Duck Hunting 1/5/13.

Fish Catching Travel

After a day at Coleto that I would rather forget, it was off to duck hunt with my friend Jeffish’s moms boyfriend John.  That was a mouthful.  John has a few ponds on family land, and he said there were lots of ducks coming first thing in the morning, and he was sure right.

Our party consisted of John, Patrick, I, and one of John’s good friends , sorry I forgot your name, who were the shooters.  Jeffish was going to film some with the GoPro, and Jeff’s mom and Patrick’s wife were along to watch.  After a short walk across the pasture, we were at the pond.  We set up on the pond bank where the cover was the best, and also the wind, as most of the ducks came from the side and the back.  The other folks were watching in some grass off to the side.

Even though it was raining, cloudy, and the wind was blowing, right at shooting time they started coming in.  Groups of a few, usually 4 or 5, would maybe make one pass, and then in they would come.  There was no need to call. And for once, I actually got in the game.  Might be the fact that I got the right choke in the gun, but maybe I am just getting a little better with the live practice.  But either way, every body got to do plenty of shooting.

Here is our limit.  See if I can get this right.  Patrick, John, Me and Ron.  Sorry if I got anyone wrong. 

I just got done eating gumbo from some of these guys.  Mmmmmm Good!

A nice shot of Patrick, a happy hunter, and a few ducks. 

So a good time was had by all.  We all got plenty of shots and everyone was a good guy to hunt with.  It was nice to meet everyone and share a great hunt.  And the weather could not have been better, especially if you like laying on a wet pond bank at 42 degress, but maybe the better  reason was, it was duck weather.

So a big thanks to my friend Jeffish for asking, and his mom’s boyfriend John for having me.  Not only was the company good, so was the hunting.  And I learned a few more things to add to my limited duck hunting knowledge.  We did shoot some video, and I had it almost loaded when there was technical problem.  So stop in soon, I should have that video up by tomorrow.

So thanks for reading my stuff.  Tomorrow it is off to the Gulf for a cast and blast.  In our case we will blast first, then cast, and if we get lucky who knows, we may even sack a few trout.  Folks it is the best time of year to get out, it is not crowded and the fish are biting.  So get off the couch and go pursue whatever it is you like to chase.  Time to get while the gettin’ is good!

Good Luck and Tight Lines.

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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