me and said he could go.  So Bobbie stopped by the house and off we went.

The forecast last night was for it to be clear and then clouds were to move in this afternoon.  The wind was supposed to be 8 -14 ENE, and they did get that part right.  It was exactly the opposite as the clouds moved in this morning, and were gone by 3:30.

One of the reasons I have wanted to take him is he does fish Coleto some, but never has really great luck with the bigger fish.   So the goal today was to try and catch some better fish, hopefully a big one.  The big one never came, but the fishing was good, and we had a good time.  And I did want him to catch one buzzing a spinnerbait and on a Swim Jig.


The first one on the Strike King Swim Jig.  Big head, no body.

Bobby started with a Strike King 1.5 in chartreuse, and I threw the swim jig.  There was no doubt after we put about 15 or so in the boat that the better fish wanted the jig.  Bobby stayed with the crankbait for a while longer, and then started throwing the jig.


His last fish on the crankbait.  I have told you all that the catfish are tearing it up on Coleto, this is the 6th or 7th on lures in the last few weeks.

As you can see the clouds moved in, and then the wind began to blow.  We headed to a really shallow bank in a cove with the wind on it.  I picked up a spinnerbait, and we put several in the boat over the next hour or so.


I love it when a fish like this smashes a spinnerbait buzzed right on the surface.

We were throwing a willow leaf #5 blade right on the surface leaving a big wake.  Now Bobby has never caught bass that way and he hung in there.  Running a spinnerbait that way is tricky, and you have to use it just right, but when you do it seems to attract fish like these.


On Coleto this time of year if you want to catch them on a spinnerbait, go to the real windy banks, run it fast, and hold on!

At this point I wanted Bobby to catch one so I moved to a point up lake with cane on it.  I will give him credit, he didn’t give up and go back to catching small ones on crankbait.  I image we caught at least 10 on it, and not a one of them was worth a hoot.


He finally caught a good one.  Notice how big the blade is on that spinnerbait.

We quit taking pictures at this point and got on with the fishing.  We tried some main lake places, a couple of coves, and a real deep bank.  Hands down right now they were in the shallow grass.  In some places you could not even reach the bank, and were sitting in 3 foot of water.  The next important thing today was wind.  Wind fish, no wind, no fish.  We fished way up lake and down by the dam.  And no matter what, it was the wind.  When we moved down lake, it began to clear and we fished the points and shallow bank across from the dock and behind the island.  I caught 3 or 4 keepers swimming that blue/black with a blue flake Rage Craw.  And finally after watching me whack several more on that Swim Jig, he got in the act.


Here was his first on that Swim Jig.

So all in all a good day.  We caught easily over 30, and on a whole bunch of stuff.  Crankbait, topwater, spinnerbait, swim bait, and swim jig.  But all day long the best fish came on spinnerbait and swim jig.  We could catch lots on crankbait, they were just small.  Heck, I even caught a crappie on a topwater today.  And Bobby was happy because he learned a few new tricks today that will help him catch more fish.  Hell, he will be an expert in a couple of weeks.  So if you get a chance, pass it on.

And more good news.  We went back in a small cove and it was full of small bass, there were several on the beds, and the tilapia were there making a mess.  So it is coming, and hopefully this little cool front coming in a few days will not mess them up to much.  And if you like to bowfish, it it time on Coleto.  It seemed like the tilapia were everywhere so a bowfishing trip is in order.  Hear me Jeffish?

And now for the obligatory alligator photos ……



I know, it is hard to get an action photo from these guys.  But I will keep trying.  They are just such an interesting creature.

Before I close, I did want to tell you about what happened the night we pulled the skiff out after we went catfishing.  As Jeffish pulled me out the whole winch broke off the trailer.  Now the boat was sitting fine, but it was not connected to the trailer.

Luckily we had extra straps and were able to tie the boat down for the trip home.  So if you read this, next time you head to the boat, walk around the trailer and take stock.  Bearings greased or oiled?  Tires got enough air?  Everything look ok with the lights and winch?  If I had looked the trailer over I probably would have notice the weld breaking.  So I will just add this to my other things I do before I leave the driveway.

So now I have a broken winch, but I think it can just be welded back on.  So I look in the phone book and find a couple of places on South Laurent St.  The first one I came to was Padilla Custom Welding.  I stopped, Paul came out, and I asked if he could do a little job and he said no, he had a big job with stuff coming in.  And then he took pity on me, looked at it, and said come on in and I will get you going.

Meanwhile the supplies for the job came, but he finished me first.  He did not have to do that, but he was kind enough to help me out.  I just wanted to publicly thank him for his consideration.  So he may be busy, but if you ever need any welding, and he does weld art also, stop in and see him.  He is a gentleman and an artist.

Padilla Custom Welding, 2805 S. Laurent, Victoria.    (361)935-5737.

So thanks for reading my stuff.  I try to tell you like it is.  Some days you eat the bear, and some days the bear eats you.  Today we ate a little of the bear.  The only thing missing was a big fish.  But that is ok, gives me a reason to live for tomorrow.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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