Duck Hunting 1/23/13.

Fish Catching Travel

Day 1

In spite of my best laid plans to do a little fishing the last week, several things got in the way.  And then Chris managed to get a hold of me asking me if I wanted to do some duck hunting this week.  As usual when I asked what time, he replied his house at 3:30.  Folks he is crazy about being on time, but with fog in the forecast, we knew it would take a little more time to get to the area he wanted to hunt.  But for me, it was the chance to take my first ride in an airboat.

So I was up at 2:30 heading to his house.  When I went to toss the gun in his back seat there was someone in full camo sleeping there.  I was surprised, but it was his wife Adriana who hunts with him regularly.  So off we went to Seadrift.  We put in at the ramp and headed off to Mission Bay.

The ride was not as bad as it could have been.  With the track in the GPS, and a little caution, we made it there in time to set up and wait on the ducks.  We saw lots of ducks in the first hour who were not even a little bit interested in our spread.   They were flying high and fast.  Occasionally a few would drop in, but they just were not acting right.  We managed to kill a couple, but it was slow.

Chris checks the weather, his wife catches a couple of z’s.

Chris decided we needed to change the spread some, so we positioned the decoys off to the sides of the blind, and they sstarted coming in a little better.  Now I wish I could blame it all on the ducks, but as an example of our shooting, when four Pintails come right in on us, cup their wings right in front of us, and begin to set on the decoys, and we miss them all, it sure is not the ducks fault.  So for the morning we ended up killing 5, and it should have been several more.  But hey, no problem for me.  Everyday I am thankful I get to live this life full of little adventures.

The lovely Adriana with the mornings ducks.  (Nice fingernail paint girl.)

But in spite of only killing 5, it was a great morning.  Having never taken a ride in an airboat, I was impressed and immediately realized the practical use of them on the coast.  But of course, I really liked the airboat because for a redneck like me it was cool.  When we stopped for lunch Chris said something about maybe hunting the next morning.  With his work schedule it looked like it would be the last chance for him with the season drawing to a close.  As this would be his 5th day in a row I was impressed he was ready to stay with it, and of course I was all for it.

Day 2

2:30 came a whole lot easier today.  It helped that I was so tired from yesterday that I hit the sack at 8:30 the night before, so got plenty of sleep.  I met Chris at his house and off to Charlie’s Bait Camp we went.  Today we were headed to a back lake in what I think was the Pat’s Bay area.  It was not near as foggy today and we made good time.  As we headed out the cut to the bay we scard the crap out of a deer standing in the water, which was cool.

Of course, as we headed through the shallow channels into the island I really got a good feel for what the airboat could do.  We stopped in a small lake where Chris had hunted a couple of days earlier and set up.  We had some good mangrove cover, and the set up was right for the wind. And in they came.

For the next couple of hours they came in perfect, right up wind into the opening in the J spread.  Now they did not come in big bunches, it was more one or two at a time.  So the shooting was good.  Our set up was perfect, the weather was great, and it was a good time to be outdoors.  It helped it was a nice hard bottom, that getting stuck in the mud is all it is cracked up to be.

Here I am, the mighty duck hunter.  Seriously, I am really beginning to like the sport, and intend to keep doing it.

As we were getting ready to call it a day, Chris shot a Wigeon that tried to make his escape.  He headed all the way across the lake and ended up finally killing him on the far bank hiding in a Mangrove bush.  I have always been impressed with his determination to get a wounded duck.  He is a real credit to responsible hunting, and I am glad I have learned what I know from him.  But back to the story.

He was across the lake when an airboat in another part of the marsh must have scared up a bunch of Redheads, because here they came.  I had several bunches, including one of maybe 50, come to the spread one after another.  It was way cool and my first experience duck hunting where lots and lots of ducks came barreling in.  As you know if you read my stuff I am still a newbie to the sport.  Consequently I am freaking out trying to decide if any of them were shooters.  So I never fired a shot, but it was awesome to see.

So a great couple of hunts.  Nothing like getting up at some obscene time, driving across the bay in the when it is dark and cold, and then laying on the wet bank in some bushes.  What more could an outdoorsman want!  Of course after a long day there is still cleaning the boat, the stuff, and then the gun.  But it all comes with it.

Random Thoughts

Now it is back to some serious fishing.  The weather has been great, the winds low, and it looks like the trend will continue for the next week.  The bass will be in serious pre-spawn, and it is so time to catch a big trout.  I hope to make it south for some serious trout action next week, and have all the good intentions to fish for a big one.  Hopefully I can keep my eyes on the prize and not settle for just catching fish.  To catch really big fish, you have to target big fish, and the methods for catching them is often different.

My phone.  I hate my phone.  I have been through 3 phones in a little over a year.  I always used the cheap flips because I am a known phone abuser, and they seem to get destroyed one way or the other.  So last time I bought the only thing they had that was close to what someone like me needs.  And for the last week it has been acting crazy.  Maybe some day some will make a phone that works for people like me and you, at least those of us who spend most of our life wet for one reason or another.

Every time I hit the water I have the best intentions to at least shoot a little video.  Of course I messed that up the last couple of times.  I guess they are not kidding when it says in the book the battery will lose power in the cold.  That is what I get for leaving it in the truck or boat for days when it is cold.  Time to make a new plan in that area so that I can share some of this stuff with you.


Here is my new logo.  After lots of revisions, and plenty of comments from family and friends, I decided on this one.  So of course that means one thing, it is time to revamp the site.  I have talked about it for a while, a I guess now is the time.  So the first time we get some really crappy weather I will start.  I want to make it more user friendly.  Just one of those things that I just have to put on my big boy pants and get it done.

And I would like to thank my friend Jeffish and his graphic art class.  They had a little contest to help me out with this project and I am very happy with the results.  Sorry I can not thank the young lady that won, as soon as I know her name I will let you know.  Thanks all.

Big Rant!  Eagle Electronics Sucks!

You have heard of planned obsolescence?  This is intentional obsolescence!

Talk about one big PO’d fisherman, I am it.  My Eagle graph, which is now a little over 3 1/2 years old has been acting up.  The pages screen comes on, then it beeps and flashes and carries on making it un-useable.  So I take it off the boat and pack it up, call Eagle/Lowrance to get the shipping information for repair, and get ready to send it off.

Well guess what folks, they now refuse to even repair their own product if it is over 3 years from the date of purchase.  WTF!  I have read repeated online rants from folks who have had trouble with their service, well now I know why.  What they are basically saying is that not only do they not stand behind their stuff, they won’t even touch it.  How can that be?

I have used their products with fairly good success for 35 years.  But this is ridiculous.  So if you intend to buy any of their products be sure to do the following, divide the purchase price by 3, and that will tell you the potential cost of using their product.  What a f’n rip.

So when I buy a new one, and I will soon, I will check with the manufacturer as to their current policy.  But either way I will NEVER buy a Lowrance/Eagle product again, and I would encourage you to do your research before you buy from a company like this.  Why would I purchase a fairly expensive item from a company that does not give one crap about me as a customer.  Just my .02 worth.

So thanks for reading my stuff.  Again I apologize for not posting for a week, it won’t happen again for a while.  Now is the time to fish.  So try to make time to go.  But remember, it is not a contest.  It is not about who catches the most, or has the best spot, but it is about sharing our love and knowledge with others.  Spending quality time in the outdoors is not time subtracted from your life.  So share it with a family member, or take someone you have not fished with yet.  The outdoors is a real treasure, and when you share it with good folks, everyone benefits.  So take someone fishing.

Good Luck and Tight Lines.

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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