Coleto Creek and Strike King 3/8/13.

Fish Catching Travel

Strike King Lure Company

Those of you who read my stuff know that I am a big Strike King fan.  Being in Northwest Arkansas for years I had always used their stuff, and over the last year I can contribute some of my better fishing success to their products.

I have put a ton of trout in the boat with the Rage Shrimp, and I love the way you can catch literally dozens of trout on one, it is one tough bait.  And there is no better spinnerbait than the Redfish Magic.  When it is time to put some reds in the boat there is no better bait.  And I have put big bass in the boat on Falcon, Fayette, and Coleto on their crankbaits.  Just this week I caught them on the Strike King Red Eye Shad.  And of course as you know, I love to throw that Strike King Swim Jig.  And yesterday it was driven home to me again how much it really makes a difference if you like to swim jigs.  But more on that later.

So it gives me great pleasure to let you know that I am now receiving a lure sponsorship from them.  And how easy is that for me.  I love their stuff and use it, it works plain and simple.  Of course I will keep telling it like it is, and whatever I catch them on is what I will post.  But by the same token I will tell you  to buy their stuff.  KVD, Shaw Grigsby, Greg Hackney, and all the rest have proven that it works.  Soon I will have a link on the page so when I use something you can slide over and check it out.

So I would like to thank Aaron Fite for helping me out with that, and Strike King for letting me come on board.  It gets expensive to keep fishing so I can keep posting, and every little bit helps.  It is going to be another great year and this is a fine start.

Coleto Creek

As you know Wednesday I had the worst day fishing I have had in a long time, and that was my fault.  Thursday it was the fishing show in Houston which just renewed my determination to catch some fish.  We again were projected to have high winds Friday, and surprise-surprise, and it did not disappoint.

I am just getting over a big cold, and also a couple of the crappier fishing days I have had in a long time.  I have been whining lately  because for some reason I do not control the weather, the fish have given me a hard time, and I was sick for over a week.  So it was time to put on my big boy pants and quit acting like a girl.  (No offense to any woman who picks up a rod and fishes.)  So Thursday I decided to fish Coleto like it was tournament day.  First I wanted a limit, and then the plan was to finish it off with a good kicker.  It worked like a charm, and reminded me that we often just head out and fish, but sometimes a little thought and planning can make all the difference.

The last few trips I have caught fish in shallow grass patches, and on flat banks with grass, on the Strike King Red Eye Shad and a Bomber Model A, both in a crawdad color.  Some of those places were real shallow, so I put my thinking cap on and went through the crankbait box.  I found a shallow running, to 4 feet, crawdad colored balsa crankbait.   With a heavier line, and a steady retrieve, it stayed right above the shallow grass.  So keeping the boat in 6 – 7 foot of water, and throwing to the bank, I caught a limit and a few more retrieving it at a medium speed.  It took me a little while to weed through the little ones, but I probably limited by about 10:30.

The average size of the limit on that crankbait.  Part 1 of the plan.

No do not get me wrong, of course I threw a spinnerbait some, the topwater Bang O Lure, and a swim jig some.  I probably caught a dozen on topwater and a dozen on crankbait, with the crankbait producing the better fish early.  This time of year the best bite is almost always late morning into the afternoon, and it was the same yesterday.  The fish bit really well from about 10 until I quit at 3.  So now that I caught a limit it was time to hunt for some bigger fish.

I headed to a deep channel bank with brush on it to throw  a swim jig around some lay downs.  I really like the 1/4oz. Bluegill with the Watermelon Red Rage Craw.  And I want to take a minute to say a little about the Strike King Tour Grade Swim Jig, it works.  You find the fish shallow, and they will eat it.   And it is so easy to fish compared to jerking and cranking.  Just toss it to the bank and reel it back, hopping it a time or two off the bank in case one is tracking it, or give it a little jerk when you hit the grass.   If you have not tried one yet, give it a go, it is fun.  Tossing it into a tree and reeling it out produced one of those slack line hits, and her she is.

Not a bad fish, it really would have helped with the weight if I was actually  fishing a tournament.

A little while later I broke one off on my last Swim Jig I had in the boat.  I threw another brand without success so it was time to change tactics.  My fake tournament life was looking up as  I went from about 11lbs to 15+ with that one fish.  So now it was time for my favorite pattern on Coleto in the spring, topwater minnow fishing.   Of course you have read how much I love to catch fish on that thing.  They were hitting it some about a month ago, but had slacked off with the continuous fronts we have been having.  But with the sun and warm temperatures Thursday I knew they would be moving.

Next it was a flat shallow cove up lake where I have caught spawners before.  The most important thing about fishing that topwater this time of year is that you need to be in a calm spot.  And it is not so much that they hit it better, that is just where it is usually the warmest.  I  caught some of my biggest bass last year fishing this pattern on Coleto.

I started in the mouth of the cove on the first secondary flat point with grass on it.  Right now that is the prime spot for early moving pre-spawn fish.  I made about 3 casts when this happened.

My first really big fish of the year.   One of those girls that the picture just not do her justice, she was a hoss.

She came out of 2 foot of water and smoked it.  I have fished that Bagley Bang O Lure for 25 or 30 years, and it is one of my favorite clear water baits.  There is nothing more awesome than seeing a pig like her roll up and take it while it is under water, a thing of beauty.  It often seems like a dream because you see it all – to cool!

As I have said before, the balsa minnows work better for me when jerking along the top.  And the thing about balsa minnows is they are lighter and “faster” in the flash, making for a finesse bait.  You have to trick them.  Right now it is just a matter of jerking it under about 6 inches and then letting it come up.  Just jerk it along and watch closely, especially this early as the majority of them take it under the water, and almost none of them hit it while it is sitting.  As the day warms they want it moving, so try to make a small pop like a real shad does on the surface.  And remember, if you get in an area where the shad are popping, grab the topwater quick, there will be fish there.  Post spawn, and as it warms up, they might want it the old fashioned way, twitched and then letting it rest, but not this early.  From now through the spawn, move it right along and keep your wits about you.

I went back and read some of my old posts and they were eating that Bang O Lure up this time last year.  We are just a little behind right now, but over the next month Coleto should be on fire.  And with Bagley bringing the foil black and silver Bang O Lure back, grab one, you will not be sorry.

It was a good day.  After weeks of high winds and so – so fishing I was determined as ever to get it right, and I did.  If you love to fish the time is now.  The bays will get hopping, the lake is turning on, and it is all good.

I have been putting off re-working my site to make it easier to read and navigate, so I intend to spend a little time working on it this weekend.  You will be able to find the fishing reports in the right place instead of having to read through all the post pages.  And with a little bit of effort properly tagging the posts you will be able to easily search if you want to read some of the old stuff.  This started off as nothing more than a little way to document my fishing, now I do it for you.  And maybe in some small way I can help you put more fish in the boat.  I want to thank you all for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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