Random Thoughts 2/26/13.

Fish Catching Travel

Sorry I have not posted for a few days but a couple of real important things came up and I was out of town.  My wife’s birthday was the 24th so we loaded up and drove to Oklahoma City for a couple of days.  We had tickets to the Thunder game against the Chicago Bulls, and of course I got to spend some time with my daughter and granddaughter.

The game turned out to be a dud as far as excitement goes, the Bulls forgot how to put the ball in the hole, and the Thunder just blew them out.  By the 4th quarter the Thunder was up by 25 and it was over.  So it was a good win for them, but it would have been nice if the game would have been a little better.

But the upside was seeing my granddaughter Mia.  She is 3 and is really growing fast.  The time goes quickly, and she is getting bigger everyday.  So a good time was had by all.  To add to the confusion my parents were here at the house while we were gone, as my mother had a conference in Corpus.  We got back last night, and will get to spend a little time with them before they head back to Arkansas.

What a catch.  Better than any fish picture I could ever take!

So back to the fishing.   As you know from the last post I met Todd and a couple of his friends on Thursday for some fishing.  One of the guys caught this red, it was a 28 1/4″ so  back in it went, but he was just happy catching it.

Orlando’s good redfish. 

The boys ended up fishing 3 days and it was tough.  One thing about this time of year it is so hard to set a date in advance and not have the weather come in to play.  They stuck it out, but  never did get it really going.  I can sympathize.  Before I moved here I came down in February with a friend and not only was it a tough time, it actually snowed.  We ended up having to tow the boat back with ice and snow the whole way home.  Oh the weather gods, sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes he eats you.  If you want to read more about the rest of their trip here is the link to Todd’s report on austinbassfishing.com.


I get a lot of emails asking what platform I am using and what host.  I use WordPress, which comes with the host.  I use HostGator.com.  They are reasonably priced and provide good support.  They handle my domain registration and make it easy for someone like me to produce this blog.  One thing I can tell you is that it is way more work than I ever thought it would be.  I don’t want to whine, but it is tough to fish all day, then get home, download pics and video, and then write the blog.  But the rewards are great if you have the fortitude to just get it done.  There has been nothing more satisfying than to get the feedback from you readers.  In my wildest dreams I never thought 45,000 people would visit my site, and it is still growing.  So keep those comments coming.  I read every one of them and try to answer all I can.  Some things fall through the cracks, but if I missed you, accept my apologies as it was not intentional.

My fishing life will return to normal now.  On the way home from Oklahoma yesterday the wind blew about 40 mph+ and there were several big trucks blown over on the tollway around Austin.  Today it has settled down to a nice leisurely 20 mph, and I will be fishing for the next couple of days.  So keep stopping in, who knows, I just my catch the fish of a lifetime on my next cast.  It is what keeps us all fishing.  Thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines.

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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