Coleto Creek 3/15/13.

Fish Catching Travel

Catfishing – Something a little different.

I have been telling you for a couple of weeks that the catfish are moving at Coleto.  I think we have put 5 or so in the boat on lures, and I had one each day the last 2 trips follow a lure to the boat.  Now that is active.  So practicing what I preach my friend Jeffish and I decided to head to the lake.

Armed with #4 + 6 trebles, slip corks, night crawlers, and punch bait, we headed for the outflow in the left hand arm near the little park and ramp.  We anchored the boat right on the bouys, without tying on to them so we could throw over them.  The channel coming out of the discharge is about 10 foot deep in the middle and there is a nice ledge running about 3 -4 foot where it drops into the 10.  So we set up where we could throw along that edge.

The best depth was about 4 1/2 feet on the sliding cork to a small treble.  The treble with the spring held the bait much better than a plain treble.  Then it was a simple matter of twisting the hook in the punch bait and tossing it out there.  Jeff had a couple of hits pretty quick, then caught the first one.  Then he broke 2 off in a row right at the hook, seemed like it was bad line.  Then I proceeded to catch 6 and lose one trying to lift him in the boat.

We ended up keeping 7, of which only 1 was small, the rest were nice 2+ pounders.  They all came from inside the buoys, right were the channel came up on the flat.  Clearly re-baiting often helped, and the ones who wanted it, ate it.   We only got one  bite on crawlers, all the fish came on the punch bait.

Right now I believe you can got to either out flow and catch them.  The ones we have caught bass fishing all came from or near points with grass and timber.  So if I was looking for somewhere other than the out flow, I would go to the mouth of a big cove, on a the point with timber and grass, and anchor or tie off in about 10 feet.  I would try to position the boat where I could make casts shallow and deep.  Then it would just be a matter of finding the depth, and then setting your cork to it.

We ended up quitting before dark with 7 nice ones.  Sorry about no pictures, but the ones I took at the cleaning table were to blurry to make you suffer through.  But it was nice to do something a little different.  If I was wanting to take a kid fishing that would be the first thing I would do, take them to the out flows and fish punch bait.  It is clearly not rocket science.

We took the dog for a walk in the park this morning, and I always take the camera so if a Whitetail presents itself I am ready, and as usual we saw a bunch.  So I leave you with a couple of deer as I say thanks for reading my stuff.  It is going to be a fun week so keep stopping in and I will have some new stuff.



                                                        Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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