Coleto Creek 2/6/13.

Fish Catching Travel

Day 4 of 5 places in 6 days.

So here I sit at the house.  I was up at 5 ready to go and of course it had been raining all night.  I finished the POC article below, tried to download the video, and then looked at the local radar.  It appeared that the front was going to clear up for a little while at least.  Well, I must have been looking at France.  So if you are looking for the POC post it follows this one.

So I switched the tackle from saltwater to fresh, made sure I had a charge, and off to Coleto I went.  I just wanted to put at least one good bass in the boat but it was not meant to be.  When I got there it was raining hard, and even though the radar forecast had it out of here for a while, it was not to be.  I called my brother at home, and he checked the radar, and said put it on the trailer, it isn’t going to stop.

So here I sit.  Oh the best laid plans of mice and men.  But of course there is an upside, it is pouring.  We need the rain.  The only problem with that is I was headed to the river to do some trout fishing, but with this amount of rain that will be out.  So I guess I have to come up with a new plan.  Life is tough.

While I was waiting under the cleaning table at Coleto a nice gentleman from the campground walked over to talk.  He comes from New Mexico and stays several months each year.  He reported pretty consistent bass fishing, which is what he does.  He has been catching them on crankbait, spinnerbait, and yesterday on the Fluke.

But there was one problem yesterday.  As he headed down a bank someone in a big fancy bass boat just plain cut him off.  Now I have encountered this quite a few times.  It is interesting how people cut in front of me much more when I am fishing out of the skiff.  Is that behaviour based on the assumption that if you do not have a $50,000 metal flake hydro blaster that you are not bass fishing?  Is it just the I am better than you so move over?  Either way it is wrong.

You can never make assumptions about people and their fishing just by looking at them.  Bass fisherman come in all kinds and flavors, and they fish from all kinds of platforms.  A big sack can come over the side no matter what a person is fishing out of.  In fact, that guy sitting in the aluminum boat may be in the process of whacking them when he is cut off.  So give folks a break.  There is plenty of water for us all.

I really appreciate the following sites for letting me post my reports.  If you have never visited them, please give them a try.  There is good fishing information on all of them, and I have met some really good folks through networking on fishing sites.


Texas Fishing Forum


Strike King

Austin Bass Fishing


The World Wide Fishing Club

2012 Favorite Pictures of the Month

So today I took the time to look back on my pictures.  So here is my favorite for each month in 2012.


My first big bass of the year.


A nice one the day my brother and I caught a ton on topwater on Coleto.  I caught 3 that size that day.


A Fayette Fattie.  I love that lake.


Shoedog’s 20lb. Redfish on 8lb. line at POC.


One of longest skinny reds I ever caught.


One removed from my bucket list – what a battle.


I will always remember this one, this is a “red” fish.


Africa – need I say more.


It just reminded me how many sunsets and sunrises I saw last year.  I am a lucky man.


The first good one on our Falcon trip.


Finally got to take one of my oldest fishing buddies to Falcon.  He caught this one 3 days after I caught the one above.


Now that was a flattie!

These are not the best, or the biggest from last year.  They just mean something to me.  It was a great year, and this year is starting off with a bang.

So come back soon, in fact later today I will have the Keller Bay post done and up.  There is a nice redfish video.  So thanks for reading my stuff.  I appreciate each and everyone of you who stop.

Good Luck and Tight Lines.

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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